“It’s Like Coming to Heaven,” Pastors, Journalists and Believers Fill Out Shincheonji Guri Church for Revelation Seminar

by - 08:37


Head lecturer Chang-hoon Kang is giving a lecture at a Bible seminar held at Shincheonji Guri Church on the 16th

Throughout South Korea, Shincheonji Church of Jesus opens it doors to provide Bible-based lectures, centred particularly on the Book of Revelation, to address existing misunderstandings and prejudices about the teachings of Shincheonji among the wider Christian community and to foster deeper ties with pastor, believers and everyday citizens.

Recently on the 16th, the Shincheonji Guri Church held a seminar on the Book of Revelation to an audience of journalists, pastors, politicians, believers and congregation members in attendance.

Head lecturer Chang-hoon Kang began his lecture with the topic, “The Book of Revelation: The Warning and Promise of Salvation.” He said, “The Book of Revelation is a book that records God’s final history. Although it is only 13 pages long, it is a book that records in detail God’s purpose and the events of Jesus’ second coming.” He added, “Shincheonji Church of Jesus considers the Book of Revelation, which contains warnings and promises of salvation, to be important.”

Head lecturer Kang said, “God gives us a warning and at the same time opens the path to salvation. The standard of faith is not human judgment, but God and the Bible.” He urged everyone in the world, whether believers or not, to listen to the words of Revelation.

Pastor Kim, who attended the seminar, praised the message from the sermon, saying, “I have been a Presbyterian believer since I was young, and I also studied theology in college, but I have never heard a word as complete as the words of Shincheonji Church of Jesus.” He added, “Today’s message is a word of life that truly saves souls.”
Source: https://vo.la/tCViIB

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