'The Fulfillment of Revelation I Have Witnessed': Chairman Man-hee Lee of Shincheonji to deliver online seminar on 13th August
[Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Hye-ji Lim] 'I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches.' - Revelation 22:16
Chairman Man-hee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (hereafter, Shincheonji Church of Jesus) will hold an online seminar on the theme 'The Fulfillment of Revelation I Have Witnessed' at 10am on the 13th. At a time when Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ introductory, intermediate, and advanced seminar series are gaining popularity not only overseas but also among pastors in Korea, Chairman Lee is addressing the direction the Korean church needs to take through this testimony of the fulfilment of the book of Revelation, and the prophecies of the Bible. The purpose of the upcoming seminar is to proclaim what has been fulfilled.
In this seminar, Chairman Lee will make known that Jesus is fulfilling the prophecies of Revelation on the earth today, and that Chairman Lee himself has seen, heard, and testifies to the truth.
As evidence of that, Chairman Lee will personally explain the core contents of each chapter from Revelation 1 to 22 and plans to testify to the reality of each chapter.
Chairman Lee's request to hold this seminar is compelling. Chairman Lee always invites listeners to point out any errors in his testimony at any time, and reaffirms that he is only testifying to what he has seen and heard according to Jesus' command.
Chairman Lee will emphasise that the new covenant that Jesus promised at the first coming (Luke 22:14-22 of the New Testament) is, in fact, the book of Revelation, and that this book of Revelation will be fulfilled as Jesus promised at the second coming of the Lord.
In particular, Chairman Lee encourages pastors to ask themselves the question, 'Who am I in the Bible?' and to receive the testimony of the reality of the fulfilment of the prophecies of the Bible and attain salvation.
This seminar by Chairman Lee is the third in succession that follows the introductory, intermediate, and advanced seminar series of Shincheonji Church of Jesus that came to a close early last month and the 'Prophecy and Fulfillment of the Old and the New Testament ' online seminar held on the 23rd of that month.
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