“Of the two groups, we must become the reality of those who come from the east and the west and take their seats in heaven” (Shincheonji Seminar Series: 'Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter')
[Cheonji Ilbo = Correspondent Min-hee Kim] Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Chairman Man-hee Lee) delivered the 8th lecture of the seminar series 'Testimony on the Revelation of the Old Testament and New Testament by Chapter'.
Daewon Cho, head lecturer of Gwangmyeong Church (Bartholomew tribe) of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, delivered the 8th lecture on the 28th on the theme, 'The Secret of the Kingdom of Heaven on Two Kinds of Seed and the Harvest'.
I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 8:11-12
Two groups are prophesied in the scriptures above. One is the natural descendants of the nation being driven out, and the other are those who come from the east and the west and take their seats in heaven.
Lecturer Cho said, “These two entities are both believers who hope for heaven.”
First, the reality of the original descendants of the nation who were driven out at the Second Coming of the Lord was examined. Lecturer Cho explained, “If you look at Revelation 6:12-14, the sun, moon and stars in the tabernacle of heaven darken and fall. This is the end of God’s family, spiritual Israel, and the end of the corrupt traditional Church.”
He continued, “The people who take their seats in heaven at the Second Coming of the Lord are the 144,000 people of the 12 tribes of spiritual new Israel, born of God’s seed, harvested and sealed in Revelation 7, and the multitude in white who come out of the great tribulation.”
Why were God's chosen people judged? Lecturer Cho said, “Spiritual Israel, who was God’s chosen people, became the complete belonging of Satan, so God planned to judge and recreate the previous era when they sinned. They were judged in order to build the kingdom of God.”
Furthermore, “In Revelation 12, the child born of the woman clothed with the sun, moon and stars fights with the blood of the Lamb and with the word of testimony, and is victorious. The 12 tribes of Spiritual New Israel is created by the one who overcomes and consists of people who will not sin again and can keep the promise of God.”
Lecturer Cho said, “The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in Revelation 15, where the one who overcomes is, is heaven on earth where God and Jesus are.”
Finally, he said, “In order to achieve the desired heaven and eternal life, what we must believe in is the prophecy of the New Testament and its reality that has been fulfilled. The subjects of the kingdom who do not believe the New Testament and the Revelation of God will be thrown outside heaven, and many who come from the east and the west will take their places in the kingdom of heaven.”
He added, “It is said that the last will be first, and the first will be last. If you have been invited to God’s heavenly banquet, I hope that all of you will be qualified and believe in the prophecies of the New Covenant Revelation to enter the desired kingdom of heaven.”
Meanwhile, Shincheonji Church of Jesus is conducting its seminar series, 'Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter', a total of 25 times, twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays at 10am, until June 23. This seminar series, which is an intermediate level curriculum, will be streamed live through Shincheonji's official YouTube channel (https://bit.ly/en2021revs).
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