Special Online Bible Seminar of Shincheonji Church of Jesus on August 13th
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Man-hee Lee, the chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, has been holding wrap-up lectures at the end of every online Bible seminar series, summarising the content of each series.
On 13th August, he held a special online seminar under the theme, “The Fulfillment of Revelation I Have Witnessed.” Under this theme, he expounded the entire book of Revelation. The book of Revelation typically takes weeks to teach; however, this seminar covered it within an hour. If you are familiar with the content of Revelation, I’m quite sure that you’ll understand the fulfilment he testified in this lecture.
The seminar was broadcast live on YouTube via the official Shincheonji channel.
Chairman Lee opened the seminar by introducing himself. He told viewers that he had never studied at a seminary, and had just lived a simple life as a farmer in the countryside. Introducing his life of faith, he said he began going to church through the guidance of a star and pledged his devotion to God in blood. He spoke about his younger years as a veteran of the bloody Korean War, where he fought on the frontlines and witnessed unspeakable tragedies.
The realisation of the importance of the life of faith he has carried out did not come to him from the outset. It came to him when Jesus chose him and commanded him to testify to the churches the fulfilled realities (fulfilment) of Revelation he saw and heard firsthand. He became the messenger of Jesus whose duty is to make known what he has seen and heard to the churches. Chairman Lee has been testifying the fulfilment to the churches until today.
In every biblical era, God made a covenant with the shepherd He appointed; with Adam, Moses, and even Jesus. There is a new covenant that was established by Jesus, who came according to the promise of the Old Testament (Lk 22:20). The new covenant Jesus promised is Revelation. Jesus prophesied Revelation at the First Coming and fulfils it at the Second Coming. When Rev 1-Rev 22 is fulfilled, there is one person who sees and hears the fulfilment. Chairman Lee repeated that he had never studied in a seminary, and testifies only what he saw and heard, and nothing else. He urged viewers to take his testimony to heart and listen.
Introducing the book of Revelation, he said that Revelation is a book of prophecy. No one could know the meaning of the content recorded inside this book because God had written it Himself, sealed it, and held it in His hand. In Rev 5, Jesus received the book from God and opened the seals in Rev 6 and Rev 8. In Rev 22:8, John says that he is the one who had seen and heard everything, and in Rev 22:16, Jesus tells John to go to the churches and testify everything that he has seen and heard. Chairman Lee said that he has been carrying out this duty today. He requested that the pastors hear his testimony and confirm if it is true or not according to the words of the Bible.
Then, he testified how Revelation was fulfilled. Unlike the First Coming, Jesus has come in spirit today (Rev 1:17-20). The form of Jesus today was in a spiritual body. Jesus chose seven stars, who were seven messengers. The seven messengers forsook Jesus’ will and sinned. The devil’s shepherd, the Nicolaitans, deceived Jesus’ workers (seven messengers) and led them to sin. This is recorded in Rev 2 and Rev 3 and happened accordingly.
It was not only the seven messengers who were chosen as Jesus’ workers, but also Chairman Lee. After he was chosen, he witnessed the fulfilment of Rev 2 and Rev 3. Jesus showed Chairman the fulfilment and commanded him to send letters. Therefore, Chairman Lee sent the letters to the messengers to have them repent and overcome the Nicolaitans. The letters also contained Jesus’ promised blessings if they overcame the Nicolaitans. However, the seven messengers did not believe these words and did not repent.
After that, Chairman Lee heard a voice saying, “Come up here” (Rev4:1). He was taken up to heaven in spirit. He saw the throne of God and the rapid movement of spirits working busily in the spiritual realm to fulfil Revelation. The spirits were moving like lightning, and their voices were like the sound of thunder. He also heard that God would come.
While still in the spiritual realm, Chairman Lee saw a scroll in God’s hand (Rev 5:1). No one could open the scroll or even look inside it. Frustrated, he wept. One of the elders told him not to cry and explained that since the root of David had triumphed, he would open the scroll. Chairman Lee described the great relief he felt. When Jesus took the scroll, all the spirits surrounding the throne in heaven bowed down and praised him. Chairman said that every single word in the book of Revelation was fulfilled, just as it was recorded.
In Rev 6, four seals were opened by Jesus. Four different horses appeared, and the riders were holding a bow, a sword, and scales. These were the four living creatures. They had heavenly armies who were told to judge the chosen people who had sinned in Rev 2 and Rev 3. In Rev 6:12-13, the sun, moon, and stars darkened and fell. In Gen 37:9-11, the sun, moon, and stars were referred to as Physical Israel, God’s family who are God’s chosen people. Because they once belonged to heaven, but then sinned, they fell from heaven. Jesus appointed them and also judged them.
From God’s perspective, His people and nation betrayed Him and have all come to an end because they sinned and were punished. Therefore, God had to make a new creation. After the sun, moon, and stars fell, the people born of God’s seed were harvested and sealed by God’s word (Rev 7). These people form the twelve tribes, and from the twelve tribes, 144,000 people have been sealed. That is to say that these people are harvested and sealed to be created as God’s new kingdom, the twelve tribes. After gathering the 144,000, the great multitude in white comes out of the great tribulation. When the great tribulation occurs, we’ll know that God’s promised sealed 144,000 has been fulfilled. In Mt 13:30, the two kinds of seed that were planted by Jesus and the devil grew together in the same field. People who were born of God’s seed were harvested. This means the new heaven and the new earth was created, and God and Jesus come there.
Reciting Mt 13:30, Chairman Lee told viewers to reflect on whether or not they have been harvested. In this verse, two types of seeds were planted but only those born of God’s seed are harvested, while those born of the devil’s seed are left in the field. Chairman Lee also told them not to add or subtract from the Bible, quoting Rev 22:18-19. He continued telling them to think about whether they are the sealed 144,000, the great multitude in white, or neither. “No matter who you are, you must believe and keep the word,” Chairman Lee said, after explaining that God has greater authority than any pastor.
After the chosen people were thrown out in Rev 6, they were killed by the gentiles little by little (Rev 8 and Rev 9). This was a spiritual death.
In Rev 10, a scroll brought by an angel standing on the sea and on the land was given to the promised pastor. Standing on the sea and the land means the angel judged the sea and the land. This scroll was once in God’s hand, then Jesus’ hand, then it was passed to the angel, and then to the promised pastor. The angel gave the scroll to him and, after he ate the scroll, told him, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings.” Even at the First Coming of Jesus, it was prophesied that there would be a pastor who receives an open scroll and testifies it to the house of Israel (Ezk 3). This was fulfilled by Jesus in Mt 15:24. Not listening to Jesus is not believing in the words of Ezk 3 and the word of God. Likewise, even today, those who do not listen to the words of the one who received the opened book do not believe in the words of God and Jesus.
In Rev 11, he was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told to measure the temple of God, the altar, and the worshippers there. The reed like a measuring rod is a measuring tool that measures the faith of people. There were people who had gone against this word and revolted. Even worse, the pastors from huge denominations wanted to kill Chairman Lee and persecuted him. They used their power and authority, even working with the four largest newspapers in South Korea. Abusing their power and authority, they tried to make him apologise for testifying the Word of fulfilment. He proclaimed, “Even if my body becomes like powder and dust, how can I betray the word of God?” (The newspapers at that time are proof of his testimony about the pastors' persecution of him by working with the four largest newspapers).
In Rev 8 and Rev 9, six trumpets were blown. The seventh trumpet was blown in Rev 11:15. When the last trumpet sounds, it is said that “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.” Paul wrote about the last trumpet in 1 Cor 15:51-54. He said that when the last trumpet sounds, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. The perishable will be clothed with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality. Death will be swallowed up in life, which is the power of the last trumpet. This is God’s great victory! God will come to this earth and reign.
Chairman Lee emphasised that he is the promised pastor, chosen by Jesus, who saw and heard the fulfilment of Revelation. Quoting Rev 22:18-19, he strongly urged pastors not to deliver God’s word incorrectly. He told the pastors that just like them, he also didn’t know what Revelation meant. However, after he was chosen as the messenger of Jesus to testify the word to the churches, he now knows the meaning of Revelation. He said, “That’s why I’m even more fearful.”
In Rev 12, there are those who fought against the group of the dragon and overcame. They overcame the enemy with the blood of Jesus and the word of testimony. Those who were victorious in Rev 12 receive the blessings that were promised in Rev 2 and Rev 3. The male child that was born of the woman in Rev 12 is a congregation member born of a pastor who attended the pastor’s church (a figurative woman in the Bible refers to a pastor). He who overcomes will inherit all this and be God’s son (Rev 21:7). If he loses, he loses everything, and that is why Jesus told him to overcome in Rev 2 and Rev 3.
Those who are victorious appeared in Rev 12 and Rev 15. They judged Babylon and the betrayers in Rev 16. The wrath of God was delivered by them and poured onto the betrayers and the destroyers. Those who are victorious were also called “The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony” in Rev 15:5. Seeing the events and locations of the fulfilment of Rev 12 and Rev 13, those who overcame could testify the events of Revelation. They gathered around God’s throne. Therefore, they were with God. This is the place where all nations come and worship because God is there. He asked, “Shouldn’t we know where to go and worship? It must be where God is.” He explained that the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony appears after those who overcome appear. Because they fought and defeated the enemies, and left the place where the betrayers and the destroyers were, they know the events recorded in the book of Revelation.
He insisted, “Everyone, don’t you desire to truly believe in God and God’s word? And go to heaven, the world of paradise? We must not be hypocritical and say 'God, God. We believe. We believe.' Let’s be believers whom heaven acknowledges.”
The 144,000 people on Mt. Zion in Rev 14 are the same entity as the 144,000 who were sealed in Rev 7. The new song that only the 144,000 can sing is the sound of the sermon of Revelation, the new covenant. The 144,000 are the firstfruits that are born of God’s seed that Jesus had sown. He encouraged the audience to come to him and ask anything that they want to discuss if they desire to know the Bible and go to heaven. He also asked them to point out from the Bible if what he said is incorrect.
He said, “Let’s repent, understand the word, and believe in it to be created by it.”
The chairman closed the seminar by saying, “There is one God, there is one Jesus, and there is one Bible! Let’s all understand and become one in God and his word. WE ARE ONE!”
Listening to this lecture, I felt the love and concern of the promised pastor towards his fellow pastors. As he testifies, he even fears that he might deliver the word incorrectly and carries out his duty sincerely, despite being hated and threatened to the point of death. He truly loves, and wants to lead lost souls to God’s kingdom. I hope you also felt something through this seminar. Do share your opinion in the comments section!
If you’re interested in learning the word, please don’t hesitate to register here.
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So ture. This seminar was so amazing.