“All Questions about the Bible have been Answered” - Graduates of Shincheonji Zion Christian Mission Center
✦On the 21st, near Changcheon-dong, Seodaemun district, Seoul, Ms. Mi-ji Park, a key representative of the graduation ceremony testimonials of Class 112 Zion Christian Mission Center online graduation ceremony, gives an interview. [Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Ji-sol Lee] Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus), which became a hot topic amid the novel coronavirus infection (Covid-19), held their online graduation ceremony for Class 112 of Zion Christian Mission Center, having produced 20,000 graduates. The graduation ceremony was held on the 26th December. Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which has been subjected to fierce criticism, has not fallen in number during the coronavirus pandemic, but rather increased and grew as the number of members who completed the entire online theology course neared 20,000. A total of 18,838 people participated in the event. The Zion Christian Mission Center is the Bible education institution operated by Shincheonji. In order to be admitted to Shincheonji, it is necessary to complete a six-month Bible study course and a graduation exam taken at the center. At the annual graduation ceremony, several graduates delivered testimonies on behalf of all graduates. At this graduation ceremony, Ms. Mi-ji Park of Seodaemun Church (Simon tribe) of Shincheonji Church of Jesus gave a presentation. How did Ms. Park come to hear the word at Shincheonji? The following is a Q&A with Ms. Park. Congratulations on your graduation! ''Ever since I began attending the Mission Center, I have been looking forward to the day I officially become a congregation member. Moreover, I never thought that I would be presenting my testimony as the main representative on a day like this; when I received a call that day, I was surprised. I'm happy, but also stunned.'' Why are you happy to become a member of the church? ''It's time to put what I've learned into action. If the mission center course was a period of understanding the Word and spiritual growth, I'm glad that I can now preach the gospel and fulfil my duty as a believer.'' Did you find the answers at the Zion Christian Mission Center? ''Yes, all my questions have been answered at the center. I realised that the reason I couldn't understand the Bible literally is because the Bible is hidden in parables. I have now learned its true meaning and fulfilment.'' How did you get into the mission center? ''While studying architecture in England, and writing my thesis, my health severely deteriorated. In order to receive treatment, I left my doctoral programme behind and returned to Korea in October 2019.'' Did you take the course online? ''When I first started studying at the end of October 2019, I began offline. Then, with the outbreak of Covid-19, it completely transitioned online, and the remainder of the course was conducted online. The course lasted about 16 months, from October 2019 to January this year…Originally, the course would have been completed within 7 to 8 months, but it lasted longer as classes were suspended for some time due to the coronavirus pandemic at the beginning of last year.'' What was the curriculum? ''As with the existing mission center course, the first sub-course covers an explanation of parables, the second an in-depth history of the Bible, and the third a teaching of the book of Revelation. The coronavirus pandemic broke out towards the end of the first sub-course, and for a while, I only received audio recordings about the history of the Bible and the four Gospels, and listened to them. Then, the online center resumed and all procedures were completed as normal.'' What were your beliefs? ''While studying architecture, I had visited many Christian cultural sites at home and abroad, and when I saw religious religious paintings, I became curious about the story. On the other hand, I also had some doubts because the Bible that I had known didn't seem to make sense.'' How else did you benefit? ''I learned how to love myself. I am someone who always pushed myself and punished myself by saying, 'I have to do things faster and better.' After perceiving the value of my existence through the Bible, I was able to build the strong house of my heart.'' What are the advantages of taking the course online? ''First of all, it is independent of time and place. When I took the course offline, it took about half a day including travel time; but online, you can listen to it anywhere. It required much less stamina, which put less pressure on me as I was unwell.'' Would you recommend the course? ''I have already recommended it to many acquaintances, including close friends and university contacts. Among them, there are people who are taking or preparing for the mission center. A world of paradise without tears and pain will become a reality on the earth, and I want to recommend it to my loved ones, especially my family, so everyone can live happily together.'' What are your hopes for the future? ''Currently, the Revelation seminar is being broadcast all over the world, and many churches around the world are signing MOUs with Shincheonji. Although I've come back from my studies in the UK, I want to travel around the world and spread the word. I majored in architecture, but after knowing the Bible, I've come to know that the principle of building and the principle of the creation of the human spirit is one and the same. Just as every constructed building has a blueprint, people also have a blueprint. The book of Revelation is the perfect blueprint of God the Creator, and it is definitely the word that mankind must know.'' http://www.newscj.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=93580Graduation Ceremony of Zion Christian Mission Center Class 112 (YouTube Live) Shincheonji Church of Jesus Hosts Online Graduation Ceremony for Over 18,000 Bible Students on December 26th 2021 http://noahbrown1984.blogspot.com/2021/12/shincheonji-church-of-jesus-hosts.html Shincheonji Church of Jesus Grows by 20,000 Members in a Virtual Covid Era Overseas Pastors' "Explosive Reaction" to Shincheonji's Online Seminar on Revelation (Cheonji TV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNkQCegNuMA&t=1s) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Reaction to Shincheonji Online Seminar on Revelation 'Shincheonji Online Revelation Seminar' Fills the Global Village Shincheonji Online Revelation Seminar : A Collection of Enthusiastic Responses from Pastors Around the World http://noahbrown1984.blogspot.com/2021/11/i-do-not-teach-revelation-because-i-do.html “God's Revelation has been given to one person, 'New John', and now I realise what I had previously learned was incorrect” [Reaction to Shincheonji Online Seminar on Revelation] http://noahbrown1984.blogspot.com/2021/11/gods-revelation-has-been-given-to-one.html “It is Good in the Eyes of the Lord to Sign this MOU with the Pastor of Shincheonji“ [Reaction to Shincheonji Online Seminar on Revelation] http://noahbrown1984.blogspot.com/2021/11/i-have-already-made-mou-with.html Overseas Pastors Proclaim "The Revealed Word of the Bible is Free", and Sign MOUs with Shincheonji [Reaction to Shincheonji Online Seminar on Revelation] “All Questions about Revelation, such as the 666 Mark, have been Revealed by Shincheonji - We'll Let the World Know” (Reaction to Shincheonji Online Seminar on Revelation) Overseas Pastors' "Overwhelming Response" to Shincheonji Online Seminar on the Book of Revelation Shincheonji Online Seminar on Revelation: Chapters 1-22 (18th Oct-27th Dec 2021) Where is the 'Holy City' where the Tree of Life is? 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