“Do you know what it means to be 'born again of water and the Spirit'?” Lecture by Shincheonji Matthias Tribe (Shincheonji Seminar Series: 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', Lesson 10)
[Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Min-hee Kim] On the 7th February, the most recent lecture of the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings' was delivered by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Chairman Man-hee Lee) as it continues to cross the boundaries of denomination and doctrine.
The seminar, entitled '[Lesson 10] The Figurative Water, Spring, River' follows on from the previous seminar, '[Lesson 9] The Figurative Treasure and the Rich', that was delivered by lecturer Jae-won Heo of Matthew tribe on 3rd February.
Lecturer Kim said that, in the Bible, there are literal (physical) waters, springs, and rivers, as well as spiritual waters, springs, and rivers. Lecturer Kim said, “You have to be born again of water and the Holy Spirit in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Lecturer Kim explained the meaning of spiritual water while examining the physical characteristics of water. Lecturer Kim testified, “In the same way that living things attain life through the rain that falls from heaven, our spirit can also attain life through the words of God who is in heaven.”
He also said, “Just as water cleanses the human body, Jesus cleansed the souls of his disciples with the water of the word.”
Lecturer Kim said that the Bible not only speaks of God's water, but also Satan's water that must not be drunk. He explained that the untruth which pollutes and kills our spirit is Satan's water, and that when God's Word is mixed with the teachings of people, those words become Satan's untruths - that is, lies.
In the Bible, in Zechariah 13:1, there is a verse that reads, “A fountain will be opened to cleanse them from sin and impurity.”
Following an explanation of the figurative water, lecturer Kim explained about the meaning of the figurative spring, saying, “A spring absorbs rainwater from the sky and this water flows out of the earth. The shepherds and temples who deliver the word on earth become spiritual springs.”
According to Lecturer Kim, the reality of the spiritual spring at the first coming was Jesus, and the spiritual spring can also be divided into two types: the fountain of God, which gives life, and the fountain of Satan, which kills the soul. Lecturer Kim emphasised, “If you are someone who hopes for heaven and eternal life, you must seek the spring of the water of life under the guidance of the Lamb.”
Finally, the meaning of the spiritual river was explained using the analogy of a physical river. Lecturer Kim said, “Just as the path through which water flows becomes a physical river, the path through which the Word is delivered becomes a spiritual river.” He also cited the words recorded in Revelation of 'the river of the water of life flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb (Jesus)', saying, “Those who understand the words that flow from the throne can enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Lecturer Kim said, “If you wish for heaven and eternal life, I pray that you will hear the words of the water of life when the book of Revelation is fulfilled, be guided by the spring of the water of life and enter the kingdom of heaven.” In addition, he urged viewers to become one in God and the Word through the seminar series that is testifying the meaning of the parables and their fulfilment, which are the secrets of heaven.
Shincheonji Church of Jesus will hold the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings' a total of 24 times, twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays at 10am, until 28th March 2022. The seminar series, led by instructors from the Zion Christian Mission Center, will be broadcast in 24 languages via the official Shincheonji YouTube channel (https://bit.ly/en2021revs). On the 10th, the next seminar, entitled '[Lesson 11] The Figurative Sea, Fishermen, Net, Fish, Ship' will be broadcasted.
'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings' (Shincheonji Seminar Series: 6th January-28th March 2022)http://noahbrown1984.blogspot.com/2022/01/testimony-on-parables-of-secrets-of.html
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