Special Lecture by Chairman Man Hee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, “Prophecy and Fulfillment of the Old and the New Testaments”
Beginning the lecture, Chairman Lee introduced himself, saying, “This person is not speaking out of something that I've learned from someone, nor is this something I've studied at a seminary.” He said that he came to faith only through his belief in God. His message was clear: he was delivering this seminar only to testify to what he has seen and heard and earnestly asked the pastors in attendance to let him know if there was anything wrong with his testimony.
The seminar content opened with the beginning of the history of the Bible: God’s creation of the world and people and the betrayal of Adam. Since Adam was given all creation to rule over from God, his act of betraying God and becoming one with Satan means that Adam handed creation over to Satan. Because sin came into the world, God had to leave. That is when God began his work of re-creation, that is, the work of retrieving the world. Chairman Lee repeatedly spoke of the effort God has put in to do so. God has been making promises with the chosen people in every era, but the people kept breaking the promises. Even the Israelites broke the Covenant.
Because the problem of sin could not be solved by man, God prophesied the 'new thing', New Covenant, and the promised pastor through the Old Testament prophets. Jesus came according to the prophecies of the Old Testament and fulfilled all the prophecies (Jn 19:30), but believers in that era didn’t believe in him. As written in Ezekiel 3, Jesus received and ate an open scroll and testified God’s word to the rebellious chosen people. Before his death, Jesus made several prophecies about his Second Coming in the Four Gospels (e.g. Mt 24).
Mentioning the prophecies about the Second Coming, Chairman Lee expounded on the book of Revelation. At the Second Coming, Jesus comes as a spirit and speaks through John. John saw the seven lampstands (the seven messengers whom Jesus appointed). Those seven messengers sinned and ate the food sacrificed to idols, which is the maddening wine of adultery, food given by Satan. Chairman Lee said that he saw the seven messengers and knows their names and faces. He even wrote letters to them (Rev 2-3).
After sending the letters, he went up to heaven and saw God’s organization, God’s throne. The activities of the spirits were like lightning and the voices were like thunder (Rev 4). Heaven was so busy to fulfil the book of Revelation. In Jn 14:29, Jesus said that he had spoken things before they fulfil to help make people believe when the prophecies are fulfilled. Chairman Lee said that if one knows this fact, we should get ourselves together and believe what God has fulfilled exactly according to his prophecies.
In Rev 5, there is a sealed scroll in God’s right hand. No one could know its contents and no one could open the scroll. John weeps bitterly because if the seals are not open, God’s kingdom and salvation cannot be fulfilled. At that time, one of the elders comforted John saying that Jesus can open the scroll because he had overcome (Jn 16:33). The condition to opening the scroll was overcoming. In order to establish God’s kingdom on the earth, there is always an enemy to fight and overcome. Therefore, Jesus takes the scroll after 2,000 years since the book was recorded.
Jesus opens the seals one by one in Rev 6 and Rev 8. Each time a seal is removed, the realities of the prophecies written within appear. God’s chosen people were judged by Jesus through the four living creatures. The sun, moon, and stars darkened and fell. The chosen people of heaven are likened to the sun, moon, and stars in Gen 37.
The chosen people of heaven were judged and thrown out of heaven. Rev 8 and 9 explain what happened to the chosen people who were kicked out.
In Rev 6, God’s chosen people were put to an end. In Rev 7, the newly chosen people were created by having the seal of God’s word written on their foreheads. While sealing God’s servants, the wind was held. In Mt 13:24-25, Jesus sowed God’s seed and Satan sowed Satan’s seed and they grew together until the time of harvest. At the Second Coming, people who are born with God’s seed are harvested, sealed, and belonged to the twelve tribes. The 12 tribes have been created today and the content of the New Covenant has been sealed on God’s servants. Lk 22:20 explains the contents of the New Covenant that Jesus established. These people were purchased by Jesus’ blood as God’s kingdom and priests (Rev1:5-6). In the church of Jesus, two kinds of seeds were sown. Those who are born with God’s seed are harvested. Those who have not been harvested mean they weren’t born with God’s seed. Chairman Lee emphasised the importance of this fact, “This is a promise made by Jesus; therefore, we must believe.”
After the 144,000 from the twelve tribes were sealed, the great tribulation happens. The great tribulation is something that takes place all over the world. Mt 24:21 says that there will be a time of great distress. At this time of the great tribulation, there is a great multitude who come out and wash their robes. Chairman said that the 144,000 have been completed and the great multitude in white is now coming out. He strongly urged viewers to come out at this time.
Chairman Lee quoted Mt 8:11-12: “I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” The subjects of the kingdom of God are the traditional churches. He went on to quote Mt 24. Jesus will come back with his angels and will gather the elect. Heaven is where Jesus and God are. Those who belong to God and Jesus are where the kingdom of God is. He said that Rev 7 is the work of re-creation.
The seventh seal is opened in Rev 8 and the seven trumpets were given to the seven angels. The trumpets in Rev 8 and Rev 9 make known the events of betrayal and destruction.
In Rev 10, Jesus brings the open scroll and gives it to the angel, and the angel gives it to John. John receives and eats the scroll. The scroll is now in a man’s stomach! The work of God is the same as Jesus’ First Coming: Jesus ate the open scroll and delivered the word. The promised pastor also must eat the open scroll and deliver the word.
Satan persecutes and kills whenever God’s messengers fulfil God’s work. In Rev 11, the promised pastor was killed by the destroyers. In the same chapter, the seventh trumpet is sounded. This trumpet is sounding and people all over the world are listening to the sound of this seventh trumpet and coming forward. Chairman Lee emphasised the importance of believing in the fulfilment of Revelation. The prophecies must become a reality, which we can see, hear, and touch (1 Jn1:1).
In Rev 12, a woman clothed in the sun, moon, and stars gives birth. A red dragon is waiting there to swallow him. This child is a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron sceptre. The child went up to God and his throne. The dragon tried to devour the child; therefore, there was a war. The dragon was defeated and kicked out of heaven (the dragon will be captured in Rev 20).
Satan enters heaven and places a mark on people’s foreheads in Rev 13. Chairman Lee testified that he has seen this event firsthand at the very location of the event. He quoted Rev 22:8 that the promised pastor must testify to what he has seen and heard.
Rev 14 speaks of the people who were harvested.
In Rev 15, those who overcame gather in front of the sea of glass.
Those who overcame in Rev 15 became the bowls containing the wrath of God that were poured out on Babylon in Rev 16-18. This is God’s victory.
Chairman Lee closed the lecture by saying that he is the witness who saw and heard the physical entities of the fulfilment of Revelation. He encouraged the pastors who were listening to the lecture, saying that he knows how hard they are working to preach the word. He insisted that we all go to heaven together.
He said, “We believe in the same God, Jesus, heaven, the Bible, and have the same hope. Shouldn’t we all become one and go to heaven? Be one in God, be one in Jesus. That’s why WE ARE ONE!”
Listening to the lecture, I could feel the Chairman’s love for believers and sincere yearning heart towards them, wishing them to be saved. The lecture might be a bit difficult because it covers the prophecies and fulfilment of the New Testament in summary within an hour. If you’re interested in learning the fulfilment of Revelation in detail, please register. This Bible course is free as Jesus told us (Rev 22:17).
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