“Is Buddha the 'Idol'? Let's understand the true meaning” (Shincheonji Seminar Series: 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', Lesson 15)
[Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Min-hee Kim] On the 24th February, the fifteenth and most recent lecture of the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings,' was delivered by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Chairman Man-hee Lee).
On the 21st, lecturer Koo-Young Kang of Peter tribe of Shincheonji Church of Jesus delivered a lecture on '[Lesson 14] The Figurative New Wine, New Wineskin, and Olive Oil'. This was followed by the lecture '[Lesson 15] The Figurative Mountain, Rock and Idol'.
Mountains, stones, and idols appear in the Bible. Mount Sinai in the Old Testament, the stone tablets on which the Law of Moses was written, and Aaron's golden calf are all representative examples. What is the deeper meaning of the figurative mountains, stones and idols that appear in the books of prophecy? Lecturer Baek said that the figurative mountain is an “organisation like a church or temple”, the figurative stone is “judgment and a shepherd who has received the word of judgment”, and the figurative idol is “a false teacher, a false shepherd”.
First, let's look at the meaning of a figurative mountain. As seen in the last lecture, the figurative earth, stone and trees all refer to people. Lecturer Baek said, “Spiritual mountains are made of spiritual soil, stones, and wood.” He likened the church or temple, which is an organisation where many people in the world of faith gather, to a mountain, likening ‘a crowd of people’ to “many people in the world.”
He continued, “There are three kinds of mountains in the books of prophecy: the mountain of betrayal, the mountain of destruction, and the mountain of salvation.”
Next, he testified about the reality of the figurative stone. According to lecturer Baek, at the first coming, Jesus was the reality of ▲the precious living stone ▲the tested stone ▲the precious cornerstone for a sure foundation ▲the stone in Zion.
Moreover, in the book of Revelation, the person who receives the white stone, that is, the word of judgment from Jesus, is the one who overcomes the Nicolaitans, the group of Satan who entered the tabernacle (Rev 2~3). This person is the reality of ▲ The person who received the opened book from the angel and ate it (Rv 10) ▲ The shepherd who pours out the bowl of God's wrath and judges the betrayers and destroyers with the word of testimony (Rev 16).
Lecturer Baek said, “According to the Bible, if there is a person today who overcomes, we need to find out who this one who overcomes is. Also, there is a stone of Satan, that is, a false shepherd, so it is necessary to distinguish between the two types of stones.”
Lastly, the figurative idol was explained. Physical idols are made with human hands, and because they are lifeless, they cannot speak, hear, or see, yet they are respected and served by people. Using the characteristics of the physical idol, Lecturer Baek testified that the true meaning of the spiritual idol is “a false shepherd who cannot lead people to salvation due to having no word of spiritual life, yet is respected and served by people.”
What next followed is the idol at the first and second comings and the reality of the stone that judges the idols. Lecturer Baek said, “At the first coming, Jesus, the shepherd who received the authority to judge, was the reality of the stone.”
Also, “At the Second Coming of the Lord, the one who overcomes, who has received the white stone from Jesus will judge and bring an end to idolatrous Babylon and create the new spiritual 12 tribes of Israel, the kingdom of God. This place is the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in Revelation 15 where all nations will come and worship.”
On the 28th, a seminar will be held under the theme '[Lesson 16] The Figurative Seal (Mark), Trumpet, Song.'
Shincheonji Church of Jesus will broadcast a lecture from its seminar series on the explanation of the parables of heaven via the official YouTube channel of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, every Monday and Thursday at 10am until March 28th (https://bit.ly/en2021revs). These lectures are equivalent to the elementary course of the Zion Christian Mission Center (Shincheonji Church of Jesus' free Bible teaching institute), with lectures taught by lecturers of the Zion Christian Mission Center.
'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings' (Shincheonji Seminar Series: 6th January-28th March 2022)http://noahbrown1984.blogspot.com/2022/01/testimony-on-parables-of-secrets-of.html
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