Chairman of Shincheonji’s Special Online Bible Seminar on 20th August
Shincheonji online Bible seminar is ON FIRE!
Man Hee Lee, Chairman of Shincheonji, has been preaching at two online Bible seminars this month. Although he is over 90 years old, he is restlessly carrying out his duty - to deliver God’s word to the churches.
Chairman Lee most recently preached the word to pastors at a seminar held under the theme, “The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.”
Opening the seminar, Chairman said that since he has seen the realities of the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he’s now letting the audience know about this.
In Gn 2, the two kinds of trees emerge at the centre of the garden of Eden. When the tree of the knowledge of good and evil appeared, God warned Adam not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because eating the fruit would kill Adam. The serpent in Eden deceived Eve first, tricking her into eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent is described as the dragon, Satan, and the devil in Rev 20 (it wasn’t a literal animal!). Why did the serpent trick Eve first? Because it knew that Eve was weaker since she was created out of one of Adam’s ribs. Adam ate the fruit which Eve, his wife, gave him. After eating it, everything changed: they saw their nakedness and felt shame. As God was looking for Adam and Eve, they answered that they were hiding among the trees of the garden because they now knew that they were naked and felt ashamed of it. Hearing them say that they had eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God made them garments of skin and kicked out them of the garden of Eden. God commanded cherubim to guard the way to the tree of life so that the sinners (Adam and Eve) would not eat the fruit of the tree of life and live forever. We can even see that the fruit of the tree of life lets a sinner live forever.
To keep God’s prophecy in Ps 78:2 (“I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old”), Jesus spoke about the kingdom of heaven in parables. He preached about the two kinds of seed and the kingdom of heaven. He parabolised the kingdom of heaven as a mustard seed that grows into a large tree upon which the birds perch. He also parabolised the kingdom of heaven into four types of field (path, rocky, thorny, and good soil) where the same type of seed was sown. Explaining the parable of the seed, Jesus said that the seed is the word of God (Lk 8:11). Since there are two types of gods, there must be two types of seed. If a person is born of God’s seed (God’s word), they belong to God. If a person is born of Satan’s seed (Satan’s lies), they belong to Satan.
In the Bible, a person is parabolised as a tree. In Isa 5, there are choicest vines that become one with the bad vines and yield bad fruits. In the same chapter, God explains that the choicest vines are the men of Judah - the people of Physical Israel. They used to be the chosen people, but had become one with the gentiles. King Solomon broke the first of the Ten Commandments, which is a command not to worship other gods. Hos 6:7 also talks about this, stating that Solomon sinned like Adam. This means they both worshipped other gods.
Then, why did God create the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? In Ezk 28, God makes reference to the “King of Tyre.” However, if you read it closely, you’ll see that God was not referring to the ‘flesh’ of the King of Tyre. He meant the spirit that was inside of him. The King of Tyre wasn’t even born in the era of “the garden of Eden”, yet God says that he was in the garden of Eden. This speaks of a rebellious spirit who was one of the four living creatures - Satan. Satan had adorned himself with every precious stone; he used to be the model of perfection, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. He was anointed as a guardian cherub (which means one of the four living creatures, that is, one of the four Archangels). Then, he became proud and wanted to be like God, and so rebelled against God. That is the reality of the serpent - Satan. God did not ‘create’ the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It emerged from what He had created.
Let’s head back to the parables. Jesus parabolised himself as the true vine in Jn 15. The reason why he used the word “true” is because there are wild vines, and he wanted the disciples to know that he was not the wild vine. Then, he said, “You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.” If Jesus was the vine, the word that came out from him was the wine.
When there are trees that belong to God, there always exists the opposite. In Dan 2-4, King Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, was parabolised as a large statue and a huge tree. The statue was made of different kinds of material, implying that Babylon was a nation comprised of several other allied nations. The king of Babylon, the place where all evil spirits gather, was parabolised as a huge tree. Its top touched the sky and was visible to the ends of the earth, which means Babylon dominated the whole world. In Rev 18, the maddening wine of adultery deceived all nations. Though the expressions sound different, they carry the same meaning. At the second coming, Babylon is a united nation; that is, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, who belong to the devil.
As we checked from the Bible, we now know that the two kinds of trees in Gn 2 are people belonging to different affiliations. Therefore, eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil means hearing the lies of Satan. Like the venom of a serpent, lies kill people. More precisely, lies kill their spirits and souls. God created Adam by forming him from the dust of the ground and breathed into him the breath of life. His spirit was brought to life when he became a ‘living being.’ Eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil killed his spirit. In today’s time, which is the time when Revelation is being fulfilled, those who eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are those who listen to the words of the destroyers. Babylon in Rev 17 and Rev 18 is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life is the twelve tribes, which has been created according to the Bible. The 12 tribes have been born of God’s seed, harvested, sealed, and registered to the tribes. In Rev 22, the fruit of the tree of life gives eternal life and its leaves heal all nations. While the tree of life brings life, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil kills. Saying “Amen” to the truth is the right thing; however, saying “Amen” to lies is eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God has told us in advance through the Bible that He will send His messengers. Therefore, we must listen to His messenger. In Mal 2, God’s pastor must walk with God and his lips ought to preserve knowledge and from his mouth people should seek instruction. Therefore, God’s pastor should never teach lies.
The chairman encouraged the pastors who were listening to the seminar to check if this word is true or not through the Bible. “Shincheonji was created according to the Bible, without leaving out a single word. ‘Shincheonji (means “New Heaven and New Earth” in Korean)’ and the ‘Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony’ are also the promised names from the Bible. No other organisation was created like this. Please check with the Bible: “Who am I according to the Bible? Have I been created according to the Bible?” Please check,” he exclaimed. Closing the seminar, he said that his hope for all humanity is to become one in God and shouted, “WE ARE ONE!”
Have you f0und the answers that you’ve been looking for with regards to the meaning and realities of the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? I remember how surprised I initially was to learn that the trees were not actual trees, but people. I also was satisfied with the answers I got - I was so curious to understand the relationship between God and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I hope you felt the same.
If you’re interested in learning the Bible deeply, don’t hesitate to register for the free online Bible course.
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