Shincheonji Church of Jesus Hosts Online Graduation Ceremony for Over 18,000 Bible Students on December 26th 2021
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (hereinafter referred to as Shincheonji Church) has grown by nearly 20,000 in membership in 2021. Such growth has shocked both the religious and non-religious communities, not least because Shincheonji Church has conducted full-scale non-face-to-face services and meetings since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in February 2020, while the Church worldwide is experiencing an increasing number of faithful leaving the churches.
Shincheonji Church will hold 'The 112th online graduation ceremony of the Zion Christian Mission Center' for 18,838 graduates (11,162 in Korea and 7,676 overseas) at noon on December 26th 2021, broadcast worldwide via Shincheonji Church's official YouTube channel. This graduation ceremony follows on from a staggering graduation ceremony of 103,764 graduates in late 2019. Since the onset of the pandemic in 2020, Shincheonji Church of Jesus has grown globally by 37,220 members. There is no question that Shincheonji Church's staggering growth has resulted from its devotion to Bible-centred evangelism.
Moreover, the pandemic has caused many people, some of whom may not have had any religious affiliation, to seek out a deeper spiritual foundation that does not require a particular academic background, religious background or financial standing. After group Bible studies and 1:1 tutoring, believers express interest in the high-level Bible theology education provided by the Zion Christian Mission Center, which is the Bible teaching institute of Shincheonji Church that provides free Bible education. Upon completion of a six-month Bible study course, graduates are given the option of officially joining Shincheonji Church.
The graduation ceremony on the 26th will be led by Chairman Man-Hee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, and will be followed by greetings from the general director, graduation, evangelism and full attendance awards, as well as graduation speeches.
Shincheonji Church has been holding their Online Revelation Seminar, testifying the meaning of the prophecies and fulfilment of Revelation chapters 1 to 22 in succession, beginning with a sermon by Chairman Lee on Revelation 1 on 18th October. The seminar series has been broadcast in 138 countries and 24 languages, and has surpassed 6 million views across the first 18 seminars. The seminar series continues to receive significant attention from pastors outside Korea, with more than 700 pastors signing MOUs with Shincheonji Church to deliver this word of Revelation to their congregations. Numerous pastors have even requested the dispatch of teaching materials and lecturers.
The concluding seminar series on Revelation will consist of a special lecture to be delivered by Chairman Man-hee Lee of Shincheonji Church on the 27th December (

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Man-Hee Lee, President of Shincheonji Church, successfully completed the online seminar for pastors
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경인종합일보-신천지 이만희 총회장, 목회자 대상 '온라인 말씀 세미나' 성료
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee successfully completed the 'Online Word Seminar' for pastors
세계타임즈-신천지 이만희 총회장, 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나서 '간곡히 호소'
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee, 'Certainly appeal' at the online seminar for pastors on the 14th
뉴스쉐어-신천지 이만희 총회장 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
On the 14th, The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Lee Man-hee completed the online sermon seminar for pastors
일간대한뉴스-신천지 이만희 총회장 목회자 대상 온라인 세미나 강사로 나서 성료
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