Where is the 'Holy City' where the Tree of Life is? [Shincheonji Revelation Seminar, Chapter 22]
✦ The leader of Seoul James tribe, Mr. Yong-joo Yoo, of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus; Chairman Man-hee Lee) delivered the most recent lecture of the seminar series 'Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant', on Revelation chapter 22 on December 23rd
[Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Hye-ji Lim] On 23rd December, a lecture from the seminar series 'Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant' was delivered by Mr. Yong-joo Yoo, the leader of Seoul James tribe of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Chairman Man-hee Lee, Shincheonji Church of Jesus).
Following the lecture on Revelation chapter 21 by Mr. Ki-won Lee of John tribe on 20th December, this tribe leader testified about the meaning and reality of Revelation chapter 22.
During the lecture on Revelation 22, entitled 'The Holy City, where the Tree of Life is,' the tribe leader said, "In Revelation 22, the river of the water of life flows out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the holy city, and flows down the middle of the city. There is the tree of life, with branches whose leaves heal all nations, and God’s servants who see the face of God and reign as kings for ever and ever.”
Regarding the tree of life in the holy city, he said, “Just as the source of the tree of life at the first coming was Jesus and the twelve disciples, the source of the tree of life at the second coming is the one who overcomes and the 12 tribes of Shincheonji in Revelation 7 and 14.” The fruit of the tree of life was explained as “the saints of the twelve tribes of spiritual new Israel who have been evangelised every month, as in the words of James 1:18.”
He then said that the leaves of the tree of life that heal all nations are “evangelists who receive and preach the word of truth.”
What is the reason that the leaves of the tree of life heal all nations? The tribe leader said, “It is because Revelation 21:5 says that He makes all things new. It is because, as Revelation 18 says, all nations have been deceived by Babylon, the kingdom of demons, and are corrupted with the image and thoughts of the devil.”
He said, “The holy city, where the tree of life is located, must be washed clean with the word of the water of life that is as clear as crystal, and be sanctified. Since we have come to the 12 tribes of Shincheonji, Shincheonji becomes the 'holy city' on this earth.”
The tribe leader continued, “those who are in the city are those who participate in the first resurrection of Revelation 20.” “The 144,000 of the 12 tribes who are sealed in Revelation 7 and 14 are servants who see the face of God, and they are the shepherds of God and Jesus. They become kings and reign for ever and ever.”
On the other hand, “those outside the city, as seen in Revelation chapters 13, 17 and 18, are the betrayers who forsook God and left, and the destroyers belonging to Satan who destroyed the tabernacle and temple of God.” He added, “Revelation 20:7-10 speaks of those who are judged by God and enter the fiery lake of burning sulphur with the devil. Anyone outside this city must wash their robes white with the revealed word of God in order to enter the city.”
Regarding the qualifications to enter the holy city, the tribe leader explained, “You must wash your robe clean with the words of the water of life that comes from the throne of God and Jesus, and have your name written in the book of life.”
He continued, “To meet this qualification, you need to know the prophecies of the book of Revelation, and their fulfilled realities.”
Meanwhile, the seminar series 'Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant' is being delivered from Revelation chapter 1 to 22 in succession, and is being broadcast in 138 countries and 24 languages, having surpassed 6 million views (as of the 17th) in 18 seminars. It has had great success.
The seminar series is receiving significant attention from pastors overseas; and while the attendance from pastors within Korea steadily increases, the number of domestic and overseas pastors signing MOUs (business agreements) with Shincheonji Church of Jesus is rapidly increasing, with requests made for the dispatch of teaching materials and lecturers.
The concluding seminar will be held on the 27th with a special lecture to be delivered by Chairman Manhee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

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