“Prophecy and Fulfilment is Trustworthy Evidence that God is Alive” (Shincheonji Seminar Series: 'Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter')
✦ Lesson 1 'God's Covenant: Abraham and Revelation'
[Cheonji Ilbo = Correspondent Min-hee Kim] Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Chairman Man-hee Lee) has opened its seminar series 'Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter' to accurately grasp and understand the overall flow of the Old and New Testaments.
The first lecture of the seminar series was delivered by Man-ki Jin, the head lecturer of Seongnam Church (John tribe) of Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Lecturer Jin delivered a lecture on the 4th on the theme 'God's Covenant: Abraham and Revelation'.
The LORD Almighty has sworn, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen.” This is Isaiah 14:24.
Through this lecture, from Genesis to Revelation, you could understand the power of God, who first makes a promise and then always fulfils His promise, and discover the value of believing in God and the Bible.
Lecturer Jin emphasised, “God is the one who prophesies and always fulfils His promise.”
Then, he explained what God promised and fulfilled in every era. According to the lecture, after God made a covenant with Abraham, He came to Moses four generations later, and fulfilled His promise by delivering the physical Israelites, who had been enslaved in Egypt for about 400 years. Moreover, everything prophesied through the Old Testament prophets was fulfilled at the first coming of Jesus. In this way, the new covenant, Revelation, which was established by the blood of Jesus, will be fulfilled at the second coming.
Moreover, through the prophet Jeremiah, God promised 'the creation of a new thing', 'the sowing of the two kinds of seed' and 'the establishment of a new covenant'. At the first coming, God came to Jesus and sowed the seed for the creation of the new thing. At the second coming, God established a new covenant with the blood of Jesus in order to harvest the ripened fruits of the seed that was sown and create a new kingdom.
Lecturer Jin said, “Today, at the time of the fulfilment of Revelation, as recorded in Matthew 13 and Revelation 14, those who belong to the 12 tribes of the new kingdom, Shincheonji, who are born of God’s seed, harvested and sealed, become those who keep the new covenant.” He added, “These are the children of the true God who will receive forgiveness of sins.”
Finally, he said, “We must not become those who, like physical Israel, do not keep the covenant, but we must be harvested and sealed with the words of the new covenant Revelation and become children of God who belong to the 12 tribes. Let’s become those who reach the kingdom of heaven.”
The seminar series 'Testimony on the Revelation of the Old and New Testaments by Chapter' will be released through the official YouTube channel of Shincheonji Church of Jesus (https://bit.ly/en2021revs) every Monday and Thursday at 10am until June 27th. This seminar series is equivalent to the intermediate course of the Zion Christian Mission Center, a free Bible education centre of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, and follows on from the seminar series 'Online Revelation Seminar' and 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', which started in October last year. Through this intermediate seminar, you can learn about the purpose God wants to fulfil and how to be saved today.
Meanwhile, Shincheonji Church of Jesus announced that a total of 70,000 people had formally attended the seminar series 'Testimony on the Parables of the Secrets of Heaven and Their True Meanings', and 7,000 people from Korea and abroad registered for the follow-up training course. About 3,000 of them have enrolled on the regular curriculum of the Zion Christian Mission Center. To date, the number of views has exceeded 15 million.
The number of pastors who have signed an MOU and applied for educational materials has reached 2,000, and more than 100 pastors, evangelists, and seminarians in Korea have enrolled on the regular curriculum.
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