
What is the True Meaning of the Earth being 'formless and empty' in Genesis 1?

📰The Bible is one of the best-selling and most widely distributed books in history, yet it is also considered to be among the least understood. The Bible, which is referred to as the New Covenant and Promise of God, in which 'the way to heaven and salvation' is presented, differs in theologians' interpretations that make it difficult to understand. These differing interpretations have been the cause of the rise of denominations with each one establishing their own doctrine. With the increase in online church services and gatherings resulting from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there has been growing interest in the comparison of various church doctrine. This paper, therefore, attempts to provide readers with the opportunity to compare differing Biblical teachings without interpretation. Among a host of online sermons and Bible-based teachings, the contrasting doctrine between the established Church and Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which has drawn public interest throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, is hereby compared and summarised. Best efforts have been made to provide a summary of Shincheonji Church of Jesus' understanding of the Bible. Judgment as to what is right or wrong is left to the reader’s discernment.


"Man is figuratively likened to the 'dust of the earth'. The heart of man became 'formless and empty' because of the confused mix of doctrine and the Holy Spirit leaving that person"
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony

Being 'formless' means that two or more thoughts or ideas have been mixed together, and 'empty' means that what was once there has now departed. As in Genesis 1:2, Jeremiah 4:23-28 also says that the earth is formless and empty and will mourn. Is this referring to the literal earth?

As we see in Genesis 1:3, the work of creation began with the creation of light on the first day. Before the creation of this light, the earth had already become formless and empty and the sky darkened. On the second day, God creates the heavens, and on the third day He creates the earth. So, does this refer to the literal heaven and earth as two separate entities? The creation of heaven and earth in Genesis 1 refers to the spiritual creation of heaven and earth, described by likening it to physical creation.

In Luke 8:15 and 1 Corinthians 3:9, it is said that man is a field, building and a house. The formlessness of the earth means that people's minds and thoughts have become mixed with good and evil. To be 'empty' means that the house of one's heart is empty because God has departed from the heart of man. What does it mean to say that darkness is over the surface of the deep? Here, the term 'over' refers to the sky, which is the spiritual heaven - that is, the tabernacle of God's chosen people as seen in Revelation 13:6.

Why did the sky (heavens) become dark? The entities that illuminate the sky are the sun, moon and stars. The spiritual sun, moon and stars refer to God's chosen people (Genesis 37:9-11). However, God's chosen people betrayed, and as a result, they were destroyed and the light of the Word could no longer shine. That is why the sky became dark. In other words, the tabernacle of the chosen people was destroyed because of their betrayal.

The waters that God hovers over refers to the many waters, which is the sea, as seen in Revelation 17 and Daniel 7. This sea refers to the world controlled by Satan, which the tabernacle that was destroyed by Satan became part of due to their betrayal. When that happens, God chooses a pastor who sees and hears this event of destruction that occurs due to the betrayal of the chosen people, and who, as the light, begins the work of re-creating the kingdom of heaven.

Therefore, Genesis 1 is a blueprint for the re-creation of the kingdom of heaven, which restores the lost kingdom and people of God by using the creation of the natural, physical world to describe the spiritual. This is the secret of the kingdom of heaven that was hidden since the creation of the world, as spoken of in Matthew 13:35. The reason God hid it was so that Satan would not know it. Today, however, in accordance with the promise in John 16:25 that the time would come for it to be made known, this secret is now being revealed through the promised pastor of Shincheonji.

Through the historical account of the First and Second Comings, when these words were fulfilled, let's find out the reality of the earth that became formless and empty, the reality of Satan's group that made it formless and empty, and the reality of the light that God creates in the midst of darkness.

About 2,000 years ago, God established Jerusalem and the people, the chosen tabernacle of physical Israel. However, because they broke the covenant with God, God's tabernacle was subjected to violence by the serpent-like (destroying) scribes and Pharisees, as seen in Matthew 23. The hearts of the people of physical Israel, Jerusalem, who heard lies or untruth from the destructive Pharisees, the false shepherds, became formless due to the mix of good and evil, and they became empty houses out of which God's spirit departed. Jerusalem was destroyed because the Pharisees invaded Jerusalem, and the people of Jerusalem, who were likened to the sun, moon and stars, were unable to spread the word of light, so the heavenly Jerusalem became dark. In the midst of this darkness within the spiritual sea, God delivered His word of truth through Jesus, who was the light, and Jesus gathered his disciples to recreate the kingdom and people of Israel into Spiritual Israel - that is, the kingdom of God.

Today, at the Second Coming of the Lord, the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands that represented spiritual Israel and prepared the way for the Lord appears in Revelation chapter 1. In Revelation 13, this tabernacle is called 'heaven', and the believers of this tabernacle are called the 'earth'. This is the meaning of 'heaven' and 'earth'. However, as seen in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, the chosen people of the heaven's tabernacle broke the covenant with God by committing an act of betrayal. As a result, and as seen in Revelation 13, the tabernacle of heaven was destroyed by the devil's pastor, which is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and the hearts of the earth-like believers of the betrayed tabernacle became confused after listening to their lies. Moreover, because of their betrayal, the Spirit of God, who is light, departed, and their hearts became empty. The tabernacle of heaven  became the darkened sky due to the destruction of the chosen people who were likened to the sun, moon and stars.

As we see in Revelation 17:1~3, this destroyer-like beast with seven heads and ten horns is said to sit by many waters. Spiritually-speaking, the tabernacle of heaven united with this sea of ​​water. God came to the surface of the water and chose someone who had not become one with the group of Satan. This person was victorious in the battle and became the new pastor, thereby creating the light according to the words of Genesis 1:3. This promised pastor, the one who overcomes, has preached the word of revelation to all nations and, through him, God harvests and seals those born of God's seed to create them into a new kingdom and new people. In Revelation 21, the new kingdom and new people are described as the 'new heaven and new earth', which is Shincheonji.

Genesis 1 is the blueprint for spiritual re-creation - that is, God's creation of the new heaven and new earth, Shincheonji, through the one who overcomes, the promised shepherd of light, after the first heaven and first earth was destroyed due to its betrayal.

"This is the judgment of Lucifer on the earth, and the land is judged together"
Korean Church

Pastor A of the Full Gospel Church
"God will destroy and cast Lucifer out of this Earth. However, this Lucifer is making every effort to keep himself from being driven out of the earth. The earth has been torn apart and shaken because of God's judgment, and the earth is empty and chaotic, with darkness over its depths.

Lucifer was judged by God because he rebelled against God, and thus the perfect earth that God first built was transformed into a desperate state of emptiness, chaos, and darkness above the depths."


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