
Where is the 'Mountain' We Must Flee to to be Saved in the Last Days?

📰The Bible is one of the best-selling and most widely distributed books in history, yet it is also considered to be among the least understood. The Bible, which is referred to as the New Covenant and Promise of God, in which 'the way to heaven and salvation' is presented, differs in theologians' interpretations that make it difficult to understand. These differing interpretations have been the cause of the rise of denominations with each one establishing their own doctrine. With the increase in online church services and gatherings resulting from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there has been growing interest in the comparison of various church doctrine. This paper, therefore, attempts to provide readers with the opportunity to compare differing Biblical teachings without interpretation. Among a host of online sermons and Bible-based teachings, the contrasting doctrine between the established Church and Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which has drawn public interest throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, is hereby compared and summarised. Best efforts have been made to provide a summary of Shincheonji Church of Jesus' understanding of the Bible. Judgment as to what is right or wrong is left to the reader’s discernment.


"This mountain is a place of refuge established at the time of the Lord's Second Coming; Mount Zion, where God is"
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony

In Matthew 24:15-16, Jesus said to flee to the mountains when you see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the holy place. There are many mountains in this world. Will fleeing to a mountain be proof of one's belief in Jesus’ words?

In the Bible, there are physical mountains and there are spiritual mountains. A place formed of the soil of the earth that is inhabited by many animals is a physical mountain. Similarly, a spiritual mountain is a place where people, who are formed of the dust of the earth and are figuratively likened to grass, trees and beasts, gather; that place is a mountain, city or church. The mountain in the main reference is not a physical mountain, but a spiritual mountain. Therefore, we must understand the words of Revelation 14 that tell us to go to Mount Zion, the city of truth and mountain of salvation where the throne of God is, and where Jesus the Lamb stands.

Let's look at the spiritual mountain that is likened to the physical mountain through the Bible.

In Ezekiel 36:1~4, God likened the city of Israel to the mountain of betrayal, and told the Son of Man to go to this betrayed mountain of Israel and preach the word of God there. Likewise, in Revelation 6:14 and 8:8, the church and organisation where the people who betrayed are gathered is likened to the mountain of betrayal. In Jeremiah 51:25, it was said, “Behold, you destroying mountain, you who destroy the whole earth.” This is a metaphor for the organisation of Babylon, the dwelling place of demons that destroyed Jerusalem, God's chosen people, and deceived the whole world. It destroyed Jerusalem spiritually and is the mountain of destruction.

Revelation 17:9-10 also likens the church and organisation of the destroyers that belong to Satan to spiritual Babylon, the mountain of destruction. In Isaiah 2:2-4, it is prophesied that in the last days the mountain of the Lord's temple will stand above all mountains, and the word of God will flow out of this mountain, and all nations will gather to it. Can God's temple literally stand above all the mountains of the world? These words are prophecies for the last days when the temple of God will be established as the church of Truth where God is and where truth flows.

In other words, Mount Zion, the city of truth from where the highest level of truth comes, will stand greater than any other church or denomination.

What is the difference between physical Mount Zion and spiritual Mount Zion mentioned in the Bible? Physical Mount Zion is roughly 800 metres above sea level in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. This is the place where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived. After King David fought and defeated the Jebusites living in Jerusalem, he occupied Mount Zion and built a royal palace there. Zion became the religious hub of Israel and symbolic of the chosen people.

Let's look at the spiritual Mount Zion. In Isaiah 60:14 and Zechariah 2:7, we see that man is called Zion and Zion is also the city of God. Jesus was also called Jerusalem and the temple (John 2:19-21, Gal 4:26). In Revelation 3:12, Jesus said the name of the city of God, New Jerusalem, coming down from heaven would be written on the one who overcomes, the promised shepherd. Man is called the city of God, or Zion. Since it is said that the holy city of God in the spiritual world is the New Jerusalem where Zion is, spiritual Zion is the gathering place of the promised pastor and the chosen people of God. It refers to the city of God in the spiritual world.

In Revelation Chapter 14, Mount Zion, where Jesus stands, is where the sealed 144,000 who have the names of God and Jesus are. As the chosen people who have been redeemed from the earth, they perceive that they have become spiritual Mount Zion. This spiritual Mount Zion is created according to the promise in Revelation 7 and refers to the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel where God's tabernacle is. At the first coming, Jesus came to physical Mount Zion, but at the second coming Jesus will come to spiritual Mount Zion. Therefore, all people should strive to go to the spiritual Mount Zion, which is made up of the the promised pastor of Revelation 3:12 and the 12 tribes where the new Jerusalem, the Zion of heaven, is.

"This is an escape to Petra Castle in Jordan. When problems come, flee to this mountain"
Korean Church

Pastor A, Full Gospel Church
"In Matthew 24:16, it is said that those who are in Judea at that time should flee to the mountains. Where is this mountain I should run to? According to the Bible, the city of Petra is located in the former Moab land of Jordan, adjacent to Judea. God has already made lengthy preparations through the Jews. Many religious groups in the United States are storing much canned food in Petra Castle to earn a living during the tribulation. There, they dig burrows in the mountains and store dry foods including raisins and more."

Pastor B, Full Gospel Church
"People fled from Judea to a place called Pella in the Decapolis, east of Galilee, so lives could be saved."

Pastor C, Presbyterian Church
"The saying 'flee to the mountains' has a significant meaning. There is no such thing as a specific mountain here. That's why it's not a mountain we must flee to, but to a nearby place where one can immediately escape."

Pastor D, Presbyterian Church
"Where then do those in Judea flee to? The mountains. Jesus also went to pray in the mountains. So it is Biblical to go to the mountains when we have a problem."

Pastor E, Presbyterian Church
"The Hebrew word for the story of fleeing to the mountains is 'har'. What does the word 'har' mean? It means 'think about it'."

Pastor F, Baptist Church
"Where will He come when He returns to earth? To the Mount of Olives"

Pastor G, Baptist Church
"At that time, those in Judea are commanded to flee to the mountains. An escape is a quick run. It is to lead a godly life in the mountains. Even if a wife's husband cheats on her, she must run to the mountains. It is said that even if the children are in turmoil, they must flee to the mountains. (Pastor G too) As I come to the mountains more and more, I don't have time to go and buy anything these days. I don't even have time to go and buy clothes."


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