The Growth of Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Europe Amid a Time of Pandemic and Religious Scepticism
On February 18th, the “Europe Press Conference of Shincheonji Church of Jesus” was held online with representatives of the media and Christian denominations from 48 European countries. This press conference was another round of conferences that had taken place in Philippines, the Americas and Africa. It was carried out with questions from church leaders and journalists throughout Europe, with explanations given by Chairman Man Hee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus.
With questions raised regarding the decreasing Christian population within Europe, Chairman Lee pointed out that today’s churches do not provide enough explanation about the words of the Bible that relates closely enough to the daily lives of individuals and communities. He told participants that the detailed prophecies of the Bible were written as signs that would come to pass in the future and he said that the increase in membership of Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Europe is due to the testimony of the fulfilment of the prophecies.
Regarding the mystery of the number “666” recorded in the book of Revelation (chapter 13) which has led to centuries of claims and interpretations, Chairman Lee explained that, according to the Bible, this number is not about COVID-19 but a parable about King Solomon that represents a person who betrays God at the time of Revelation. He further said “the entire book of Revelation is written in parables,” and can be understood “when what is prophesied (in parables) is fulfilled in reality.”
Alongside journalists, a Church leader asked Chairman Lee how he came to know the specific year, month, day and time of the fulfilment of Revelation 9. He replied, “Because I saw it at the location where the book of Revelation was fulfilled.”
“I was very impressed that the Chairman testified without even looking at the book of Revelation, because everything is engraved in your mind and heart. His humility proves that God is with him. How do you know the date, month and hour of the fulfilment of Revelation with such precision?” said Samuel Kabo, Pastor of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Alès.
An official from Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Europe said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has brought disease, disaster, and hardship all over the world, while also limiting religious activities. Chairman Man-hee Lee has said that it is most important we engage with each other, beyond religion and denomination. We hope that this event will serve as an opportunity to revive Christianity in Europe.”
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The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee successfully completed the 'Online Word Seminar' for pastors
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