
Who is the One Who Gives 'Food at the Proper Time' at the Second Coming of the Lord?

📰The Bible is one of the best-selling and most widely distributed books in history, yet it is also considered to be among the least understood. The Bible, which is referred to as the New Covenant and Promise of God, in which 'the way to heaven and salvation' is presented, differs in theologians' interpretations that make it difficult to understand. These differing interpretations have been the cause of the rise of denominations with each one establishing their own doctrine. With the increase in online church services and gatherings resulting from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there has been growing interest in the comparison of various church doctrine. This paper, therefore, attempts to provide readers with the opportunity to compare differing Biblical teachings without interpretation. Among a host of online sermons and Bible-based teachings, the contrasting doctrine between the established Church and Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which has drawn public interest throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, is hereby compared and summarised. Best efforts have been made to provide a summary of Shincheonji Church of Jesus' understanding of the Bible. Judgment as to what is right or wrong is left to the reader’s discernment.


"Food at the proper time is the testimony of the word of prophecy given at the time of the Lord's Second Coming. The person who delivers it is the witness who saw and heard all the events"
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony

In Matthew 24, it is said that there will be food eaten at the Lord's Second Coming. In Matthew 24:45-47, it is written that there will be a faithful and wise servant who is told by his master to take care of the people in His household by giving them food at the proper time, and that this servant would be entrusted with all his master's possessions. If you are a believer who desires heaven, you need to perceive these end times, and find this faithful and wise servant so that you can eat this food at the proper time and become a family member of God who receives all blessings.

The Gospel of Matthew was written 2000 years ago by Matthew, a disciple of Jesus, and consists of a total of 28 chapters. Among them, the events of Matthew 23 record the events that took place at the time of Jesus' first coming, and the words of Matthew 24 are events of prophecy that will occur today at Jesus' Second Coming. Matthew 24 records the questions that the disciples asked Jesus concerning the signs of His coming and the end of the age. Jesus said to be careful not to be deceived by people, and spoke of the various events that will take place at His Second Coming. These key events are marked by wars, famines and earthquakes.

There are many nations in the world, but from God's perspective, there are only two nations - one that belongs to God, and the other that belongs to Satan. The kingdom and nation of God are likened to Jerusalem, and the kingdom and nation of Satan to the Gentile Babylon. It was said that the war between these two opposing nations would incite the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and the appearance of many false prophets. This war is a spiritual and religious war that takes place in the temple of God. It was said that these last days would be marked by earthquakes and famines in various places.

These famines and earthquakes are spiritual, with the earthquake referring to the shaking of the heart of a person who is made of the earth. A famine refers to a spiritual famine in which there is an absence of food because of war. Jesus was saying that the chosen people would be defeated in a spiritual war because of their betrayal and corruption, and that people would have to flee to a mountain when the 'abomination of desolation' stands in the holy place. Jesus promised that when the sun, moon and stars darkened and fell, God's chosen ones would be gathered together.

Jesus also promised that at the time of the Lord's Second Coming, the master would entrust all of his possessions to his servant for him to take responsibility of the chosen ones gathered on Mount Zion and distribute food at the proper time. At this time today, the owner and master who leaves and returns is Jesus. The house is the church, and the people in this household are its members (congregants).

What is this food? John 6:27 tells us not to work for food that perishes, but for food that endures forever. There is food for the flesh and food for the spirit. In the same way that food for the flesh saves the human body, the food for the spirit saves one's soul through the word of God. Moses and Jesus both said that humans live not by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God. Therefore, the spiritual food that the chosen people must eat is the word of God to save one's spirit.

The food of the spirit, which is the word of prophecy and the word of the testimony of the fulfilment of prophecy, must be eaten according to the time. When prophecies are fulfilled, one must fully perceive their realities in their entirety. If one does not know the meaning of the prophecy when it is fulfilled, one cannot believe in the reality which appears. Therefore, the prophecies of the Bible and the words that testify to their reality become food eaten at the proper time. Therefore, the food at the time of the fulfilment of Matthew 24 is the word that testifies to the reality of the prophecy of Matthew 24.

The shepherd (pastor) who has seen and heard the entire fulfilment of this prophecy becomes the faithful and wise servant who distributes food at the proper time. According to Matthew 24:15, when the abomination of desolation stands in the holy place, this person sees and hears everything at the location of the event and flees to the mountain to testify the events of betrayal, destruction and salvation as a faithful witness. He is the faithful and wise servant.

Therefore, those who wish to be saved must find this servant who distributes food at the proper time. According to the book of Revelation, this faithful and wise servant is the one who overcomes who received the hidden manna, and is the pastor who received the opened scroll (book) and testifies to its fulfilment as the messenger of Jesus sent for the churches. The members of that household who receive and eat the food given at the proper time by the faithful and wise servant are those who flee to the mountain when the former corrupt world comes to an end. These are the chosen people whom Jesus and his angels harvested and gathered from the east, west, north and south, and are those who are taken from the field. Through them, a new kingdom and new people are recreated at the Second Coming of the Lord.

"Food at the proper time refers to the three meals of the day. The person who gives this food is one who does so at the proper time" 
Korean Church

Pastor A of the Presbyterian Church
"It is stated in Matthew 24 that the faithful and wise servant provides food to the entrusted servants at the proper time. Matthew 24 is Biblically interpreted as follows in Eugene Peterson's 'The Message'. He writes, 'He is someone who supervises kitchen duties and delivers food to its workers on a timely basis every day.' He says they are people who prepare a meal at the right time so that the workers can work. Is it easy to prepare three meals a day? I'm not sure because I haven't tried it, but it probably wouldn't be."

Pastor B of the Presbyterian Church
"Who is the faithful and wise servant? It's everyday life. I'm not talking about someone who has done something big. In brief, it comes down to everyday chores like cooking, dishing out a meal, washing the dishes, cleaning and taking care of the children. Don't sit back, hoping to assume significant responsibility in the church. If you can be trusted with the smaller, routine tasks, you will be praised, and when the owner comes, he will bless you. This is why it was said that the owner would give him everything he possesses." 

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1 comment:

  1. I read it all
    what word in Bible is saying as food for soul is word of Bible
    It's not a real food
    The food for the body can't be a food for soul ,
    but pastors who don't know Bible just act like that as if the food for the body can be a food for soul
    so ridiculous
