
Where Are the 'Seven Spirits' Recorded in the Book of Revelation?

📰The Bible is one of the best-selling and most widely distributed books in history, yet it is also considered to be among the least understood. The Bible, which is referred to as the New Covenant and Promise of God, in which 'the way to heaven and salvation' is presented, differs in theologians' interpretations that make it difficult to understand. These differing interpretations have been the cause of the rise of denominations with each one establishing their own doctrine. With the increase in online church services and gatherings resulting from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there has been growing interest in the comparison of various church doctrine. This paper, therefore, attempts to provide readers with the opportunity to compare differing Biblical teachings without interpretation. Among a host of online sermons and Bible-based teachings, the contrasting doctrine between the established Church and Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which has drawn public interest throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, is hereby compared and summarised. Best efforts have been made to provide a summary of Shincheonji Church of Jesus' understanding of the Bible. Judgment as to what is right or wrong is left to the reader’s discernment.


"The seven spirits of the seven lamps are in front of the throne of God. Their duty is to proclaim the word of God to people throughout the earth" 
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony

The seven spirits in Revelation 3 are the spirits of the seven lamps in front of the throne of God, and they are the seven spirits who proclaim the word of God to the whole world.

The first thing one must know is that Apostle John and the seven churches were the names of actual people and places at that time. However, since the time when the book of Revelation was written was not the time of its fulfilment, this prophecy was recorded as a metaphor for a reality that would be fulfilled in the future. The seven churches and the seven stars were called a 'secret' (Rev. 1:20), which is why they do not refer to the seven churches in Asia Minor at that time, and the seven churches and seven stars refer to the tabernacle (temple) of the seven golden lampstands and seven messengers that will appear at the Lord's Second Coming. In addition, at the time of the fulfilment of Revelation, a pastor like Apostle John who lived 2000 years ago, now appears and testifies the truth that he has seen and heard. This includes testimony of the letters sent by Jesus through 'new John' to the church in Sardis.

After new John sent letters to the seven messengers of the seven golden lampstands, he went up to the spiritual realm in heaven where he saw the throne of God and its layout. In Revelation 4, around the throne of God, 24 elders sit on 24 thrones, and there are seven spirits of the seven lamps in front of the throne, as well as the crystal-clear sea of glass. It is recorded that there are four living creatures in the centre around the throne covered with eyes in front and behind. These spirits are the 24 elders, the spirits of the seven lamps, the four living creatures, and the tens of millions of holy spirits that encircle them to fulfil their respective duties.

What are the seven spirits in front of the throne of God? The seven spirits John saw are the seven messengers who proclaimed the word of God. They are said to light the seven lamps because they illuminate and awaken one's darkened, ignorant spirit with the word of God, which is like a lamp that gives light to the darkened world.

Moreover, in Revelation 5:6, they are referred to as the seven eyes of God sent out to the whole world, and in Zechariah 4:10, they are called the seven eyes of the Lord that range throughout the earth. The reason they are called the 'Seven Eyes' is because they ensure that God's work is fulfilled on the earth. Just as the Korean Joseon Dynasty's Amhaeng-eosa (secret royal inspector) kept watch as the eyes of the king, the seven spirits of God are spirits that work directly under God's command.

God works to fulfil His will on the earth is it is fulfilled in heaven. In the Old Testament, when Moses saw the throne of the spiritual world in heaven, he built a tabernacle on the earth with all its furnishings, including seven lamps which were lit by Aaron from evening until morning. At the time of the first coming, John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus, was said to be a temporary light as one who shone the light for a period of time.

In the same way, at the time of the second coming of the Lord, the seven spirits in front of God's throne work with the seven messengers (pastors) of the seven golden lampstands, who were in the right hand of Jesus working as the seven lamps. However, these seven pastors whom the seven spirits were with, broke the covenant and committed adultery with Satan's pastor Nicolas, which is why Jesus sent them letters through new John. But they did not repent after receiving Jesus' letters. As a result, they fell from Jesus' right hand, and God withdrew the spirits of the seven lamps that were with them. This is the meaning of removing one's lampstand from its place in Revelation 2:5.

Therefore, the betraying pastors of the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands became spiritually blind because these seven spirits had been taken from them, and the eyes of their hearts were darkened. Therefore, they became one with Satan's Nicolaitans and were destroyed. At that time, new John received all the blessings promised in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 because he fought and overcame Satan's Nicolaitans who had destroyed the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands in Revelation 12. At the time of the fulfilment of Revelation, this new John becomes the witness who testifies to what he has seen and heard and is the messenger of Jesus sent to the churches. The spirit of the seven lamps always work with Jesus; new John, whom Jesus is with, becomes the messenger who works with the spirit of the seven lamps today.

"Think of the multidimensional energies of the Holy Spirit. These seven spirits are the spirit of the LORD in Isaiah 11"
Korean Presbyterian and Methodist Churches

Pastor A of the Korean Methodist Church
"The seven spirits in Revelation 3:1 speak of the Holy Spirit. Since there is one Holy Spirit, we have to say that it is one Spirit, but why did he say that it is the 'Seven Spirits'?

The Theologian Trench interpreted it this way: These words were said to be an expression that emphasises the multidimensional energies of the Holy Spirit. In other words, in order to maximise and express this Holy Spirit's 
powerful ability to bring the dead to life and breathe life into the body, the Holy Spirit is expressed as the 'Seven Spirits'."

Pastor B of the Korean Presbyterian Church
"The seven spirits here refer to the Holy Spirit. You can describe the Holy Spirit in different shapes and forms. In Isaiah chapter 11, all of them are described as seven, including knowledge and the spirit that fears the Lord. Here, just because there are seven spirits, it does not mean that there are seven spirits. They saw the Holy Spirit from seven different perspectives. If the meaning of 7 is something, it is a perfect number and it is the  number of fulfilment." 

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    1. I think Shincheonji Church's doctrine is more biblical than other's in this article
