
What is the Reality of the 'Four Beasts from the Sea' Recorded in the Book of Daniel? (Shincheonji Church)

📰The Bible is one of the best-selling and most widely distributed books in history, yet it is also considered to be among the least understood. The Bible, which is referred to as the New Covenant and Promise of God, in which 'the way to heaven and salvation' is presented, differs in theologians' interpretations that make it difficult to understand. These differing interpretations have been the cause of the rise of denominations with each one establishing their own doctrine. With the increase in online church services and gatherings resulting from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there has been growing interest in the comparison of various church doctrine. This paper, therefore, attempts to provide readers with the opportunity to compare differing Biblical teachings without interpretation. Among a host of online sermons and Bible-based teachings, the contrasting doctrine between the established Church and Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which has drawn public interest throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, is hereby compared and summarised. Best efforts have been made to provide a summary of Shincheonji Church of Jesus' understanding of the Bible. Judgment as to what is right or wrong is left to the reader’s discernment.


"The four beasts are four evil spirits of Satan that imitate God's four, sowing division and destroying the chosen people as they work through a false pastor" 
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony

In Daniel chapter 7, four beasts emerge from the sea. In appearance, they are like a lion, a bear, a leopard and a fourth beast with very strong iron teeth. There are four beasts, with a total of seven heads and ten horns. This beast also appears in the book of Revelation, which foretells the Second Coming of the Lord. If such a beast were to literally exist, would it not be a huge global topic?

Firstly, in the book of Daniel in the Old Testament, God showed Daniel a vision revelation of prophecies about future events and made him write it (Dan. 10:14). The reality that appears when this prophecy is fulfilled is different from the recorded vision. Likewise, one's dreams and interpretations differ.

When Jesus spoke about his Second Coming, he said that those who read the book of Daniel at that time would understand (Matthew 24:15). You can see that the content in the book of Daniel is the same as that in the book of Revelation, which is a book of prophecy about the Lord's Second Coming. Matthew 24:15 says that the four beasts in Daniel 7 stand in the holy place; that is, the 'abomination that causes desolation' that destroys the temple. This is the beast with seven heads and ten horns.

The four beasts that come out of the sea in Daniel 7:3 are expressed, in verse 17, as four kings from the earth. The sea refers to the dragon, which is the earth (world) ruled by the devil Satan. Moreover, in 1 Peter 2:9, a pastor is likened to a king, and the wild beasts like a lion, bear and leopard refer to the kingdom of Satan and Satan's pastor, who houses the spirit of Satan that destroys God's sheep-like believers.

Satan was an archangel and one of the four living creatures, but was cast out after proclaiming himself God. The structure of God's organisation consists of four living creatures and tens of thousands of angels standing in front of His throne. Satan imitates this structure through his four angels and 200 million mounted troops who sinned, as evidenced in Revelation 9:14-16. Satan sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself God and deceiving the chosen people so as to destroy them.

Therefore, the four beasts in Daniel 7 are pastors of doom or hell, led by the head spirit of these four entities of Satan which, at the first coming, worked through the Pharisees who destroyed Jerusalem. This is the testimony of the witness who has seen and heard these events at their very location. His testimony is true.

'Professor A', Theology PhD, of the Korean Presbyterian Church
"The four beasts that appear in Daniel 7:1-8 and Revelation 13:1-2 are the four superpowers. This content proves that the four creatures point to the four superpowers at the end of the world that was shown to Daniel, who turned 30 more than 2750 years ago.

The winner is the person who appears in this era of the four superpowers. In 1973, President Nixon of the United States declared that that was the era of the four superpowers. These four superpowers are the United States, China, Russia and Japan.

The first beast, the lion, is the most powerful of all animals, so it refers to the United States, which is the most powerful country in the world. The second beast, the bear, is weaker than the lion, but because it is larger, it refers to China because of its land mass. The third beast, the leopard, is nocturnal, so it refers to communist Russia, which is a socialist state, and the fourth beast refers to Japan as it is without shape or form.

These are the beasts that appear at the time of the second war. The period of fighting over the human soul is called the 'second war'.

In the Old Testament era, both gods fought over people. Therefore, they even said 'God of Flesh' when referring to God at that time, they fought over people." 


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