Jinwoo Jeong, a graduate of Shincheonji Class 112
“Two life-shattering accidents made me rethink my future”
“The driving force has been the fulfilment of the Word based on the Bible”
[Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Hye-ji Lim] “After collapsing from overworking, my health deteriorated and I lost my wealth and the person I was pledged to marry. My world came crashing down. I couldn't find the purpose of life, and I thought, 'Is there really a God?' At that time, I suddenly remembered the words about the soul and body that I had learned at the Zion Christian Mission Center. That moment marked a new beginning in my life.”
The Zion Christian Mission Center, an educational institution of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus), has drawn attention for having produced a total of 18,838 graduates in 2021 despite the ongoing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Jinwoo Jeong, who received a graduation certificate on behalf of all graduates at an online graduation ceremony held on the 26th December 2021, recalled his journey commencing the Zion Christian Mission Center course.
In fact, Mr. Jeong said that at that time 20 years ago he had stopped listening to the message from Shincheonji Church of Jesus. What is the reason he turned around and found the Word of Shincheonji again?
He said that he began learning the teaching of Shincheonji Church of Jesus in his early 20s upon the encouragement of his mother, but he decided to stop as he went abroad for language training.
After returning to Korea, misfortune struck. His health suddenly deteriorated due to overworking. He was in his early 30s, yet stood at 1.8metres and weighed 50 kg. As his health deteriorated, he lost everything around him.
There were times when Mr. Jeong confronted death. A car accident left him needing 30 face stitches, a broken back and ribs, and long-term hospitalisation.
Standing at the crossroads of life and death, he looked back on his body, soul and life. He said that that was when he finally established a newfound faith.
Mr. Jeong recalled the moment he decided to recommence his journey on the Zion Christian Mission Center course. He said, “When I started getting sick, the first thought I had was about the soul and body.”
What follows are Mr. Jeong's responses to a one-to-one interview.
''Why did you stop studying the Bible 20 years ago?''
''It started with the encouragement of my mother rather than my own voluntary effort. I was simply curious, and neither had much interest nor a committed heart. I only accepted it intellectually. I really wanted to study English, so I decided to go abroad.''
''Why did you become interested in religion again?''
''In my early 30s, I became very sick. I suffered with a poor liver at first, but my health deteriorated as I continued to work day and night. I eventually collapsed due to over exhaustion at work. The wealth I had saved up, the person I was pledged to marry and my future all vanished. Life suddenly felt meaningless and I thought a lot about death. At that time, I suddenly remembered the words about the spirit and the body that I had heard at the Shincheonji Zion Christian Mission Center in my early 20s. Why did this happen to me, and does God exist? I wanted to understand the Bible properly.''
''You decided to study the Bible again, but then stopped. Why?''
''Studying the Bible after getting sick was different from before. I was desperate and came to it in a different way. I was grateful to Shincheonji Church of Jesus for teaching me the Bible, but I lacked courage.''
''You came to study the third sermon, was there an opportunity?''
''In January last year (2021), I was in a major car accident. It was a major accident that resulted in me needing 30 facial stitches, a broken back and ribs, and hospital treatment for 3 weeks. Now that I stood once more at the crossroads of life and death, I said to myself, 'I must learn the Word properly and live according to God's will.' In a way, I also thought that these things must have happened so that God could call me, regardless of my own will.''
''It would not have been easy for you to disclose your faith as a Shincheonji graduate.''
''From a young age, I have had a rational outlook and stubborn persistence. That's why people around me don't need to say much about what I should do - I'm going to do what I want regardless. Doesn't religion, in particular, judge the actions of those who believe? I'm working on this (laughs).''
''Is there anything you would like to say to those who are hesitant about starting the course?''
''The most likely way you'll hear about Shincheonji Church of Jesus is through the church you attend or the media. However, it's no good having prejudice without first verifying for yourself. Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which I have personally experienced, has mastered the entire Bible and teaches the greatest truth in mankind that no person can equal. It teaches you about the words of the Bible, the work of God, and a future that you will not hear of anywhere else. I hope people will listen and judge for themselves.''
''Do you have any final words?''
''I have completed the course, but there is still a lot I am working on. I will study the Word more diligently and try to repay the grace God has shown me in giving me a new life.''
Graduation Ceremony of Zion Christian Mission Center: Class 112

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(Cheonji TV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNkQCegNuMA&t=1s)

Reaction to Shincheonji Online Seminar on Revelation
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[Shincheonji Online Word Seminar] Chairman Man-Hee Lee candid self-introduction… Open the hearts of over 30,000 believers
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[Shincheonji Online Word Seminar] Chairman Man-Hee Lee candid self-introduction… Open the hearts of over 30,000 believers
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[Shincheonji Online Word Seminar] Pastors who participated in the seminar by President Man-hee Lee “I was curious… groundbreaking doctrine.”
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Man-Hee Lee, President of Shincheonji Church, successfully completed the online seminar for pastors
Man-Hee Lee, President of Shincheonji Church, successfully completed the online seminar for pastors
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The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee successfully completed the 'Online Word Seminar' for pastors
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The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee, 'Certainly appeal' at the online seminar for pastors on the 14th
뉴스쉐어-신천지 이만희 총회장 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
On the 14th, The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Lee Man-hee completed the online sermon seminar for pastors
일간대한뉴스-신천지 이만희 총회장 목회자 대상 온라인 세미나 강사로 나서 성료
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee, Succeeded as a lecturer at an online seminar for pastors
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee Online Word Seminar for Pastors on the 14th
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The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee successfully completed the 'Online Word Seminar' for pastors
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The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee, 'Certainly appeal' at the online seminar for pastors on the 14th
뉴스쉐어-신천지 이만희 총회장 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
On the 14th, The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Lee Man-hee completed the online sermon seminar for pastors
일간대한뉴스-신천지 이만희 총회장 목회자 대상 온라인 세미나 강사로 나서 성료
The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee, Succeeded as a lecturer at an online seminar for pastors
일간경기-신천지 이만희 총회장 온라인 세미나 성료
Completed online seminar of Shincheonji Chairman Lee Man-hee
경기북부시민신문-신천지 이만희 총회장, 14일 목회자 대상 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee, 14th online sermon seminar for pastors successfully completed
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Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee successfully completed the seminar for pastors
중부일보-신천지 온라인 말씀세미나 지난 14일 개최
Shincheonji Online Word Seminar held on the 14th
전국매일신문-신천지 이만희 총회장, 온라인 말씀 세미나 성료
Man-hee Lee, Chairman of Shincheonji Church, completes online sermon seminar
기호일보-신천지예수교 온라인 말씀 세미나 1만4000여 명 참석 성료
14,000 people attended the Shincheonji Church of Jesus Online Word Seminar
경북신문-신천지, 온라인 말씀 세미나 1만4천여명 참여
Shincheonji, 14,000 people participated in online sermon seminar
News Reports on "12 Tribes' Online Bible Seminars"
Shincheonji Philip branch church 'New Testament prophecy fulfilled' Word Seminar completed
Shincheonji Philip branch church 'Realistic Fulfillment of New Testament Prophecy' Word Seminar Completed
“테스형, 천국은 있던가요?”… 인천서도 온라인 성경 세미나 ‘성료’
“Tess-hyung, is there heaven?”… Incheon Seodo Online Bible Seminar ‘Successful’
신천지 비대면 말씀세미나, 3만6000여명 몰려
Shincheonji non-face-to-face seminar, 36,000 people gathered
“Tess-hyung, is there heaven?”… Incheon Seodo Online Bible Seminar ‘Successful’
Shincheonji non-face-to-face seminar, 36,000 people gathered
충청신문-“하나님과 예수님 믿는 신앙인이라면 성경 참뜻 깨달아야”
“If you are a believer in God and Jesus, you must understand the true meaning of the Bible”
창원일보-신천지 온라인 말씀 세미나 후속 교육 3,000명 이상 신청
Shincheonji Church, further education seminars, more than 3,000 people apply for online Bible Seminar
메트로신문-'왜 신천지인들은 교회에 있는 사람들을 전도할까?'…'신천지' 세미나 진행
'Why do Shincheonji church evangelize people in the church?'... Seminar on 'Shincheonji'
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Shincheonji Church of Jesus, active in spreading the gospel non-face-to-face amid the COVID-19 pandemic
브레이크뉴스- 온라인 말씀콘서트 진행…"천국가는 길, 성경에 답있어"
Online Bible concert held... "The way to heaven, the answer is in the Bible"
일간투데이-“추수는 영적 시대변화 결과”…신천지예수교회 메시지 ‘주목’
“The harvest is the result of the spiritual change of the times”… Shincheonji Church of Jesus message 'attention'
신천지, 온라인 말씀 콘서트서 복음 전해 “하나님이 계신 곳은 어디인가”
Shincheonji, preaching the gospel at the online Word Concert “Where is God”
신천지 시몬지파, 온라인 세미나...“지금은 추수기, 기독교인에게 이 사실 알려야”
Shincheonji's Simon Tribe, Online Seminar...“Now is the harvest season, we need to inform Christians about this fact”
신천지 다대오지파 “지금은 계시록 시대, 약속의 목자를 만나야 할 것”
Shincheonji’s Many Great Tribes “Now is the Age of Revelation, We Must Meet the Promised Shepherd”
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