The ‘Antichrist’ and ‘False Prophet’ of the New Testament

by - 14:15

The Bible contains a 6000-year record of war between God and Satan. Before Adam’s fall, God entrusted all creation to Adam and lived with people on earth in eternal peace. After Adam (figuratively) ate the words of the serpent, Satan took possession of God’s creation and death has been ruling this world since then. God has been consistently working to return to His creation, but whenever He does, Satan also works to hinder God’s plan. This is clear to see through the eras of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses (Israelites) and the Old Testament prophets.

2000 years ago, Jesus Christ came according to the promise God made through the prophets of the Old Testament (Isaiah-Malachi). Jesus came to fulfil all the promise of the Old Testament at the first coming (Jn 19:30). Instead of believing in Jesus as the one they were waiting for, the religious authorities actively persecuted Jesus and crucified him. These religious leaders were the reality of the antichrists and false prophets who neither believed in the physical reality of God’s promise nor were able to explain the correct meaning of the Old Testament promise and fulfilment to believers. Moreover, they created their own interpretations about the meaning of the Old Testament promise. Although God was with Jesus (Mt 3:16), Satan - who is also spirit and had worked through the serpent in Genesis - was working through the religious authorities of that time.

Will it be any different today? Before Jesus bore the cross at the first coming, he made a final promise about future events that would take place when he returns in spirit (2nd coming). These events are recorded in Matthew 24. They are also recorded in the Book of Revelation after he ascended to heaven. In Matthew 24, Jesus warned believers not to be deceived by antichrists and false prophets at the time of his second coming. Today, Jesus’ promised messenger has come according to the promise he made in the New Testament. This messenger has seen and heard all the promised events of Matthew 24 and the entire book of Revelation and is making them known plainly to the churches (Rv 22:8, 16). Will the leaders of the Christian world, who are waiting for Jesus’ second coming, listen to his testimony? Instead of turning an ear to the physical reality of Jesus’ promise and creating one’s own interpretation of the New Testament promise and fulfilment, one should let go of one’s pride and understand plainly.

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Antichrist and False Prophet

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