
Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar successfully held in Daejeon: “I've been teaching incorrectly”, Pastor says


Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Chairman Man-hee Lee, Shincheonji Church of Jesus), which is touring major cities across South Korea to lecture on the reality of the fulfilment of the Book of Revelation, delivered the third of its four lectures of the seminar series 'Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation' at 4pm on the 6th May at the KT Human Resources Development Center in Daejeon.

The response to the Shincheonji Open Bible seminar, which started in Seoul on the 22nd April, has been particularly fervent among pastors in Korea who are being invited to confirm the fulfilment of the Book of Revelation for themselves.

At a press conference held in advance, about 100 reporters from local media covered the event and showed interest in the direct lecture given by the Chairman of Shincheonji, Man-hee Lee. The seats on the 2nd floor were filled to the brim.

About 500 former and current ministers, including pastors, preachers, and evangelists from various denominations, including the Presbyterian Church, Methodist Church, and Full Gospel Church came to listen to the testimony of Chairman Lee.

A drum performance that expressed the shaking of the heavens and earth at the sound of the word of truth proclaimed the start of the meeting.

Chairman Lee explained the purpose of the meeting, saying that his duty is to testify what he has seen and heard to the churches according to Revelation 22:16.

At the same time, Chairman Lee said in a confident tone that he knows all about the seven messengers of the Book of Revelation, the reality of the Nicolaitans, and even their names and faces.

(Recording: Man-hee Lee | Chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus)
“The dragon’s group, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, entered the tabernacle of heaven and marked the people there on their foreheads and hands…This is the testimony of the one who saw firsthand the mark being placed on their foreheads and hands. Someone who has seen the entire fulfilment of the war recorded in the Book of Revelation will know this. In Revelation 22:8, it says, 'I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things'. I am one who has seen and heard the fulfilled realities. This one person has seen and heard everything and was told to go to the churches and testify it in Revelation 22:16.”

Given that the main attendees at the seminar were pastors, a strong message was directed at them. Chairman Lee urged them to avoid the judgment, citing Jesus who said that today, which is the time of the Second Coming, will be like the days of Noah.

(Recording: Man-hee Lee | Chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus)
“The outcome is either heaven or hell. The judgment in the Book of Revelation will bring one era to a complete end in order to usher in the creation of a new era. This cannot be done by human power or strength. We are standing at the crossroads of this one era passing away and a new era being created. Are there 12 tribes in your church? Are you those who have moved church as a result of being harvested? Pastors need to come to a swift understanding of the everything right away and testify accordingly to their congregations. You need to know not only the words of the entire Book of Revelation from chapters 1 to 22, but also the fulfilled realities of all these words.”

The pastors' enthusiasm was high as the Chairman spoke with vigour and enthusiasm for over an hour.

(Interview: Pastor)
“It is written in the Bible that although a person plans their path with their heart, it is God who directs their steps. Come rain or snow, I hope that the many people who have gathered today will find God's guidance. The Bible also says that this cannot be achieved by human power or will. There are many churches and believers in this region, especially in Daejeon. I didn't know whether those in attendance today would be general believers or servants of the Lord, but I personally came here as a servant of Christ to understand what I need to understand, and know what I can do in order to further cooperate through the possible signing of an MOU. I hope to become a servant of the Lord who can rejoice in accomplishing God's will together with others.”

(Interview: Pastor)
“This study of Shincheonji is so accurate, detailed, and clear that I am working hard to meet more pastors so that more MOUs can be signed. I started with a small church, but since signing an MOU, many believers have come to listen to the Word at our church even as passers-by. So even though our church was small, the number of church members has since grown a lot, and the church is now nearing a membership of 100. We decided to study (the word from Shincheonji) because the word of truth is so good, and because it is the word of the new covenant. I decided that I had to learn it.”

(Interview: Pastor)
“(To fellow pastors) Shincheonji, unlike what you may think, is not a cult. Listen and be surprised. Please go and see for yourselves. That's why I decided to become a PR ambassador. I graduated from a Methodist seminary, but they never spoke deeply on the book of Revelation there. When you come to Shincheonji, you can memorise the entire Book of Revelation. Oh, it tastes so sweet. I've really perceived a lot. That's why I respect and love the members of Shincheonji.”

Amid the reality of a rapidly declining church community in Korea, the change in perception of the words of Shincheonji is spreading rapidly among pastors.

(Interview: Pastor)
“What I wish to confess before God and His word is that there are too many shepherds like me. It is a blessing that I can now go to Mount Zion. But I cannot go alone. I am currently planning and working on finding associates who can accompany me. It is really sad that all the pastors of the world have joined together against this blessed place. In our church, I'll be the one who will replace the signboard (with the name 'Shincheonji'). I mean this. I saw it today - they actually replaced the church signboard. That's why I came here today with aspirations. Ah, I really have to do as I've said. I've deeper resolve and faith after coming to this truly blessed place today. Thank you again.”

(Interview: Pastor)
“Listening to the Chairman's words today brought tears to my eyes. I wonder if I could ever teach like this at the pulpit. Jesus said that the blind lead the blind. I wonder if I was blind. I now plan to properly learn the word of truth, the word of revelation that has appeared in reality, proclaim the true word of God, and teach it from the pulpit. My heart is beating again and I feel the love I had at first for Jesus. Through me, there are juniors who have studied theology and are pastoring in ministry. I plan to testify these practical words of truth to my associates, junior pastors, and senior pastors once I've first learn properly and admit what I need to know.”

Although a significant number of pastors do still have an aversion to Shincheonji, it seems that they want to know the secret of Shincheonji's rapid growth. Somehow, over the past three years, Shincheonji has grown rapidly. Following the 100,000 graduation ceremony in November 2019, another 100,000 graduation ceremony was held in November 2022 of last year, three years later, and, this year, Shincheonji is expected to produce another 100,000 graduates, ushering in a revival in the religious world. In the words of one pastor in attendance in Daejeon, “Now, we must restore the Korean church with  the revealed theology of Shincheonji.”

Shincheonji plans to conclude its seminar series, Testimony on the Fulfilment of Revelation in Incheon on the 13th of May.

Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar: Testimony of the Fulfillment of Revelation (Blogs)
Pastors “quench their thirst for the Bible”, as Shincheonji Chairman testifies to the fulfilment of the Book of Revelation in Daejeon

'Direct Lecture by Chairman Man-hee Lee' held in Daejeon

“After coming here to learn, my questions changed to Exclamations”, Pastor Response to Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar held at BEXCO in Busan

'Pastors in Korea are waking up to the revelation of Shincheonji', Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar held at BEXCO in Busan

'Direct Lecture by Chairman Man-hee Lee' held in Busan

Pastors who attended the Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar react enthusiastically

Pastors attending the Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar, “Chairman Man-hee Lee's testimony of the entire Book of Revelation is amazing”

Shincheonji Chairman Man-hee Lee attends 'Shincheonji Bible Seminar: Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation'


  1. What amazing responses from the pastors!

  2. I am wondering where the enthusiasm comes from after pastors hearing from shincheonji chairman, this is Godly

  3. There are many good reviews here from pastors!

  4. So amazing that a pastor is humble and willing enough to admit that he doesn't know but is willing to stil learn!

  5. This is such good news and the right direction for all religious leaders
