
‘Repentance, Joy, and Gratitude’, Pastors' admiration for Shincheonji Chairman Man-hee Lee’s lecture in Daejeon


Pastors who attended the in-person lecture seminar held in Daejeon on the 6th May by Man-hee Lee, Chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, were amazed. Pastors who had regarded Shincheonji as a heresy repented of their thoughts, and pastors who did not know about the Book of Revelation even after serving for decades, said with one voice that it was time to quench their thirst for the Word.

Pastor A, who revealed that he had been the head of the Heresy Research Association for 15 years, said, “As I listened to today’s seminar, many misunderstandings and distortions about Shincheonji were resolved.” Pastor A expressed his feelings, saying, “The chairman of Shincheonji has never called himself a religious leader - why did the world go after him so much? I myself looked back with tears in my eyes.”

He also said, “After learning the word from Shincheonji, I found many differences from what I studied and preached at the seminary. Having listened to the word (from Shincheonji), I deeply repented for having regarded Shincheonji as a heresy without even knowing it myself.” He said, “As a pastor, I didn’t want to admit that I didn’t know the words of the Bible accurately, but there was a calling in my heart saying, ‘Just admit it. What's the problem?”

Pastor B, a former member of the Full Gospel Church, heard the sermon at the seminar and expressed admiration for Chairman Lee's passion.

He said, “I could come and see it for the first time in the flesh after seeing it on YouTube. Just as it is delicious to catch and eat fish right away, watching it on YouTube and listening to it in person are a bit different”, adding, “It touched my heart even more.” He said, “The first thing I noticed about the chairman is his passion,” and said, “He is 93 years old. At that age, most people are resting in a nursing home. It was so inspiring to see him preaching the gospel with conviction and passion at his age.” He also emphasised, “He wasn't standing there to make money or for fame, but he was there to preach the words of the Bible. It was beautiful.”

Pastor C, a former Presbyterian pastor who confessed that he enjoys listening to the Shincheonji seminars on the Book of Revelation on YouTube, said, “Through this Shincheonji Bible Seminar for pastors, I realised once again that ‘If you add or subtract from Revelation, the result is hell, but if you master it, it's heaven'. It became an opportunity for me to engrave the words of the book.” He said, “The actual reason I didn't touch the Book of Revelation while preparing sermons during pastoral ministry is because I was afraid that I would add to or subtract from the Book of Revelation in front of God. I'm so grateful that I can now learn it well and have a clear standard, so that I do not add or subtract in the future.”

✶Pastors who came from Jeolla province to Chungcheong province
Although the Shincheonji Bible Seminar was held in Daejeon, many pastors from Jeolla Province (180km away) deliberately came forward to listen to the direct lecture by Chairman Lee.

Pastor D, who announced that he had come from Gwangju to attend the Shincheonji Bible Seminar, said, “I had only seen the Chairman on video, but I wanted to meet him face-to-face, so I attended the seminar. I'm grateful I could do this. Better late than never.” He said, “I'm convinced that the truth exists in Shincheonji after meeting the chairman, the true pastor.”

In particular, he said with conviction, “I heard the piercing words about me, the 'ignorant shepherd' in the words of Isaiah 56:9-11, and I want to change and share the joy of this flowing water of the word that is healing all nations.”

Pastor E, a member of the Presbyterian Church from Jeolla province, revealed his reason for attending the seminar, saying, “I attended the Shincheonji Bible Seminar a few years ago, but Shincheonji is a hot topic these days and the message is so clear that I decided to come here.” He recently signed an MOU with Shincheonji Church. Pastor E said, “As I was ministering for several decades, I always found myself empty and confused, but I decided to sign an MOU because they supported me with teaching materials for the revival of the church and asked that we work together.”

Pastor F of the Presbyterian Church, who revealed that he had been pastoring in a city in Jeolla province for 27 years, said, “Currently, I am listening to and studying the Shincheonji lectures on the Book of Revelation”, and confessed, “The atmosphere in the Church is changing a lot.” Pastor F said, “It seems that ordinary Protestant pastors and officials are thinking differently about the words of the Bible because of personal greed.”

Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar: Testimony of the Fulfillment of Revelation (Blogs)
Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar successfully held in Daejeon: “I've been teaching incorrectly”, Pastor says

Pastors “quench their thirst for the Bible”, as Shincheonji Chairman testifies to the fulfilment of the Book of Revelation in Daejeon

'Direct Lecture by Chairman Man-hee Lee' held in Daejeon

“After coming here to learn, my questions changed to Exclamations”, Pastor Response to Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar held at BEXCO in Busan

'Pastors in Korea are waking up to the revelation of Shincheonji', Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar held at BEXCO in Busan

'Direct Lecture by Chairman Man-hee Lee' held in Busan

Pastors who attended the Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar react enthusiastically

Pastors attending the Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar, “Chairman Man-hee Lee's testimony of the entire Book of Revelation is amazing”

Shincheonji Chairman Man-hee Lee attends 'Shincheonji Bible Seminar: Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation'

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