
What is the True Meaning of the 'Famine' Promised to Occur at the End Times and the Second Coming? (Shincheonji)

📰The Bible is one of the best-selling and most widely distributed books in history, yet it is also considered to be among the least understood. The Bible, which is referred to as the New Covenant and Promise of God, in which 'the way to heaven and salvation' is presented, differs in theologians' interpretations that make it difficult to understand. These differing interpretations have been the cause of the rise of denominations with each one establishing their own doctrine. With the increase in online church services and gatherings resulting from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there has been growing interest in the comparison of various church doctrine. This paper, therefore, attempts to provide readers with the opportunity to compare differing Biblical teachings without interpretation. Among a host of online sermons and Bible-based teachings, the contrasting doctrine between the established Church and Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which has drawn public interest throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, is hereby compared and summarised. Best efforts have been made to provide a summary of Shincheonji Church of Jesus' understanding of the Bible. Judgment as to what is right or wrong is left to the reader’s discernment.


"Spiritual famine is a state of not being able to hear the word of God. The food is the fulfilled reality of what has been promised"
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony

Matthew 23 records events concerning Jesus' first coming, while Matthew 24 concerns the time of the Lord's Second Coming. The disciples asked Jesus when His second coming and the signs of the end of the age would occur, and Jesus gave them this answer.

Jesus said that at his Second Coming, one should be careful not to be deceived by others and that the signs of that time would be marked by various events including war, famine and earthquakes.

The war recorded in Matthew 24 is not a physical war, but a spiritual war of doctrines (words). In the same way, this famine is not literal.

In Amos 8:11, God said that at the appointed time, He would send a famine to this land, and clearly said that this famine would not be one void of physical food and water, but a famine of hearing God's word. Therefore, this famine is a spiritual famine that is void of spiritual food (words).

Because the chosen people became corrupt during the time of spiritual war, they were put to an end as the 'abomination that causes desolation' stood in the holy place. This means that God's temple (church) became a place of spiritual famine where one could no longer hear the word of God. This is the reality of today's Christian world which is in spiritual famine void of the word (food) of life.

At this time, Jesus said that there would be food given at the proper time. This is why, in John 6:27, Jesus said not to work for food that perishes, but for food that leads to eternal life. There is food for the flesh and food for the spirit.

Jesus said that even though people ate physical food - manna - at the time of Moses, they ultimately died. In John 1:1, God is the Word and Jesus is the Word, so eating Jesus means listening to the Word of Jesus. This is food of the spirit - the word of life. The food of the spirit, which is the word of prophecy and the word that testifies to the reality of its fulfilment, must be eaten at the proper time. There are times when prophecies are fulfilled and must be understood. If you do not know the meaning of the prophecy at the time of the fulfilment of the prophecy, you will not be able to believe in its fulfilled reality. Therefore, the prophecies of the Bible and the words that testify to their reality become food that must be eaten at the appointed time.

No matter how healthy one may appear to the physical eye, if one does not have the word of God in one's heart, God sees one in spiritual famine. At the time of the first coming, God came to Jesus, who was the bread of life, and it was from Jesus that one could seek the food of eternal life. At the Lord's Second Coming, in Matthew 24:45, one must find the Lord through Jesus' promised pastor (shepherd) -  who is the faithful and wise servant who gives the food at the proper time - so that we can find this food of eternal life.

Such an event is also recorded in the book of Revelation. In Revelation 1, the seven messengers of the seven stars, the seven golden lampstands, appear to prepare the way for the Lord. However, in Revelation 2, Satan's Nicolaitans enter the tabernacle of God and feed the saints idolatrous offerings and the teachings of Satan, and entice them to commit adultery. Moreover in Revelation 13, the dragon (Satan) and the beast with seven heads and ten horns enter the temple of God and fight and defeat the chosen people. The result of this war is a spiritual famine whereby only the words and lies of Satan  remain in the temple of God that is now void of God's word. This is the spiritual famine recorded in Matthew 24.

At this time, in Revelation 2-3, a person appears and fights and overcomes Satan's Nicolaitans, and receives the promised hidden manna, which is the opened scroll received in Revelation 10. This pastor is the messenger in Revelation 22:16 who is sent to the churches to testify the fulfilled realities of Revelation, and the promised pastor of the new heaven and new earth - the faithful and wise servant who gives the food at the proper time promised in Matthew 24.

"Famines in Africa, South America and North Korea plague roughly one-third of the world's 7 billion people today"
The Full Gospel, Presbyterian and Baptist Churches

Pastor A of the Full Gospel Church
"It's true that, when we think of wars and earthquakes, this prophetic famine points to the famines in Africa, South America, and North Korea. This is an obvious fact because there are more people in the world today who are unable to eat, dress and live well."

Pastor B of the Presbyterian Church
"As we neared the end of the 20th century and passed into the 21st century, there were a lot of things taking place. If you look at the news, earthquakes and famines continue to take place.

According to what the UN announced, one-third of the planet's population of 7 billion people is suffering from famine. 1/3 of 7 billion is 2.3 billion. I've been to places like Nepal where the earthquake struck and I've seen people living on one meal a day. Therefore, when such news comes out, we must think, "This is happening according to the prophecies of the Bible."

Pastor C of the Baptist Church
"When it comes to environmental disasters, the first thing we must think about is the prophecy of the end times. Oh as God warned us, the end has 
finally begun. This is what I think, but I can't be sure."


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