The 12 Promised Blessings of Revelation 2-3 given to the One Who Overcomes

by - 17:46

The book of Revelation is God's final work. It is a book of promise recorded by Apostle John according to a vision Jesus showed him 2000 years ago. Within it, Jesus promises that there will be 'one who overcomes' or 'one who is victorious' (Rv 3:12, 21). Who is this person?

In order to 'overcome', this person must find themselves in a difficult situation that requires them to fight against and defeat someone. This person is Jesus' promised messenger (Rv 22:16) who, becaause of overcoming, receives the 12 promised blessings recorded in Revelation 2-3. These blessings are of imense value; one of them being that God and Jesus, who are in spirit, will work with him (Rv 3:21). 

Because he overcomes, Jesus' promised messenger establishes the promised temple recorded in Revelation 15:5, that is named 'The Temple of the Covenant Law', or 'The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony'. Jesus is the head of this promised temple and it is named as such because the 'one who overcomes' has witnessed the events of Revelation and can give testimony about it (Rv 22:8). Its full name is 'Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony'. It is abbreviated as 'Shincheonji church'. It is also 'New Heaven New Earth' where God promises to return to His creation to end all mourning, death, crying and pain (Rv 21:3-4).

What are the promised 12 blessings given to the one who overcomes?
Read here (The Promise of Jesus in Revelation 2-3)

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