
"What is the Last, Seventh Seal and the Sound of the Seven Trumpets?" (Shincheonji Online Seminar, Revelation Chapter 8)


On 4th November 2021, Cheonji Ilbo (Cheonji Daily) published an article, in Korean, entitled, “'What is the Last, Seventh Seal and the Sound of the Seven Trumpets?' (Shincheonji Online Seminar, Revelation Chapter 8)”. This is a translation of that report.   


The leader of Andrew tribe of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Il-gon Kim, delivered a lecture on Revelation 8 on the seminar series 'Testimony of Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant' on November 4th.

[Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Hye-ji Lim] On the 4th November, Il-gon Kim of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus) delivered the latest seminar at the series 'Testimony of Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant'.

Following the seminar on Revelation 7 by Ki-won Lee of John Tribe on the 1st November, Andrew tribe leader testified about the meaning of the prophecies of Revelation 8, and their fulfilment.

“This online seminar on Revelation is a very special and unprecedented seminar that informs us not only about the words of prophecy, but also the reality of their fulfillment,” said Il-gon Kim.

Mr. Kim went on to deliver a lecture on Revelation 8 under the title, 'The Last, Seventh Seal and the Seven Trumpets' and said, "In Revelation 8, the last seal is broken and four trumpets are blown."

He said, “When the first angel blew his trumpet, there came hail and fire mixed with blood which fell on the earth. It is said that 1/3 of the earth was burned up, 1/3 of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. It says that something happens every time a trumpet is blown; and when the third trumpet is blown, a great star blazing like a torch falls on various rivers and springs of water, and the water becomes bitter, and many people die because of this water. The sounding of the fourth trumpet foretells the event of the darkening of the sun, moon and stars.” 

“Many people understand this content as literal,” he said. “For example, there are a lot of people who misunderstand the hail and fire mixed with blood that is poured out on the ground to be a nuclear bomb, an asteroid impact, or the destruction of the earth. Please listen to the testimony I am giving you today and compare it with these claims. I believe you will be greatly blessed.”

Mr. Kim said, “In Revelation chapter 8, four trumpets are sounded, in Revelation chapter 9 two trumpets are sounded, and in chapter 11, the seventh trumpet is sounded. These sounds announce the event involving the chosen people who had betrayed.”

He stressed, “What is most important is the sounding of the last, seventh trumpet. The last trumpet sound proclaims the destruction of our enemy and the salvation of God’s people for eternity - that is, the sound of salvation that has come in our times today.”

This tribe leader said, “The book of Revelation is neither a terrifying book that speaks of the end of the earth of mankind, nor is it a book that should be avoided. This is a book that should be sealed in your hearts and minds.”

He continued, "These words are 'words of grace' which Jesus, who broke the seal, has made known to us through one shepherd, the promised shepherd. Let us all become one with this word of prophecy.” 

In the meanwhile, the seminar series 'Testimony of Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant' is broadcast on YouTube every Monday and Thursday at 10am. Seminars are being held in succession from Revelation 1 to 22, and the entire schedule will conclude with a special seminar given by Chairman Lee on the 27th of next month.

The seminar videos can be viewed again on the official YouTube channel of Shincheonji Church of Jesus (https://bit.ly/en2021revs).


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