
Shincheonji Reveals the War in the Book of Revelation - “It's Time to Reveal All the Secrets of Revelation”

Shincheonji Online Seminar: 'Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant'
Chairman Man-Hee Lee: “I must fulfil my duty as a witness who saw and heard the fulfilled realities of Revelation”

[Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Soo-kyung Kang] Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji, Chairman Man-hee Lee) will reveal an explanation of every chapter of the Book of Revelation via YouTube. It is the first time since the establishment of Shincheonji Church of Jesus that it is providing a detailed explanation of every chapter of Revelation to pastors and churchgoers who have not taken the Zion Christian Mission Center course.

The Shincheonji Revelation Seminar entitled, 'Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant - It's Time to Reveal All the Secrets of Revelation', will be held 21 times from the 18th October to the 27th December inclusive. The first lecture and the concluding special lecture of Revelation will both be led by Chairman Man-Hee Lee.

Shincheonji has been praised for its excellent preaching and churchgoers are flocking in droves. In 2019 in particular, 103,764 people completed the Zion Christian Mission Center course within just eight months, sending shockwaves throughout the religious community worldwide.

At this seminar, Shincheonji plans to explore the book of Revelation, which is the most difficult of all 27 books of the New Testament, and seems committed to even educating theologians through just 21 lectures. Their plan is to systematically organise and deliver the prophecies in the book of Revelation and the fulfilled realities of the prophecies - which has not been presented by any church denomination - and to reveal the secrets within each chapter. This is why it has become of great interest to people of religion who have studied Biblical theology.

Revelation - scary but curious; interpretations differ widely
The book of Revelation is full of content that any believer who has read the Bible at least once would be curious about. In fact, on the 18th, when Cheonji Ilbo input the phrase 'curious about the Book of Revelation' on portals such as Naver or Daum, countless questions came up in response, including how one can easily understand the book of Revelation, and sometimes asking for answers to expressions that appear within the book of Revelation. Many of these questions were answered in the comments section. These types of responses were, for the most part, made by those who are wary of cults and some were asserting that there is no need to understand the content in the book of Revelation, or making comments in support of the speculative interpretations of the established denominations.

Even within the established Church, the interpretation of the book of Revelation varies widely. Criticisms have emerged within religious circles as to the unreasonable eschatological theories of the book of Revelation. In the book of Revelation, the sun, moon and stars darken and fall, a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns appears, and people receive the 666 mark of the beast that leads to their death; and so on. For this reason, the main interpretation applied to the book of Revelation by the established denominations is eschatological - that is, that planet earth will be destroyed. As a result, they believe that it is only those who attend church who will be taken up to heaven.

Some who do not accept such eschatology interpret the events of the book of Revelation as events that occurred 2000 years ago, and dismiss them as old history and teachings that serve little to no relevance to our times today.

◆If you don't know the book of Revelation, can you not enter the kingdom of heaven?
There is a reason why theologians have come up with such unreasonable and esoteric interpretations of the book of Revelation - the abundance of allegorical expressions.

There is a warning given that you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven if you do not know the book of Revelation. In fact, Revelation 22:18-19 says, “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll'.

In other words, if you misinterpret the book of Revelation, you add to it; and if you are afraid of misinterpreting the book of Revelation, cover it up and practise your own life of faith, that will result in subtracting from it, and eventually you will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. In the end, every believer who wants to enter the kingdom of heaven must fully understand the meaning of the book of Revelation.

Then, how should we interpret the book of Revelation? The book of Revelation graciously tells us how to fully understand its meaning. Because the war in Revelation is a prophecy, it was prophesied that when this prophetic war is fulfilled, Jesus would send his messenger - as one who has seen and heard the events of war from Revelation 1-22 - to testify all its contents.

Therefore, when this prophecy is fulfilled, the witness who saw and heard the events of war in Revelation must appear before all believers, and he must testify to everything he has seen and heard.

At this time, believers only need to know the meaning of the Book of Revelation by verifying if the given testimony is correct according to the Bible. Believers who know this have no choice but to take interest in this seminar on Revelation by Chairman Lee.

◆ Chairman Lee: “I must fulfill my duty as the witness of Revelation”
At the online seminar held on the 18th, attendees were allowed to directly verify for themselves how Chairman Man-hee Lee - who has not received any formal theological education - has perceived and conveys the prophecies and fulfilled realities of the entire Bible.

At the beginning of the lecture, Chairman Lee emphasised that “this man did not arbitrarily seek to preach these words to the world, but because God and Jesus said, ‘Go and tell the churches what you have seen and heard', I am doing so".

Chairman Lee explained the process of how his life of faith had begun after he wrote a message in blood on the mountain he was guided to by the stars, and made a covenant with God. He said, “You may be wondering how I came to see the fulfilment of this book of Revelation.” He added, “No one has known about the book of Revelation for the last 2,000 years since it was written, but because this prophecy has been fulfilled, I have to tell you about what I have seen, heard and done.” 

In particular, he said to the religious leaders, "Because he (Jesus) has shown me these things, I have been told to testify about them to the churches." He reiterated, “Please listen to everything I say carefully and check again and again for yourselves.” 


Revelation Seminar: 'Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant' (18th October 2021)
"Global and Unprecedented" Seminar on the War in Revelation Begins - Today, Shincheonji Chairman Man-hee Lee Candidly Testifies Revelation Chapter 1

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Reveals the Secret of Revelation

Shincheonji Church to Hold Weekly Seminars on the Fulfilment of the Book of Revelation

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'Shincheonji Word Crusade', a hot reaction abroad... “An enlightening poem in this age, we will help too”

Blogs on "African Pastors' Online Bible Seminar (25th September 2021)
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News Reports on "2nd Online Bible Seminar (25th September 2021)"
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Chairman Man-hee Lee, Online Word Crusade on the 25th… 12 Tribes, etc. Homeroom instructor relay event finished

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Shincheonji Chairman Lee Man-hee, 25th Online Word Crusade

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Shincheonji 'Open Bible Seminar' in Africa - Local Pastors Sign Mous with Shincheonji Church!

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Pastors Testify to "Curious" and "Ground-breaking" Seminar by Chairman Man-hee Lee 

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News Reports on "814 Online Bible Seminar"
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[Shincheonji Online Word Seminar] Chairman Man-Hee Lee candid self-introduction… Open the hearts of over 30,000 believers

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Man-Hee Lee, President of Shincheonji Church, successfully completed the online seminar for pastor

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The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee Online Word Seminar for Pastors on the 14th

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The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee successfully completed the 'Online Word Seminar' for pastors

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On the 14th, The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Lee Man-hee completed the online sermon seminar for pastors

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The Chairman of Shincheonji Church, Man-hee Lee, Succeeded as a lecturer at an online seminar for pastors

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Completed online seminar of Shincheonji Chairman Lee Man-hee

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Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee, 14th online sermon seminar for pastors successfully completed

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Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee successfully completed the seminar for pastors

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Shincheonji Online Word Seminar held on the 14th

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Man-hee Lee, Chairman of Shincheonji Church, completes online sermon seminar

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14,000 people attended the Shincheonji Church of Jesus Online Word Seminar

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Shincheonji, 14,000 people participated in online sermon seminar

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Shincheonji Philip branch church 'New Testament prophecy fulfilled' Word Seminar completed

신천지 빌립지파 지교회 ‘신약 예언 성취 실상’ 말씀세미나 성료
Shincheonji Philip branch church 'Realistic Fulfillment of New Testament Prophecy' Word Seminar Completed

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신천지 비대면 말씀세미나, 3만6000여명 몰려
Shincheonji non-face-to-face seminar, 36,000 people gathered

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“If you are a believer in God and Jesus, you must understand the true meaning of the Bible”

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Shincheonji Church of Jesus, active in spreading the gospel non-face-to-face amid the COVID-19 pandemic

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“The harvest is the result of the spiritual change of the times”… Shincheonji Church of Jesus message 'attention'

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Shincheonji, preaching the gospel at the online Word Concert “Where is God”

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Shincheonji's Simon Tribe, Online Seminar...“Now is the harvest season, we need to inform Christians about this fact”

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Shincheonji’s Many Great Tribes “Now is the Age of Revelation, We Must Meet the Promised Shepherd”

News Reports on "African Pastors' Online Bible Seminar (25th September 2021 - video below)"
African Pastors' Online Bible Seminar (25th September 2021) https://youtu.be/T2s645xdnP4

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