The two seeds and the 144,000 in Revelation

by - 18:58

The Parable of the Weeds
Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
“The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
“‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
“‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
(Matthew 13:24-30)

2600 years ago, God prophesied that He would sow His seed (Jeremiah 31:27). 600 years later, Jesus Christ came to fulfil that prophecy, sowing God’s seed, which was the word of God (Luke 8:11) - truth - into his field (church). The devil also sowed his seed - lies (John 8:44) - in the same field. Therefore, in accordance with God’s prophecy in Jeremiah 31:27, two kinds of seed (word) were sown: the seed of God and the seed of the devil. Truth and falsehood.

Physically-speaking, there is a time that comes when the farmer who sowed his seed harvests his crop. Spiritually, it is the same. After Jesus sowed God’s seed (word), he promised that he would return to harvest. 2,000 years later, Jesus is harvesting the fruits born of God’s seed from today’s churches and taking them to his barn (church). 

Those who sowed the weeds at the time of Jesus' first coming were the religious authorities - Pharisees, Sadducees and teachers of the Law - who held on tightly to man’s traditions, refused to accept Jesus Christ as the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy and instead crucified him on a cross. Those who sow the weeds today at the time of harvest do the same. The Christian Council of Korea (CCK) sows lies into believers’ hearts by spreading lies about the word of God, publishing 200 hundred false prophecies about the Bible and has even subjected 1200+ believers to the heinous practice of ‘coercive conversion’.

The harvested firstfruits of the seed that Jesus sowed at the first coming are the 144,000 in Revelation 14. They are being sealed with the word of God and belong to one of the twelve tribes (Revelation 7).

Main Article
Two Kinds of Seeds and 144,000, the Firstfruits

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