
[Shincheonji Bible Seminar] Who are the 144,000 and the great multitude who will be saved?


On the 10th November 2019, Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus) is holding the ‘Zion Christian Mission Center Class 110 Graduation Ceremony.’ According to Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the total number of graduates was 103,764, and the 100,000 graduates gathered in just under a year. Due to the location, approximately 60,000 people attended on-site, and the graduation was simultaneously held through live broadcast in local and overseas churches

Since ancient times, God has prophesied and fulfilled prophecy (promise). According to Isaiah 14:24, God is the one who definitely fulfils what He has thought and planned. Likewise, the prophecies of the New Testament are also like this.

At his first coming, Jesus received and ate the open scroll of Ezekiel 3 and came to the rebellious Israelites (Matthew 15:24). According to the prophecy of Jeremiah 31, he sowed the seed of God among the two seeds to create a new thing (Matthew 13:24~30). The devil also came to the field where Jesus sowed seed and sowed weeds (devil's seeds). So two seeds were sown in Jesus' field (church) and they grew together until the time of harvest (Matthew 13:24-30).

Also, Jesus made a new covenant (Luke 22:14-20). Jesus, who prophesied the new covenant, the New Testament, fulfilled the Old Testament and died (John 19:28-30). This new covenant is the Book of Revelation that will be fulfilled at the Second Coming. This Book of Revelation was written by God and has been preserved with seven seals to this day, so no one in heaven or earth knows its meaning (Rev. 5).

When Jesus returns, he will harvest the ripe grain from the seed sown during his first coming and create the 12 tribes of God's new nation (Rev. 7, 14). This is what Jesus fulfilled according to the promise in Revelation, and he promised it before it was fulfilled so that people would see and believe when it is fulfilled (John 14:29). Those who were harvested during the harvest were born with God's seed, and those who were not harvested were born with the devil's seed (Matthew 13:37-43).

Jesus said that the Second Coming and the harvest are times of re-creation. After Jesus judges the sinful chosen people of Revelation 2 and 3 in Revelation 6, a total of 144,000 people, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes, receive the seal of God in Revelation 7. The spiritual meaning of the 'seal' in the Bible is the word of God, and sealing with God's seal in the end times means that God selects His own people in the end times.

After the sealing of the 144,000 people, an uncountable great multitude emerges from every nation, tribe, people, and language amidst the trials (Revelation 3:10) and great tribulation (Revelation 7) that come upon the whole world. These beings are the entities who will be saved when Revelation is fulfilled. In particular, if the 144,000 are priests who are sealed, the great multitude are those who saw and perceived that the Book of Revelation was fulfilled by coming to check for themselves, and are qualified to become the people of God's new nation.

When the Book of Revelation is fulfilled, only the sealed 144,000 and the great multitude are saved, and there is no record of salvation for the other people in the first heaven and the first earth, that is, those who were not harvested or sealed.

The words of the New Testament are not lies. If you are not among the sealed 144,000 or the great multitude, you will not be saved at the time of the fulfilment of Revelation. God showed the sealing of the 144,000 of the 12 tribes of Shincheonji, the new heaven and new earth, and also showed the creation of the great multitude after that. God and heaven come to Shincheonji. The 144,000 who are sealed from the 12 tribes of Shincheonji and the great multitude that came out of the tribulation will enter heaven, while the outsiders who were not sealed and do not belong to the great multitude will enter hell, the fiery lake of burning sulphur.

So what are the results for those who do God’s will and those who do not do His will?

According to Luke 17:26-27, the second coming of the Lord will be like the time of Noah. During Noah's Flood, Adam's descendants who could not board Noah's ark and all things in heaven and earth were destroyed, but only Noah's family who boarded the ark were saved. This means that division into salvation and destruction will occur at the time of the fulfilment of Revelation. The Book of Revelation tells us that the 144,000 sealed people of the 12 tribes of the new heaven and new earth and the great multitude are those who believed in and kept the promise, and only these people will be saved.

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