
The Promised Pastor of the New Testament (Shincheonji Church of Jesus)

The Bible records four different types of pastors who belong to two different groups. The pastors of prophecy, general pastors and the promised pastor all belong to God. There is also a pastor who belongs to Satan. 

A pastor of prophecy is chosen by God to prophesy (foretell) what will be fulfilled in the future. When that promise is fulfilled, God chooses a promised pastor to speak on His behalf. The reason Jesus was a promised pastor is because he came according to the promise of the Old Testament; in other words, to make known (testify) that the writings of the Old Testament prophets were talking about him. This is why Jesus spoke these words in Lk 24:44:-

He said to them, ‘This is what I told you while I was still with you: everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.’

However, whenever a pastor is chosen by God to prophesy or fulfil the prophecy, a pastor of Satan is chosen to persecute God's pastor and hinder God's work. This is why Jesus suffered on the cross.

Then, if Jesus is the promised pastor of the Old Testament, who is the promised pastor of the New Testament?

At his first coming roughly 2000 years ago, Jesus made a new promise (covenant) with believers and told his disciples:-
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to. (John 14:26)

‘When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father – the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father – he will testify about me. (John 15:26)

The promised pastor is a pastor chosen by Jesus at the time when this promise (covenant) is fulfilled, as is recorded specifically within the book of Revelation. When, where, with whom and why was this covenant made? Moreover, what is the content of this covenant? 

It was given to a pastor, who speaks on behalf of Jesus, to have him testify the revealed word; that is, what he has seen and heard, to the servants. 12 blessings are promised to this pastor - the one who overcomes - in Revelation chapters 2-3 on the condition that he fights and overcomes the Nicolaitans who belong to Satan. 

What are these promised 12 blessings?
1. the fruit of the tree of life
2. the crown of life
3. will not be hurt at all by the second death
4. the hidden manna
5. the white stone
6. the iron sceptre
7. the morning star
8. will be dressed in white
9. will have his name written in the book of life
10. will be made a pillar in the temple of God
11. will have the name of God, the Holy City New Jerusalem, and Jesus' new name written on him
12. will have the right to sit with Jesus on his throne

The Nicolaitans are at the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands which prepares the way, as seen in Revelation chapters 1-3. There is war between the one who overcomes and Nicolas. What type of war is this? It's a war of words (doctrines). The one who overcomes fights and overcomes Nicolas (false pastor) with the blood of the Lamb and the word of testimony (see Revelation 12:11).

What are the consequences for the one who wins and the one who loses?
According to Deuteronomy 28, the one who breaks the covenant and is defeated loses everything and scatters in seven directions, while the one who fights and overcomes receives the promised 12 blessings and inherits everything. This is so that the promised 12 tribes of God's new kingdom can be created on the earth. 

Since the time of Adam roughly 6000 years ago, this world has been plagued with sickness and death because it has not been ruled over by by Satan, not God.  In this final era, God is working to restore the world back to its original condition. This is why Paul writes in Romans 8 that creation is waiting in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed so that creation, which is groaning inwardly, will be liberated from bondage and decay into freedom and glory. It is only through war - by fighting and overcoming through God's revealed word that the 12 tribes, who are children of God, can be created and creation can be set free from evil (see Revelation 17:14, 18:4).

In conclusion, God's final work of restoration is fulfilled only when the promised pastor appears, according to Jesus' promise. God, Jesus and heaven come down to the one who overcomes who inherits the promised 12 blessings and feeds the words of eternal life to believers (Revelation 2-3). Listening to his testimony is listening to the words of God and Jesus. The one who testifies to this is Jesus' messenger sent to the churches, as promised in Rv 22:16. Please verify for yourself according to the Bible. Shincheonji Church of Jesus is now testifying this revealed word of Revelation's fulfilment freely without cost.

To understand this through a short animation, click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGUjqQEkOHA&feature=youtu.be

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  1. Thank you so much for the study

  2. I was among those who attended your Bible classes here in Uganda but I was shocked because it was like anew religion
