The Promised Revelation of Jesus Christ

by - 08:53

The Bible is a 6000-year record of God’s promises. The promise God made to Abraham (Gen 15) was fulfilled through Moses (Ex 12) and the promise God made through the Old Testament prophets (Isaiah-Malachi) was fulfilled by Jesus Christ 2000 years ago (Jn 19:30). After Jesus bore the cross for the salvation of humanity, he ascended to heaven and came, in spirit, to Apostle John on the island of Patmos, where he promised about future events that must take place. This final promise was recorded by Apostle John in the New Testament book of Revelation. Who, what, where, when, why and how is this promise in Revelation fulfilled?

What Apostle John recorded in this vision Jesus showed him was future events. They were not the reality/fulfilment themselves; just the promise. God always reveals what He intends to do in advance (Amos 3:7), so that we can believe in its fulfilment when it comes (Jn 14:29). When Revelation is fulfilled, there must be one who comes in the position of Apostle John to fulfil this promise.

The reason Jesus called this final promise ‘Revelation’ is to ‘reveal’ Jesus’ final promise. For the last 2000 years, no one has been able to understand the meaning of Revelation because it was sealed. However, in Revelation 5, the ‘Lamb’ (Jesus Christ) takes the sealed scroll from God’s right hand and begins to open its seals one-by-one in Revelation 6. This means that the promise that has been hidden for 2000 years can finally be opened at the time of Revelation’s fulfilment. The reason God has to record Revelation in hidden language is to hide it from his enemy so that believers are no longer deceived by false teachings.

In Revelation 2 and 3, twelve promised blessings are given to the one who comes in the position of Apostle John. One of these blessings is that God, Jesus and the angels in heaven will work through this person. He is Jesus’ promised messenger who has seen and heard all the promised events of Revelation and is making them known to the churches (Rv 22:8,16). This promised messenger is now making the reality of Revelation known to the world. 

(The promise of Jesus in Revelation 2-3)

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