Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ Zion Mission Center Bible Study

by - 09:50

Shincheonji Church of Jesus (full name Shincheonji Church of Jesus, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony) is the church promised to appear in the Bible; specifically within the book of Revelation, which is a book of promise about future events that will take place. Shincheonji Church of Jesus is an abbreviation of “Shin-cheon-shin-ji” - the Chinese characters for “New Heaven New Earth” - promised in Revelation 21. It is not a literal new heaven and new earth, but a figurative one; a new kingdom ('heaven') and new people ('earth') born of the seed of God, which is His word (Luke 8:11). 

The process of the creation of this promised New Heaven New Earth began in the time of the Old Testament prophets. In Jeremiah 31:27, God promised through Jeremiah's lips that He would sow His seed in the future. This promise was then fulfilled at the first coming by Jesus Christ (Matthew 13), who sowed God's seed in believers' hearts. Jesus also promised to return to harvest the fruits of God's seed (word) he sowed (Revelation 14). These firstfruits are being harvested today, sealed with the words of the Bible and created as the promised new kingdom and new people. The promise of Revelation has already begun to be fulfilled in the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and is spreading like wildfire throughout the world, as evidenced by Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ recent graduation ceremony of 103,764 graduates of all ages and backgrounds from 113 nationalities. All students completed an intensive six-month Bible study course at Shincheonji Church of Jesus’ Zion Mission Center, which is its Bible-teaching institution. Let's look more deeply at what the Zion Mission Center curriculum offers. 

This is an introduction to the four categories of the Bible (history, instruction/teachings, prophecy and fulfillment) and teaches the true meaning of the parables. Jesus spoke about the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven in parables (Mt 13:10-11) and said that one must understand them in order to receive forgiveness of sin and receive salvation (Mk 4:10-14). Jesus also said that, when the time comes, the parables must be explained plainly (Jn 16:25). This course enables one to clearly understand the meaning of the parables and seal them in one’s heart. 

This covers the major events of the Bible from Genesis to the prophets to the four Gospels, up until the penultimate book of the Bible, which is the book of Jude. It teaches students about some of the prophecies of the New Testament and how to differentiate between that which has been fulfilled (fulfilment) and is yet to be fulfilled (prophecy). Students are taught to categorise time, place, and characters correctly. 

Many different teachings on eschatology - the 'end times' recorded in the book of Revelation - are taught by many different pastors today. Some pastors teach that the number ‘666’ is a barcode, that the red dragon represents communism, that the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns represents the European Union, or that there will be an impending 'rapture'. However, these are all interpretations ('rapture' does not appear anywhere in the Bible). The Bible clearly says that anyone who adds or takes away from the book of Revelation will not be able to enter heaven (please read Rv 22:18-19). 

Understanding the correct meaning of the book of Revelation is, therefore, of paramount importance. Students are taught about the meaning of the prophecies and fulfillment of the entire book of Revelation and, ultimately, God's overall plan to restore this broken world, return to His creation and end all death, mourning, crying and pain (Rv 21:4). It is God and humanity's greatest hope - a world of paradise - that will be fulfilled. Those who believe and keep this promise, at the time when this fulfillment is being made known (i.e. today), will receive salvation and become the kingdom and people of God - the New Heaven New Earth.
★For those who have had a long life of faith, but have their prayers yet to be answered
For those who are curious about Revelation
For those who are waiting for Jesus' Second Coming
For those who are curious about the mysteries of human life (birth, old age, sickness and death).
You can register for Shincheonji Church of Jesus' online Bible Study Course, delivered by experienced lecturers free of charge⇨ (English) 

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