The Purpose of God seen through the Bible

by - 22:48

Ever since God lost this world that He had created to Satan after Adam's betrayal 6000 years ago, God has been in a war with Satan and working to restore this world and all creation back to Him and make all things new. God wills to do this by atoning man's sin through Jesus' blood, giving people re-birth through His seed (the 'word' in Lk 8:11) and capturing Satan once and for all. Then God and life eternal will reign. This promise is recorded in the New Testament Revelation and will be fulfilled when this promise is fulfilled.

Although many believers claim to know God's will and the way to heaven, only those born of God's seed - his word (Lk 8:11) - do, according to the promises in the Bible. These people are harvested from the churches of the world, sealed with a solid understanding of the word of God and belong to the twelve tribes of God's kingdom 'New Heaven New Earth' (Rv 21).

The reason why only some believers have perceived God's will is because He has hidden His secrets in parables. 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ spoke in parables to the crowds (Mt 13:30) but explained the meaning of these parables, which contained the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, to his 12 disciples in private. It is the same today. Will God - having seen His creation endure pain, suffering and death for the last 6000 years - reveal His plan to His enemy only to lose it again? 

In order for God and Jesus' promise recorded in Revelation to be fulfilled, three entities must appear, as promised: the betrayers, destroyers and saviour. All three entities have now appeared.

2000 years ago, before Jesus Christ bore the cross, he promised to return for the salvation of humanity. After he died in the flesh, he ascended to heaven and has returned in spirit today, fulfilling the promises recorded in Revelation in the Republic of Korea. He is working through his promised messenger who has seen and heard all the events of Revelation and is testifying them to the churches (Rv 22:8, 16). One must find this promised pastor to find the truth of the final promises recorded in the Bible.

When Revelation 20 is fulfilled, the devil will be captured and the war will end, ushering in a world of peace without mourning, death, crying or pain - as promised in Rv 21:4 - where God will reign. When God's hope is fulfilled, our hope will also be fulfilled.

Purpose of God Seen through the Bible

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