The Word from the Beginning

by - 13:48

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (Jn 1:1-5)

God has made known His will in His word. This is because God is the word (Jn 1:1). God is spirit and man is flesh. We can not see God because He is spirit. This is why God has given us His word. The opening scripture in the Gospel of John testifies that everything about God can be known through His word. 

Amidst the confusion of the darkened spiritual world recorded in the book of Genesis, God found a great light: Adam. God dwelled with His creation through Adam and gave Adam all creation to rule over. However, because Adam betrayed God, Satan stole Adam’s inheritance and has since ruled over this world. That was about 6000 years ago. God - who is life - left His creation (Gen 6:3) and death has reigned supreme. If God is life, yet people and all creation continue to perish, then can we be sure that God is here with us? If He isn’t, what plan does He have to resolve this issue of death? These answers can only be found in the word of God. 

After God left in Genesis 6:3, the lifeline that connected Adam to the source of life was cut and Adam’s lifespan became entirely dependent on physical sustenance. He aged slowly and eventually died aged 930. Because of the increase of sin, man’s lifespan shortened from 900 years to 120, and then to 70/80 years (Ps 90:10). If God had not left due to man’s betrayal, would humanity be born in this world only to grow old, get sick and die?

God has been continuously working since Adam's betrayal to resolve this issue of death, and through the blood Jesus shed on the cross 2000 years ago, God is fulfilling it today. God's hope fulfilled is our greatest hope fulfilled. Do you want to know how God has been quietly working for the last 35 years through His word? Then click this link: 
(Shincheonji - 1100 - The Word from the Beginning, God Who is Life and the Creator)

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