What is the correct understanding of the Bible & Shincheonji Church?

by - 11:58

Shincheonji Church has been created on earth according to the promises of the Bible. The English translation is 'New Heaven New Earth'. This 'Heaven' refers to a new tabernacle, temple or church where God dwells, and 'earth' refers to its people, or congregation members. It is ‘new’ because the ‘old’ has become corrupt and it ushers in a new world where God and life will reign.
 "When I was with you before, I told you that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms must be fulfilled." (Luke 24:44)

2000 years ago, Jesus came to fulfil every single prophecy written about him in the Old Testament. This is why he said “It is finished” as he lay on the Cross (Jn 19:30). He was the Promised Pastor sent by God who fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament.
Similarly, after Jesus Christ’s ascension to heaven, he made promises recorded by Apostle John in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. Just as God - who is a spirit - worked through Jesus Christ 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ - who is in spirit today - works through a Promised Pastor at this time of fulfilment. He is the promised messenger sent by Jesus Christ who speaks on Jesus’ behalf (Revelation 22:16), testifying to all the events of Revelation that he has seen and heard (Revelation 22:8). When all these New Testament prophecies are fulfilled, the words “it is done” will be fulfilled (Revelation 21:6) and a new era will be ushered in where God and life will reign supreme. There will be no more mourning, death, crying or pain (Revelation 21:4). Only one who meets this promised messenger can understand the true fulfilment of Revelation.

The Promise and Promised Pastor of the Old Testament and the New Testament

The Correct Understanding of the Bible and Shincheonji Church (youtube)

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