Suicide: the unspoken affliction

by - 12:19

In Britain, we are fortunate to live free of war with (on the whole) access to food and shelter, a free public healthcare system with services for the most vulnerable and a relatively good education system. However, there is a silent epidemic which is impacting the lives of people of all ages and backgrounds and leaving an indelible impact on their loved ones: suicide.

The stigma of suicide is one that must be tackled head-on. The Samaritans Suicide Statistics Report 2017 released the following data for the UK: 6,188 registered suicides, men aged 40-44 experienced the highest suicide rate, female suicide rates are at their highest in a decade and rates have increased since 2014, and male rates are three times higher than for females.

The causes can be numerous, but the most common are economic climate, housing, social isolation, substance misuse and influence of social media. Moreover, men are discouraged from talking about difficulties and any perceived failures.

Possible solutions?
1. Helplines
116 123
Open 24 hours, 7 days a week

5pm to midnight daily

Childline - for children and young people under 19
0800 1111 (the number won't show up on your phone bill)

The Silver Line - for older people
0800 4 70 80 90

0800 068 4141
SMS: 07786 209697
Mon-Fri: 10am-10pm, weekends: 2pm-10pm & bank holidays: 2pm-5pm

0300 304 7000
4:30-10:30pm daily

2. Talk with family or friends
3. Try to take one day at a time
4. Avoid drugs or alcohol
5. Be around others
6. Do something you usually enjoy
7. Improve care for those who attempt suicide
Please feel free to share any thoughts you have below.

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