
Successful completion of the Shincheonji Bible Seminar held in Daejeon and Daegu...“I wish other pastors would also listen to it”


The Shincheonji Bible Seminar on the Book of Revelation, which is the final work of the 6000-year history of God, is testifying clearly to the prophecies of the Book of Revelation and their fulfilled realities that have not been known until today, and the momentum shows no signs of cooling down.

Following the Seoul Bible Seminar on the 7th October, lectures by Chairman ManHee Lee of Shincheonji in Daejeon and Daegu were held at four-day intervals.

The city of Daejeon was home to the third Shincheonji Bible Seminar of the current series.

About 2000 believers, including pastors, visited Shincheonji Daejeon Church to hear for themselves the revealed word from Shincheonji, which they had only heard about through rumours.

The crystal-clear message by Chairman Lee, which clearly summarises the prophecy and fulfilment of the Book of Revelation, captured the hearts of the pastors in attendance.

Chairman Lee said that pastors who have added to or subtracted from the Book of Revelation cannot go to heaven in that position, and urged them to be born again and learn the Book of Revelation.

ManHee Lee, Chairman of Shincheonji, said:-
“If you look at the last of the 22 chapters of the Book of Revelation, it says that if you add or subtract from Revelation, you will not be able to enter heaven and will be cursed. However, is there anyone who has not added or subtracted over the last 2000 years? Or have you added and subtracted everything? If you have, you cannot enter heaven from your current position. You must speak clearly, answer clearly, and come to a clear understanding. A person who is neither this nor that and is disorganised, can only be disorganised. You have to be certain. Once again, if you add or subtract, you will not be able to enter heaven.”

Chairman Lee's warning to the religious community served as an opportunity for pastors to re-consider their stance on the Book of Revelation, which they were not familiar with.

An elder interviewed following the seminar said:-
“As a church elder, what I felt was that every believer and pastor in the existing churches needs to think again about the Book of Revelation. And once they learn (about Shincheonji), they'll realise, ‘Oh, that's what it is. Then, perhaps it's not right to take someone else’s religious belief and denigrate it.'”

An interview was also conducted with Ok-hee Han, a pastor, who said:-
“As I listened to these words, I was particularly moved by the fact that the Book of Revelation, which we have really been looking forward to and wanted to know, was revealed like this and fulfilled in reality with actual evidence. Even though many pastors, churches, and people around the world wanted to know God's will and purpose, we had no choice but to add to or subtract from the Book of Revelation. Now we can see God fulfilling all the prophecies as He prophesied. When I heard the testimony of the fulfilled reality of the war recorded in the Book of Revelation, I was overjoyed.”

The momentum of the Shincheonji Bible Seminar continued in Daegu. As people began to gather to hear the sermon from early on, the queue was long and the auditorium filled as crowds of people stood to listen. Various performances were held to liven up the atmosphere, and Chairman Lee's lecture began with an enthusiastic response.

Chairman Lee pointed out that if one continues to persecute and slander Shincheonji (as a cult), which has been created according to the promises of the Bible, one will not be able to avoid judgment.

Chairman Lee said:-
“In Revelation Chapter 17, it is written that there is a prostitute and many people who committed adultery with that prostitute. Shouldn't we know when, where and how these beings appeared and what actions they carried out? This person (I, Chairman) is not a sect - his name is ManHee Lee. The world is truly frantic. Salvation can only come by understanding and believing in God's promised word. You should pay attention to it, but instead you curse others for no reason and brag like you're blessed. Certain people even brag to their associates about the 'good work' they have done to persecute us. Their claims are baseless and false, and the end will come. They slander me as a cult and a heretic, but if I am slandered by these people, what should I do? The twelve disciples of Jesus, who have become the foundation of the spiritual kingdom of heaven, and the twelve disciples of today on this earth, will become one in spirit and flesh, and where will people who persecute escape to when the judgment comes? There's nowhere to escape.”

He also testified about the topic of the day, 'Betrayer-Destroyer-Savior,' and emphasised that one can only be saved by belonging to the 12 tribes created according to the promise in the Book of Revelation.

Chairman Lee said:-
“The content of Revelation 13 is about the process of betrayal. Didn’t the destroyer invade at that time and destroy the tabernacle of heaven in chapter 13? The book of Revelation does not speak of this or that nation, but about the events that occur in this tabernacle of heaven. However, in Revelation 14, it says that there are 144,000 people on Mount Zion. These people are the 144,000 in Revelation chapter 7. And there is also the great multitude in white. Which tribe do you, pastors, belong to, according to the Book of Revelation? When this Book of Revelation comes true, you must belong to one of these promised 12 tribes recorded in the Book of Revelation. Whether one is part of the multitude in white or those who are sealed, which tribe does that person belong to? We must follow the will of God recorded in the Book of Revelation. You think you can be saved any old way, but you can’t. The 12 tribes of Shincheonji are formed of people, and there are 12,000 per tribe, but the number has exceeded 12,000, and we are now creating the multitude in white.”

The pastors said that they gained much perception by listening to the lecture in person, and recommended that other pastors also listen to the words of Shincheonji.

Following the seminar, one pastor said:-
“Previously, when we preached the word, we lived with the hope of an eternal kingdom of heaven where we would go when we die, but as we listen to the word (from Shincheonji) on YouTube and other places, we see that the reality is truly happening according to the word, and now the kingdom of God is being established on this earth. I think those words truly gave us hope and the feeling that our lives are now being filled with hope because of those words. I think every pastor should make their own judgment after listening to the Word. It is indefensible as a pastor to argue about 'cult' or 'heresy' without even listening. We also went looking for and listening to many different teachings on the Book of Revelation, but today, we realised that the reality of God's word being fulfilled is the truth. I hope that pastors will also listen to this word and that the day soon comes when people come and hear this word and truth being spread throughout South Korea and the world.”

Another pastor said:-
“Preaching from the Book of Revelation is actually a bit difficult now. However, the Chairman has completely digested Revelation and is now clearly talking about it. If we talk behind a wall, it's difficult to communicate. That's why, in order to get to know each other, we need to communicate. Instead of the churches calling Shincheonji a cult - anyway they call everyone a cult - and that if you come in contact with Shincheonji than you are a Judas, I think it's important to have a more in-depth, open-hearted dialogue. If possible, all denominations should gather in one place to check their differences and what is right. We need to fix what needs to be fixed. These are my thoughts.”

Yet another pastor said:-
“At first, my heart was closed. But later, when I heard the words being delivered at this seminar, it was centred around the Bible. I told myself I wouldn't follow what any person said, but just focus on the word. No one could explain the Book of Revelation. But when I listened to the word here from Shincheonji, they said they can explain it up to Chapter 17 of Revelation. I listened to it and everything is correct. There's nothing incorrect. This is a really great place. So I've been following along in this way until now, but I don't know what will happen in the future. I think it's false to say that the Presbyterian Church is right or the Methodist Church is right. Let’s just follow the Word. First is the Word, second is the Word, and the third is the Word. This is what I think.”

The current Shincheonji Bible Seminar series, which has already entered its second half, is scheduled to conclude in Busan on the 18th and in Gwangju on the 21st.

For pastors of the established denominations who had regarded Shincheonji as a cult and stayed away from it, this Bible Seminar has become an opportunity to directly confirm the words of Shincheonji.

The moment of ending the long-standing exclusion and uniting the religious community through the word of truth is gradually approaching.

Shincheonji Bible Seminar (October 2023)
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