
Shincheonji responds to 'slander and persecution' with 'love'

✦ Overcame accusations surrounding Covid-19 infection
✦ Practised 'love' through plasma donation and blood donation
✦ 3,741 Shincheonji members donated plasma
✦ Domestic blood reserves had dipped to 'critical'
✦ 18,819 blood donations in 2 weeks
✦ 31,528 blood donor rights gifted

[Cheonji Ilbo = Correspondent Bit-na Kim] A large-scale group blood donation, equivalent to more than three times the average daily blood volume used across all medical institutions in Korea, was made within about two weeks. With one heart, the number of donors who volunteered to give blood was '18,819'. This 'act of love' was carried out by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Chairman Man-hee Lee), which has been officially certified by the Korea Record Institute as having 'the largest number of blood donors by any single institution in the shortest period of time.'

Shincheonji, which drew public attention following the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) in February 2020, was treated as a 'criminal' - even though contracting Covid-19 does not constitute a 'crime' - and all kinds of criticism from social and political circles were meted out to them. However, as people of religion, they stood firm through an 'act of love'.

At a time when the whole country was in crisis due to the spread of Covid-19, Shincheonji made a large-scale group blood donation for the development and research of vaccines as well as for research of mutant viruses. Shincheonji's donation has helped bring the country out of a crisis. Let's look back on the footsteps of Shincheonji and its extraordinary act of love.

Workers spray disinfectant outside Shincheonji Daegu Church

Timeline from the outbreak of Covid-19 to the blood donation

✦ Received 'misunderstanding, prejudice, and persecution' despite suffering from Covid-19
From January 28, 2020, before the outbreak of large-scale confirmed cases, Shincheonji announced that visitors to China, contacts of visitors, and those with a fever or cough were banned from entering the church on four separate occasions through official notices and advertisements during church services. At that time, there were no restrictions on religious activities or gatherings in Korea. Former President Jae-in Moon visited Namdaemun Market on February 12 and encouraged people to lead a normal life. However, from February 18, the situation changed and all face-to-face meetings were suspended.

Chairman Man-hee Lee, the representative of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, closed all churches and related buildings, and suspended face-to-face worship services and gatherings. The church frequently advertised the rules and regulations issued by quarantine authorities during online worship services and meetings, and also prohibited in-person meetings between members.

However, despite the best efforts of Shincheonji, the societal branding of Shincheonji as a 'criminal' did not change. The schemes by the established denominations, who label Shincheonji as heretical, combined with attacks by those who allied with the political powers were unrelenting. Even on November 30 last year, on the day when Chairman Man-hee  Lee appeared in court on charges of violating the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act - and was later acquitted of the charges - loud and profane protests continued unabated in front of the court.

✦ 'Group plasma donation' for Covid-19 treatment
“People of religion should be the first to put an end to Covid-19 and set an example for others.” With these words, Chairman Man-hee Lee emphasised the need for people of faith in Shincheonji to set the example, regardless of all kinds of persecution, misunderstanding and prejudice. He offered consolation to believers who had been infected with Covid-19 and recovered, but also advised the launch of a group plasma donation for the benefit of patients who were undergoing treatment and complaining of severe discomfort owing to Covid-19.

Accordingly, Shincheonji Daegu Church recruited plasma donors and conducted three rounds of group plasma donations. A total of 3,741 donors completed a plasma donation through the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd rounds of group and individual donations. Among them, 1561 people (41.7%) participated in the plasma donation twice or more.

Plasma donated by members of Shincheonji Church of Jesus has not only been used as research for the development of a treatment for Covid-19, but also to study the Covid-19 mutant viruses. On November 16, 2020, upon a visit to the Daegu Athletics Promotion Center where the group plasma donation was held, Jun-wook Kwon, Deputy Head of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, “The blood plasma donation by Shincheonji believers who have recovered from Covid-19 will make a tremendous contribution to ultimately eradicating Covid-19. Their deeds and actions are exemplary.”

✦ Group blood donation to solve the national blood crisis
The noble deeds of Shincheonji Church of Jesus did not stop there. Following the group plasma donation, Shincheonji Church of Jesus conducted a group blood donation for about two weeks from April 18 to May 4 to solve the national blood crisis. 18,819 congregation members completed the group blood donation, far exceeding the original estimate of 6,000.

According to the Blood Management Headquarters of the Korean Red Cross, Shincheonji is the only organisation from which such a large number of blood donors have given blood within a short period of about two weeks. This blood donation equates to 3.5 days of blood reserves. The average amount of blood used daily by medical institutions across Korea is equivalent to one day's blood supply, or 5029 units of blood.

The voluntary blood donation by Shincheonji Church of Jesus members has been of great help in resolving the national blood supply crisis that had persisted since the beginning of this year. Following the 1st day of Shincheonji Church of Jesus' group blood donation, national blood storage levels in Korea rose sharply to 5.9 days, thereby resolving the crisis.

◆ '30,000 blood donation cards' and 'vouchers equivalent to 100 million Korean won' gifted
Shincheonji Church of Jesus' practice of 'love' for society was not limited to a blood donation. They willingly gifted their blood donation rights to those who are struggling to secure blood. The total blood rights amounted to a whopping 31,528 cards and vouchers, equivalent to 110 million Korean won (£70,000), which they have gifted to the Blood Management Headquarters of the Korean Red Cross.

On the 9th of last month, Shincheonji Church of Jesus held a blood donation and certificate-giving ceremony at Nambu Blood Center in Seoul. The Blood Management Headquarters has supported the move to gift blood donation cards and vouchers in order to alleviate the financial burden on patients receiving blood transfusions for surgery or treatment, and these blood donation rights will also be used for affiliated community projects.

Nam-seon Cho, head of the Blood Management Headquarters, said, When the impact of the Covid-19 Omicron variant was at its peak, Shincheonji Church of Jesus gave blood, so it was like rain in a season of drought in terms of the blood supply. Thank you so much. He continued, I was surprised that they continued to participate even after reaching the 6,000 target within the first 3 days. I think members have worked hard because they understand the importance of saving life through giving blood.

◆ Awarded a Commendation from the Chairman of the Korean Red Cross
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which has radiated news of hope 
through a large-scale blood donation amid a blood supply crisis in Korea during the Covid-19 pandemic, commemorated 'World Blood Donor Day' by actively participating in the 'Red Cross humanitarian campaign' on the 14th and contributing to the development of blood services for the protection of civil life. Shincheonji received a Commendation from the Chairman of the Korean Red Cross.

On that day, Hee-young Shin, Chairman of the Korean Red Cross, said, “I express my gratitude for the noble spirit of blood donors in Korea.

◆ Certified by the Korea Record Institute as having made the most blood donations within the shortest period of time
The blood giving by Shincheonji Church of Jesus secured their certification in the 'Korea Record Institute.' On the 16th, Shincheonji Church of Jesus obtained certification by the Korea Record Institute for 'the largest number of blood donors by any single organization within the shortest time' through a group blood donation. In addition, a total of 32,324 blood donation rights (including those donated after the 9th of last month) were gifted, setting a record as 'the largest number of gifted blood donor cards'.

To designate this certificate, the Korea Record Institute received a copy of the final blood donation, a list of donors, and a gifted donation certificate from Shincheonji Church of Jesus, and officially declared the donation a record following verification by the Korean Red Cross' Blood Management Headquarters.

An official of Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, “It is meaningful that we, Shincheonji members, can carry out a spirit of love and service for the country in order to solve this national blood crisis. Above all, the record for having made the largest blood donation in the shortest time was possible because of members' determined hearts to share life.”


Shincheonji Church of Jesus' Nationwide 'Live ON' Blood Donation Campaign, 18-30 April 2022

Shincheonji responds to 'slander and persecution' with 'love'

Shincheonji Church of Jesus receives commendation from the Chairman of the Korean Red Cross for 'blood donation by 18,000 congregants'

886 Shincheonji Church Philip tribe members participate in 'Live ON' blood donation campaign (April 2022)

Shincheonji Wonju Church, 'Live ON' blood donation campaign (April 19, 2022)

Shincheonji Church of Jesus' 31,000 blood donation cards and donor rights, equivalent to 110 million Korean won (£70,000), waived and gifted

[Special Issue] Shincheonji 'Live ON' blood donation campaign: “Thank you for stepping in during a national crisis”

[Special Issue] Pictures of Shincheonji 12 Tribes Blood Donation

Target of 6,000 blood donors achieved within 3 days: Shincheonji's 'miraculous group blood donation'

[Interview] “I've given blood more than 500 times, but this group blood donation by Shincheonji was unique”

Shincheonji 'Live ON' blood donation campaign: “This is the first time in 30 years working at Gyeonggi Blood Donor Centre that I've witnessed a nationwide blood donation as impactful as that of Shincheonji Church''

Blood Donation to Overcome COVID-19 Pandemic in Korea

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