
Pastors Testify to "Curious" and "Ground-breaking" Seminar by Chairman Man-hee Lee


On 31st August 2021, Cheonji Ilbo (Cheonji Daily) published an article, in Korean, entitled, "Pastors Testify to 'Curious' and 'Ground-breaking' Seminar by Chairman Man-hee Lee." This is a translation of that report.


[Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Lim Hye-ji] More than 30,000 people participated in a series of online seminars held by Shincheonji Church of Jesus from the 14th to the 21st of August. In the main seminar alone, delivered by Chairman Man-hee Lee, there were 1,000 pastors in attendance.

This is a surprising number given the harsh gaze Shincheonji Church of Jesus receives from the existing Protestant circles. Reactions following these seminars were both positive and explicit: "It was explicitly clear. I now know why Shincheonji Church of Jesus has grown", and, "I was impressed by Chairman Lee's speech urging us on", and, "I hope pastors will repent". 

Pastor Kim (male, 74), who has been serving as a pastor for 40 years, said, “I know that Shincheonji Church of Jesus has been able to grow in this way because God is with (Chairman Lee). One shouldn't be arrogant, but acknowledge the Chairman.”

Pastor Lee (male, 60) said, “I drew insight from the words of Chairman Lee. I hope that today's insightful message will spark a repentance within the religious world. I hope that, as pastors, we can become those who listen to the words of Chairman Lee and present the right perspective of faith.”

Pastor Kim (male, 63), who has been pastoring for 15 years, said, “I'm thankful they explained the spiritual aspects in such detail. Instead of just labelling them a 'heresy', people should listen and seek to understand. Chairman Lee's speech was from the Bible so it can't be the words of a cult."

Interest was high in response to the announcement of follow-up education and future seminars.

Pastor Hong (male, 72) said, “After listening to the words of the Chairman, I don't think these are words that can be learned from people, but is rather a message delivered and revealed from God. I am curious to listen to the upcoming 12 tribe leaders' seminars because I want to know more about Shincheonji Church of Jesus.”

Another pastor, Mr. A, said, “It was a very surprising seminar for pastors who have been considering whether to shift to online worship and Bible teaching as the number of their faithful continues to fall during this COVID-19 pandemic. This is ground-breaking doctrine that teaches the Biblical perspective of prophecy and fulfilment. The seminar informed the general public and believers about why they should believe in Jesus.”

It was not only Protestant Christians, but also many non-Christians, who responded positively to Chairman Lee's seminar and the announcement for follow-up education.

Mr. Kim (male, 68, lay attendee) said, “I've lived over half a century and I've realised my life is meaningless after living through this Covid pandemic. I can say, without hesitation, that life is utterly meaningless. Through this seminar, I felt that I could find the true meaning and purpose of life. I want to hear more."

Ms. Choi (52) said, "I've been curious about it, but haven't been able to find answers. Today was an opportunity for me to clear my mind because I was able to understand the word of the Bible."

A representative of Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, “Many participants were moved by Chairman Lee's sincere message. There are rumours that it's a heresy, but when they heard the word, they affirmed that it was Biblical and truthful. We will deliver the word through various channels and programmes."

Screenshot of pastors who attended Chairman Lee's online seminar

Source: http://www.newscj.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=895925


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