
"The Awakening of One's Spirit and Faith" (Shincheonji Church)

by - 19:59

As a child, he learned how to grow in faith by praying with his grandfather.
During the Korean War, he served as a sergeant in the 7th Infantry Division and defended his country.
"I know the pains of war more than anyone else."

Even in difficult situations, he always prayed to God.
One day, through meeting a Holy Spirit, he received answers about God and life and was awakened in spirit.
"So I decided to do my best to spread the word of God."

The book of Revelation is the final prophecy of the Bible. Chairman Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which was established in 1984, has been making known the entire fulfilment of Revelation that he has seen and heard.

In an interview with Gyeonggi Daily some years ago, Chairman Lee said the following:-

"In Shincheonji Church of Jesus, there is no in-fighting among church members as we all worship God.
Solving problems through dialogue is imperative.
I have no desire to argue with denominations that curse.

At his first coming, our Lord Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament promise in spite of the difference in doctrine with the religious authorities. It is the same today with the established Church. 
Shincheonji Church of Jesus is here to inform and spread the meaning and fulfilment (reality) of the New Testament promise.

Do you know what the mainstream churches did during the Japanese occupation of Korea?

They bowed down and worshipped Japanese gods and became corrupt.
In the time of Solomon, he worshipped foreign gods and God divided Israel into two.
 God then said He would create a new kingdom.
The same thing has happened to our country!

A true believer must put God's Word before the interests of any denomination.
In other words, one must be born again with the spirit.

We must repent before God, lower ourselves and become believers whom God will acknowledge.
When you perceive the truth, the saying "the truth shall set you free" will become a reality.
You will find freedom in the Word, not in promoting your own agenda.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus will continue to help believers perceive the reality of the fulfilment of Revelation."

The time to get rid of the old era and welcome in the new has come - the new heaven and new earth where death ends and life begins.

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  1. You're so cool.
    I sincerely hope that the world will be renewed.
