Shincheonji Volunteer Group’s Environmental Purification on 'Flower Road', Seocheon

by - 11:23

In early December 2019, Break News published an article about Shincheonji Volunteer Group's ongoing service to local communities. This is a translation of that article.

(Above photo) Shincheonji Volunteer Group members in Seodaemun district (managed by Mr. Jeong-Soo Lee) carry out their 'Flower Road environmental cleanup' campaign near Changseo Elementary School in Seodaemun district, Seoul, on the morning of 3rd December © Brake News

Shincheonji Volunteer Group’s Seocheon branch, Seoul, has been carrying out its 'Flower Road environmental clean-up' campaign every Monday and Friday to help create a healthy environment for children. Even though this area, that surrounds Changseo Primary School in Sinchon neighbourhood, Seoul, is designated as a No Smoking area, it is home to many entertainment establishments with cigarette butts often littered there, just five metres from the school. The accumulation of rain, leaves and dirt just a few days ago prevented proper drainage from the sewers, with cigarette butts easily inserted between the school’s brick walls, leaving passers-by with a very poor impression.

A volunteer from Shincheonji Volunteer Group’s Seocheon branch, Seoul, said, “I’ve been collecting rubbish around the school for the last two days, but the only thing that has been filling the 50-litre binbag are cigarette butts. I feel refreshed in body and mind as I carry out this morning’s work. I hope that, by starting with this area surrounding the primary school, the entire Sinchon region will become beautiful. This is meaningful work - the 'light and salt' - which I will continue to do until the end of the day.”

The pile-up of cigarette butts and litter surrounding Changseo Primary School, Seoul, is becoming a serious hazard. Cigarette butts littered in No Smoking areas near schools have adversely affected children’s movements and it is a problem that recurs yearly due to a lack of manpower. Although dedicated staff have been hired at Seodaemun District Office's environmental clean-up centre, they are not able to collect all the litter. Shincheonji Volunteer Group’s Sodaemun branch (managed by Mr. Jeong-soo Lee) is adding strength.

To read the full article as it was published in Brake News (Korean only), please click here

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  1. Shincheonji' good makes me surprised.

  2. 寒いのにこんな活動をするってすごいですね

  3. 子供のために地域をキレイにするボランティア素敵です。

  4. The volunteer work of Sincheonji wants to beautify Korea.
