God's True Pastor

by - 14:06

What differentiates the Bible from any other religious scripture is the process of prophecy and fulfilment. 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ came to earth as the promised pastor of the Old Testament in order to fulfil the Old Testament prophecies. This is why, after placing his lips on a jar of wine vinegar crucified on the cross, Jesus breathed his last, and said "it is finished" (John 19:30). He had to fulfil every single prophecy written about him in the Old Testament (Luke 24:27).

Some years after Jesus' resurrection and ascension to heaven, he returned in spirit. He appeared to Apostle John on the island of Patmos where he commanded him to record a vision of prophecies that would be fulfilled at an appointed time in the future. These New Testament prophecies are contained within the Book of Revelation - God's final work.
In the same way that Jesus had come to fulfil the Old Testament prophecies, there is someone who comes to fulfil the New Testament prophecies. This person is not Jesus Christ - who is now in spirit - but someone who comes on behalf of God and Jesus to fulfil this work. It is only when all these New Testament prophecies are fulfilled that the words "it is done" will finally be fulfilled (Revelation 21:6) and God will reign on the earth.

In today's world, there are hundreds of thousands of pastors. How can we find the Promised Pastor appointed by God and Jesus to fulfil their will? The Promised Pastor today is someone appointed by God and Jesus who has seen and heard the fulfilment of all the New Testament prophecies and can clearly explain them (Revelation 1:1-3, 22:8). He is the messenger promised by Jesus (Revelation 22:16) who receives the command to testify to the physical fulfillment of Revelation (Revelation 10:8-11). He is also the 'faithful and wise servant' Jesus promised (Matthew 24:45). It is through this Promised Pastor that God and Jesus gather the 12 tribes - 144,000 priests and Great Multitude (Revelation 7) - and create New Heaven New Earth (new kingdom and people) prophesied in Revelation 21. When that final prophecy of Revelation 21:6 is fulfilled, God will wipe every tear from our eyes, and put an end to all death, mourning, crying or pain (Revelation 21:4). Therefore, those with seeking hearts eager to know God's will must come to hear the words of the Promised Pastor and become part of God's eternal kingdom.

Main Reference
[The correct understanding of the Bible and Shincheonji]
The Promised Pastor of the New Testament

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