‘The Big 7’

by - 18:49

Hello Everyone,
After having recently experienced a particularly challenging situation, I took pen to paper and reflected on the actions I’ve taken that have impacted my life, those whom I love and the wider community. I came up with a list of seven questions which remain unresolved in my own mind and, I imagine, in the minds of many people:-
1. Why is the world at war?
     2. Is there hope of an end to war? If so, how will it be realised?
-    3. What is the meaning of my life?
     4. Is there something beyond the five senses of taste, sight, touch, smell and sound?
-    5. Why do I experience pain?
-    6. What is ‘love’?
7. Why must I die to go to a supposedly better place?
These are rhetorical, rather than open-ended questions; but if you’d like to share your thoughts, please do so (with logically supporting evidence)😊

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