
What distinguishes Shincheonji Church of Jesus from the Established Church? The "Only Church that Can Testify the Fulfilment of Revelation”

Chairman Lee “Witness of Revelation”
Graduation upon completion of 6-8 month centre course
“Give without cost" - free centre course
Emphasis on Bible-based faith even after admission

[Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Kang Su-kyung] Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji Church of Jesus, Chairman Man-hee Lee) was founded in March 1984 to proclaim the reality of the fulfilment of the Book of Revelation. Its founder, Chairman Man-hee Lee, has said that he was chosen by Jesus to inform the churches of this fact, as a witness who saw and heard the fulfilment of the Book of Revelation, the prophetic book of the New Testament (Revelation 22:16).

Shincheonji Church of Jesus systematically teaches the entire Bible, including the Book of Revelation. It is quite different from other churches within the religious world, where the Bible is taught only in part. How is it possible that the entire Bible can be taught, while even seminaries teach that the Bible can not be known in its entirety? Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, “With the fulfilment of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, God’s work in the Bible is completed, and the hidden will of God recorded in the Bible is revealed.” Every word testified by Shincheonji Church of Jesus is neither the result of man's studies nor the Chairman's will, but of God and Jesus.

According to the Zion Christian Mission Center, a Bible teaching institute run by Shincheonji Church of Jesus, even those who have studied the Word have said, “These words cannot come out through human study. The words of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, have been written by different writers across different eras, so they are impossible to understand. However, they have all been put together neatly. This is impossible without the work of God.”

Shincheonji Church of Jesus only permits those who have completed a 6-8 month Bible study course at their Zion Christian Mission Center to attend church services. Since the outbreak of Covid-19, all classes have moved online, while adhering to standards of admission and high quality education. Students must complete the Bible study course in order to be eligible to live a life of faith in Shincheonji Church. It is not easy for someone to commit to a 100-day Bible study. Perhaps that explains why a Shincheonji Church of Jesus official has said, “It is a place where people who are willing to believe different to the norm are gathered”.

After entering the church, it is not only about attending worship services, but also earnestly growing in one's faith through education. A worship sermon, in and of itself, consists of Biblical education. The book of Revelation, the 4 Gospels of the New Testament, the book of Genesis and the entire Old Testament boast a considerable amount of education.

It is perhaps natural for Shincheonji Church members, who are continuously receiving this education and achieving spiritual growth, to set the goal, 'I will also play the role of a pastor (priest) who teaches the Word'.

To this end, the church operates various educational programmes, which any member of the church can participate in when applying for the desired education.

An official from Shincheonji Church of Jesus said, “There are many students who were impressed with the Zion Christian Mission Center course and who have said, ‘I will study hard and become a lecturer'. We are completely different from a church that only attends meetings here and there.”

High qualitative education in Shincheonji Church of Jesus has provided a welcome opportunity for many people, including believers, thirsty for Bible education, and it has shown rapid growth. Following its founding in 1984, Shincheonji Church of Jesus established branch churches in large cities such as Busan, Gwangju, and Daejeon in 1986. In 1990, the Zion Christian Mission Center, a Bible teaching institute, was established to spread the gospel in obedience to the command of Jesus to 'preach the gospel without cost.' It has established a broader way of learning through online education from last year.

In addition, in 2010, the 'Open Bible Seminar' was held in 10 cities across Korea to provide an opportunity for anyone who wanted to have access to the Word taught in Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Small events are also held on a regular basis.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which also emphasises the importance of worship service as another core value of the Christian faith, established the 'Shincheonji Volunteer Group' in 2003, conducting volunteer work in a systematic and continuous manner. Its diverse programmes include support for the underprivileged, environmental clean-up campaigns, initiatives benefitting war veterans, and provision of medical aid. Owing to its well-established organisational skills, it has even provided immediate support in response to emergency situations like wildfires and natural disasters. As a result, the number of its beneficiaries exceeded 80,000 in one year alone, and it has been evaluated that it is faithfully fulfilling the role as people of religion who contribute towards the betterment of society.
Source: https://bit.ly/3gO8Mzw


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Completed online seminar of Shincheonji Chairman Lee Man-hee

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Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee successfully completed the seminar for pastors

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