
“The Witness who Saw and Heard the Events of Revelation" - Inside Look at Content of Seminar Delivered by Chairman Lee


On 31st August 2021, Cheonji Ilbo (Cheonji Daily) published an article, in Korean, entitled, “The Witness who Saw and Heard the Events of Revelation" - Inside Look at Content of Seminar Delivered by Chairman Lee". This is a translation of that report.


(Above photo) Man-hee Lee, Chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Shincheonji) personally delivered the first of a series of online seminars that opened with great success and lasted two weeks.

References to 'Revelation' made 25 times...Emphasis on 'witness'

[Chunji Ilbo = Reporter Lee Ji-sol] A total of 14,000 people, including 1,000 pastors, participated in an online seminar for pastors delivered by Chairman Man-hee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus on the 14th of last month. More than 3,000 attendees applied for follow-up education to study the words of the Bible. The organisers said, "It seems that there were many people who felt the sincerity of the message delivered by Chairman Man-hee Lee."

During this seminar, Chairman Man-Hee Lee emphasised the fact that the book of Revelation has been fulfilled and he asked the audience to verify this fact according to the Bible. Moreover, Chairman Lee emphasised that he is the witness who has seen and heard the fulfilment of the book of Revelation and is the messenger chosen by Jesus to make known this fact to the churches. Perhaps that is why Chairman Lee used the word 'Revelation' so often (25 times) during the one-hour seminar. Furthermore, he made it clear that he was proclaiming this fact as a witness who has seen and heard the fulfilled realities of the Book of Revelation by using expressions such as 'testimony (9 times)' and 'witnessed (8 times)'. Below is a selection of the main remarks made by Chairman Man-hee Lee.

◆"This person has never attended a seminary or been ordained as a pastor"
On that day, Chairman Man-hee Lee, who emphasised that he can testify to the meaning and reality of the book of Revelation - which is arguably the greatest obstacle of the Bible - also emphasised that he had lived in the countryside as a farmer and did not follow a path of 'theological training' that ordinary pastors do. He also said that he never studies the Bible to deliver a sermon. Chairman Man-hee Lee's remarks came as a shock to pastors attending the seminar who, for the most part, spend a considerable amount of time preparing their sermons and undergoing all kinds of preparation, such as researching other material.

"Like Moses and like Jesus, I have nothing to say other than what I have seen and heard"
How could Chairman Lee, who had never attended a seminary or studied the Bible, know the Word? He cited Moses and Jesus as examples and said that, like them, he only testifies to what he has seen and heard. Moses also built a tabernacle in Exodus 25 after seeing what God had shown him, and Jesus also said that he worked according to what he saw from God the Father in John 5.

◆"Jesus has sent me to testify to what I have seen and heard to the churches"
Chairman Man-hee Lee said that he very much wanted to tell pastors about what he had seen and heard during the Online Bible Seminar that day. He made it clear that he is the messenger sent 'for the churches' in Revelation 22:16. He emphasised that the book of Revelation has come true, and he repeatedly urged people to listen and discern his message because Jesus has sent him to testify to the churches.

◆"No matter how stubborn you are, you cannot stop the Word of God. Let's get into the Word of God"
Chairman Lee encouraged guests to obey God's Word as God's Word must come true, and to not categorically reject it simply because it differs from one's own thoughts (such as the fulfilment of Revelation). He pointed out that one should not be trapped within the framework of the religious system and within one's own thinking. In fact, throughout the Bible, there are records of the chosen people not believing in God's work, and the results were disastrous. The reason that Chairman Lee emphasised the basic attitude of a believer to pastors is because he wanted to deliver his message with a sense of urgency.

Chairman Man-hee Lee concluded the seminar by saying, “I want to tell pastors everything I have seen and heard, from Revelation 1 to 22.” As much as the fulfilment of the book of Revelation was made known at this seminar, it is expected that the contents of this book will be announced in detail and a place will be prepared for it to be properly verified. As a “Let's check it out” atmosphere was formed after the seminar, the response from the church and interest in the subsequent seminars are gathering pace. 


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Shincheonji Church Chairman Man-hee Lee successfully completed the seminar for pastors

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