
Shincheonji Church Holds 5th 'Online Prayer Meeting for the Eradication of Covid-19'

At noon on Sunday 22nd August 2021, the entire congregation of Shincheonji Church of Jesus (Shincheonji Church) united in prayer for the eradication of Covid-19 at their fifth online prayer meeting. Prayers were said in unison for Covid patients and their loved ones, medical staff fighting on the frontlines, and for the entire global community.

Prior to the prayer meeting, Shincheonji Church posted on its website: "Let's pray earnestly for the restoration of a safe and healthy life as the cries of our hearts reach the heavens and God, who has control of all life and creation."

Prayers were also said for religious leaders of all faiths to look beyond their differences and unite under a common goal to overcome this pandemic. The presider of the prayer meeting said, "Given the global suffering resulting from Covid-19, we wish to break down the walls of division rooted in religious intolerance, and to urge people of faith to unite as one in prayer. I believe that the heavens will be moved."

The prayer meeting held by Shincheonji Church marked the fifth of its kind, with all prayer meetings having been held online and carried out in accordance with Covid regulations.


News Reports
브레이크뉴스-신천지예수교회 “전 성도 온라인 기도회 개최”
Shincheonji Church of Jesus “All Saints Online Prayer Meeting”

내외일보-신천지예수교회 22일 '코로나19 종식 기원 온라인 기도회 '개최', "벽을 허물고 종교인들이 하나 되어 기도하자"고 밝혀...
Shincheonji Church of Jesus held on online prayer meeting to pray for the cessation of Covid19 on the 22nd, and revealed, "Let's break down the walls and pray as believers unite..."

신천지예수교회, 제5회 코로나19 종식을 위한 전성도 온라인 기도회 개최
Shincheonji Church of Jesus Holds the 5th Online Prayer Meeting for All Saints to End Corona 19

신천지예수교회, 제5회 코로나19 종식을 위한 전성도 온라인 기도회 개최
Shincheonji Church of Jesus Holds the 5th Online Prayer Meeting for All Saints to End Corona 19

신천지, 제5회 코로나19 종식 위한 전신도 온라인 기도회 열어
Shincheonji, 5th telegraph online prayer meeting to end Corona 19

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