
What is the Biblical Significance of Jesus' Birth?

📰The Bible is one of the best-selling and most widely distributed books in history, yet it is also considered to be among the least understood. The Bible, which is referred to as the New Covenant and Promise of God, in which 'the way to heaven and salvation' is presented, differs in theologians' interpretations that make it difficult to understand. These differing interpretations have been the cause of the rise of denominations with each one establishing their own doctrine. With the increase in online church services and gatherings resulting from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there has been growing interest in the comparison of various church doctrine. This paper, therefore, attempts to provide readers with the opportunity to compare differing Biblical teachings without interpretation. Among a host of online sermons and Bible-based teachings, the contrasting doctrine between the established Church and Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which has drawn public interest throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, is hereby compared and summarised. Best efforts have been made to provide a summary of Shincheonji Church of Jesus' understanding of the Bible. Judgment as to what is right or wrong is left to the reader's discernment.

“Sin ended physical lineage and began a new spiritual era of people born of the seed of God”
Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony

After Adam sinned, God left creation, and has been working for 6000 years to recover all He lost. However, those who were born of the genes of the sinner, Adam, broke the covenant with God in every era.

For this reason, God promised a child born of His lineage, born of the (spiritual) seed of God - not of the seed of the sinner Adam - to resolve the problem of sin that could not be resolved through the Law of Moses. God planned a new thing to create a new kingdom and new people to live with.

About 2600 years ago, God came to the prophet Jeremiah and promised a new thing, the sowing of two kinds of seeds, and a new covenant. This prophecy in Jeremiah 31 of a new day when a woman embraces a man, was fulfilled by the virgin Mary who gave birth to a son, Jesus. It was ‘new’ because it was unprecedented to be conceived by the Holy Spirit from the body of a virgin who was not intimate with her husband.

Jesus is the Son of God, born of the seed of God’s Holy Spirit. It is also written that the seed is the word of God, so Jesus was born of the Word. God was with Jesus, the seed of the Word, and it was heaven on earth.

Since Adam's sin, people have been born of the genes of Adam, who ate the fruit of death, so people all return to the dust like Adam. God wanted man to be born again by sending Jesus, who himself was born as the seed of God. For this work of re-creation, the righteous blood of Jesus was shed blood upon the cross at the time of his first coming. Moreover, according to Jeremiah's promise, Jesus sowed God’s seed, which is the seed of the Word.

He said that the person who receives the word belongs to God and is re-born of God. Only those who are born again of this seed can become the sons of heaven, the children of God. But the Israelites, who had sinned, did not accept Jesus. Therefore, God gave the right to become a child of God to those living at the end of one era who received Jesus, believed in his name, and were born again. These are those who were born of God, not of blood, flesh, or human will. In addition, Jesus, who had sown the seed of God, promised to return to harvest through a new covenant, and left. God came to Jesus at the first coming to fulfil all three promises He had made through Jeremiah.

Jesus, who promised to return to harvest, has created the 12 tribes today by sealing those born of God's seed, as promised in Revelation 14 about 2000 years later. He promised to make those who have been harvested and sealed into God's new kingdom and new people, and he is doing that today.

The reality of the kingdom God prophesied in Jeremiah 31 that was fulfilled is Spiritual Israel that originated with Jesus at the first coming, and the reality of the kingdom fulfilled by harvesting the fruits of the seed sown in this Spiritual Israel is the 12 tribes of Spiritual New Israel at the time of the Second Coming. The 12 tribes that God created are God's children born of the seed of God. The new thing that God promised through the prophet Jeremiah, the sowing of the two kinds of seeds, and the new covenant are eventually fulfilled in their entirety in the book of Revelation.

"The one who was born of the seed of a man and woman
God came in a human body"
Presbyterian Church and Methodist Church

Pastor A of the Presbyterian Church
Jesus is from the house of Israel born of the bloodline of David's lineage. Jesus is from David's lineage. It is the seed of the person who inherited David's bloodline. Since a woman who did not have intimate relations with a man could not inherit David's bloodline through her own lineage, he is the one born of the seed of man in harmony with men and women. If the Virgin Mary, regardless of man’s seed, had the seed of the Holy Spirit in her body which then became a baby who was born as Jesus on Christmas, Jesus would not be able to become a descendant of David, and the Bible wouldn't need the genealogy of Jesus? Can we say that the genealogy of Jesus is God → Mary → Jesus?

Pastor B of the Methodist Church
The meaning of Christmas when Jesus was born is the day when the main characters of human history are replaced, according to Quist. The starting point between BC and AD is the birth of Jesus. Christmas is a commemorative day when the main characters of human history are made. Martin Luther said that Christmas is the day of the one who gave life, not the lawmaker. The law brings us condemnation and judgment. But Jesus came to give us life.

John Calvin said Christmas was the day when the king of heaven took office as king of the earth. Saint Gregory said that Christmas was the day when God showed us the human face of God. Jesus was God incarnate. However, we believe that he came to this earth in the form of a servant in flesh because he loves us. Jesus is God.

Christmas begins in Nazareth. Nazareth does not appear in any Israeli history book. It is an unknown neighbourhood. But the story of Christmas begins in Nazareth. The place name comes from the original Hebrew language called 'Nazar'. It means sprout stem. Would a small dowdy town sprout? In Isaiah 11:1, it is written that a shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse and a branch will bear fruit. At that time, both northern Israel and southern Judah were destroyed. At this time, the prophet Isaiah prophesied by the word of God. Isaiah was the one who delivered a message of hope that God would send the Messiah in due time.

Source: http://www.newscj.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=831859
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