
Shincheonji Plasma Donor Interview: “I Know How It Feels Waiting for a Cure to Covid-19”

3-time plasma donation by Byeong-gyu Song for cure and sequelae
“Recovered through Dedicated Medical Treatment”
“Saddened to hear of all the prejudice and misunderstandings of Shincheonji”

4-time plasma donation by So-yeon Kim
Red blood cell count controlled for donation
“Impressed by example set by blood plasma donors”
“Let's pray for an end to the Covid pandemic”

[Cheonji Ilbo = Reporter Won Min-eum] “Because I have experienced it myself, I know better than most how dangerous this novel coronavirus infection (Covid-19) is. I recovered through the dedication and commitment of medical staff. Now I have to give back what I have received.”

◆Three-time plasma donation by father of two, Mr. Byung-gyu Song 
44-year-old Byung-gyu Song who was diagnosed with coronavirus, is a member of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, which had its first infection in February 2020. 

Mr. Song, who donated his blood plasma - not once, but three times - said, "It's very encouraging to know that the blood from one patient can help humanity now suffering from the severe 
Covid-19 pandemic. I want to continue to donate as much as I can.”

He added, "I wish to become a proud citizen of the Republic of Korea who puts love into action, even if it's only a small gesture."

Mr. Song, who was infected with Covid-19 in February last year, went into isolation in March and returned home in April.

“Whenever the test result shifted between negative and positive, the psychological impact was severe."

With a shaky voice, he recalled his pain when a positive test result was confirmed. Mr. Song said, "Since both my wife and I were ill with Covid, it made family life very challenging."

The weight of the 44-year-old father, who had to take care of his (high-school) 
daughter and (middle-school) son was significantly impacted. 

◆Recollecting the pain undergoing several tests
Leaving his family behind, Mr. Song was quarantined at Samsung Yeongdeok Training Center (Temporary Life Therapy Center) located in the recreational forest of Mt. Chilbo in Yeongdeok district, Gyeongbuk province.

He also recalled the difficulty having to undergo repeated PCR tests every week, which looks for the genetic code 
(DNA) of a patient to determine whether one has contracted the virus. When collecting a sample, a cotton swab is inserted deep into one's nose.

Mr. Song said, "I stayed in hospital for around 40 days, taking a PCR 
(Covid-19) test once or twice a week. After taking the test on the fourth occasion, my nose began to bleed and my dryness worsened."

Mr. Song added, "the psychological pain of 
alternating between positive and negative results is difficult to express in words."

What made it even more punishing were the misunderstandings, prejudices and false accusations 
about Shincheonji Church by the public. Mr. Song recounted the unjust treatment he endured for his faith.

“My parents and all cousins knew that I lived a life of faith at Shincheonji Church. After hearing all the rumours about the church, 
they pressured me into leaving my life of faith many times. No matter how much they pressed me to give up my faith, I never gave in.”

◆“I have to give back what I have received - that is love”
Mr. Song said that while undergoing treatment, he also shed tears of sorrow after hearing of the experiences of fellow congregants at Shincheonji Church. Some church members were dismissed from their jobs merely because of their faith. He recalls his feelings at that time, saying, “I spent days of great sadness learning of the harsh circumstances they endured.”

Although he recovered
 6 weeks after going into quarantine, he was in fact not freed from the aftermath of Covid-19, as is the case for many 'recovered' patients. Mr. Song has since experienced hair loss, headaches, and chills.

There is one reason why, de
spite suffering the aftereffects of Covid-19 in an overly hostile anti-Shincheonji climate, Mr. Song went to hospital to donate blood plasma: “You have to give back what you have received - isn't that love?”

◆Mrs. So-yeon Kim, participant in the 4th plasma donation
There is another person who, like Mr. Song, volunteered as a blood plasma donor for the development of 
Covid-19 treatment: 44-year-old Mrs. So-yeon Kim (pseudonym), who recently completed her fourth blood plasma donation. Mrs. Kim, who is also a Shincheonji Church congregant, said, "I really wanted to participate and saw fellow believers who were in tears because they couldn't donate due to health issues."

"Although I donated 
blood plasma four times, making that decision wasn't easy", Mrs. Kim said. "Because of ongoing health issues and frequent hospital visits, I was in a dilemma before making that  step. Also, donating blood plasma was not possible on the weekend, so I had to take a day off work.

◆Diet plan m
anaged for plasma donation
"Before I began the first round of blood plasma donations, I was controlling my weight. In the first round, my red blood cell count was lower than required, so I couldn't donate. Luckily, the second additional test provided me with a baseline which enabled me to donate. After that, I stopped controlling my weight.”

She said that she was impressed by the way believers were gathered to donate their blood plasma. “It was a sight to behold seeing how the church gathered plasma donors and guided them to their time slots."

Mrs. Kim has been experiencing partial loss of smell and taste since April last year, when she had recovered. 

While being quarantined in a life treatment centre, she said, “At the health centre, there was no treatment other than going through test after test. It was really hard because I felt trapped. I thought about others who were suffering more than I, and I protected my heart and mind through prayer.”

◆“Return to the days when one could freely come and go”
“After I was discharged, I was grateful for the idea that I would no longer have to feel confined, and I realised what a blessing it was to be free. However, I worried about those who had not yet recovered.”

After recovering, Mrs. Kim was admitted out of the health centre, but had to adapt to many changes. She said, “I was very concerned about my family and acquaintances who were still recovering.”

Mrs. Kim often feels sad whenever she passes by Shincheonji Daegu Church, which is closed. Mrs. Kim is praying for a return to pre-Covid times as soon as possible so she can freely go back and forth to live out her life of faith.

“I am sorry to the residents of Daegu because a cluster outbreak occurred in Shincheonji Daegu Church. It is really unfortunate that there are people who think contrary to the facts, and I am praying about this because I believe the day will soon come when the truth about Shincheonji will be known to all.”

Global Media Reports on Shincheonji Church's Blood Plasma Donations

Initial donation by 500 recovered Daegu congregants, July 2020 (video at the end) 

Second donation by 1100 recovered Daegu congregants

Third donation by 4000 recovered Daegu congregants

From mid-2020, 231 reports published in 69 countries on intended 4000 donation 

Shincheonji Church's official response to all allegations:-

“This is our earnest request: please stop the cursing and hatred towards Shincheonji. And we ask some media outlets that are slandering and suppressing Shincheonji using unconfirmed information and fake news to stop immediately.” 
Official Statement by Shincheonji Church
Further Global News Reports on Shincheonji Church (COVID-19)
Lies regarding the Coronavirus about Shincheonji 신천지 (03/03/2020)

Quarantine Official: "Confirmed case of COVID-19 in Daegu had existed before ‘patient 31’" (Daum News 22/03/2020)

Quarantine Official: "Confirmed case of COVID-19 in Daegu had existed before ‘patient 31’" (Naver 22/03/2020)

Shincheonji Church of Jesus in S. Korea Responds To What It Believes Are Erroneous Media Reports (Cision PR Newswire, 01/03/2020) ▶https://prn.to/3hDu3uo

"Shincheonji didn't lie about membership figures." (The Korea Herald 17/03/2020)

'Shincheonji members who survived COVID-19 volunteer en masse to aid vaccine development' (Religion News Service 26/06/2020)▶https://religionnews.com/2020/06/26/shincheonji-members-who-survived-covid-19-volunteer-en-masse-to-aid-vaccine-development/

South Korea church hit by COVID-19 says members to give plasma for research (Today Online 23/06/2020)▶https://bit.ly/3dxDTup

South Korea church hit by COVID-19 says members to give plasma for research (Jakarta Post 24/06/2020)▶https://bit.ly/2CBY5if

Official COVID-19 Response by Shincheonji Church of Jesus

•0307 Chairman Man Hee Lee asks "all congregants to fully cooperate for disease control" in a special announcement

•0302 Statement at Press Conference of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Regarding COVID-19

•0302 Regarding COVID-19 Testing of Chairman Lee, Man-hee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus

•0301 Letter of Appeal to Political Leaders

•0228 Letter of Appeal from Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Regards to COVID-19

•0226 Shincheonji Church of Jesus Provided a List of All Members to Public Health Authorities

•0223 Statement of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Regarding COVID-19

•0222 Over 1000 Shincheonji Church of Jesus Locations Disinfected and Closed Down in Korea

•0221 Shincheonji Church of Jesus Closed Down Its Churches and Affiliated Buildings from 18 Feb

•0220 Statement of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Regarding COVID-19 Countermeasures and Fake News

•0219 Statement of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Regarding the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

•0218 Notice on the Worship Service of Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Regards to COVID-19

COVID-19/Fact Checker: Q&A on Shincheonji Church of Jesus Regarding the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Personal Blog 
500 cured congregation members of Shincheonji Daegu Church Donate Blood Plasma

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