
Detailed "Not Guilty" Verdict on Shincheonji Church's Chairman Man-Hee Lee

Nowadays, there is mass infection in Gwangju and there have been several outbreaks across Protestant churches which still maintain on holding in-person worship services. Shincheoni Church of Jesus, however, shut their doors immediately after their first confirmed case in Daegu on 18th February 2020, and have continued to do so, which is why there have been no confirmed cases since April 2nd 2020.
On 13th January 2021, Suwon District Court delivered their verdict on Shincheonji Church of Jesus' Chairman Man-Hee Lee for charges related to violation of COVID-19 Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act in the Republic of Korea. The verdict given was 'not guilty'. Many people are wondering why. Writing this blog triggered a memory of Chairman Lee apologetically bowing twice before the media and people of Korea. What follows is the verdict.

1. Verdict on Charge of Omitting Data When Submitting Status of Shincheonji Church's facilities: 'Not Guilty'
Korea's Central Disease Control Headquarters (hereinafter referred to as the CDCH) did not request the personal information of Shincheonji Church members who tested positive or their places of occurrence, but for a list of all Shincheonji Church facilities and members, regardless of whether infected.
The request for the status of facilities and submission of a full list of congregants does not constitute an epidemiological investigation. Therefore, the charge for violating the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act resulted in 'not guilty.'

- Verdict on Charge for Obstruction and Falsification of Government Investigations: 'Not Guilty'
As shown above, the request for submission of the status of Shincheonji Church facilities neither constitutes an epidemiological investigation nor falls within the scope of 'request to provide information' stated within Article 76-2 of the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act. According to official CDCH documentation, the types of facilities requested for submission, together with related deadlines, were not specified. Regardless, Shincheonji Church submitted data on three separate occasions to comply with the given request. Omission of data, therefore, cannot be considered as obstruction to official investigations. The resulting verdict was 'not guilty'.

2. Verdict on Charge of Omission in Submitting a List of Congregation Members: 'Not Guilty'
- *Obstruction and Falsification of Government Investigations: 'Not Guilty'
Public officials from the CDMH (Central Disaster Management Headquarters) and the CDCH also testified that Shincheonji Church "actively cooperated" with data submission and provided it as quickly as possible upon the request of health authorities.
Therefore, there is no evidence to acknowledge a violation of government investigations, so the given verdict was 'not guilty.'
(*includes misunderstandings, falsification or ignorance)

3. Verdict on Charge of Violating the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act on Epidemic Control Measures: 'Not Guilty'
Epidemic control measures of the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act Article 47-1 is subject to "places where patients with an infectious disease are present" or "places deemed infected by the pathogen of an infectious disease." Yet there is no evidence that the sites met these equivalents. Therefore, the legality of closure measures taken cannot be acknowledged. As there was no violation of the Act, the resulting verdict was 'not guilty.'
[Notice] Regarding the Trial of Shincheonji Daegu Church
On 3 February, the Daegu District Court acquitted Shincheonji Daegu Church on charges of violating the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act.

Shincheonji Daegu Church respects the court’s decision and wishes to sincerely apologize and comfort the local residents who have been affected by COVID-19.

Although there was a large scale outbreak that lasted for a month and a half from 18 February 2020, there have been zero additional confirmed patients as of 2 April 2020 until today.

This was possible due to the close cooperation between the quarantine authorities, medical staff, and residents.

A total of 3,741 congregation members participated in three group blood plasma donations and learned that the only way to overcome COVID-19 is through inclusivity, love, and unity.

Regardless of the outcome of the trial, Shincheonji Daegu Church will continue to take responsibility in matters regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and promises to contribute to society and the eradication of COVID-19.


Global Media Reports on Shincheonji Church's Blood Plasma Donations

Initial donation by 500 recovered Daegu congregants, July 2020 (video at the end) 

Second donation by 1100 recovered Daegu congregants

Third donation by 4000 recovered Daegu congregants

From mid-2020, 231 reports published in 69 countries on intended 4000 donation 

Shincheonji Church's official response to all allegations:-

“This is our earnest request: please stop the cursing and hatred towards Shincheonji. And we ask some media outlets that are slandering and suppressing Shincheonji using unconfirmed information and fake news to stop immediately.” 
Official Statement by Shincheonji Church
Further Global News Reports on Shincheonji Church (COVID-19)
Lies regarding the Coronavirus about Shincheonji 신천지 (03/03/2020)

Quarantine Official: "Confirmed case of COVID-19 in Daegu had existed before ‘patient 31’" (Daum News 22/03/2020)

Quarantine Official: "Confirmed case of COVID-19 in Daegu had existed before ‘patient 31’" (Naver 22/03/2020)

Shincheonji Church of Jesus in S. Korea Responds To What It Believes Are Erroneous Media Reports (Cision PR Newswire, 01/03/2020) ▶https://prn.to/3hDu3uo

"Shincheonji didn't lie about membership figures." (The Korea Herald 17/03/2020)

'Shincheonji members who survived COVID-19 volunteer en masse to aid vaccine development' (Religion News Service 26/06/2020)▶https://religionnews.com/2020/06/26/shincheonji-members-who-survived-covid-19-volunteer-en-masse-to-aid-vaccine-development/

South Korea church hit by COVID-19 says members to give plasma for research (Today Online 23/06/2020)▶https://bit.ly/3dxDTup

South Korea church hit by COVID-19 says members to give plasma for research (Jakarta Post 24/06/2020)▶https://bit.ly/2CBY5if

Official COVID-19 Response by Shincheonji Church of Jesus

•0307 Chairman Man Hee Lee asks "all congregants to fully cooperate for disease control" in a special announcement

•0302 Statement at Press Conference of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Regarding COVID-19

•0302 Regarding COVID-19 Testing of Chairman Lee, Man-hee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus

•0301 Letter of Appeal to Political Leaders

•0228 Letter of Appeal from Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Regards to COVID-19

•0226 Shincheonji Church of Jesus Provided a List of All Members to Public Health Authorities

•0223 Statement of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Regarding COVID-19

•0222 Over 1000 Shincheonji Church of Jesus Locations Disinfected and Closed Down in Korea

•0221 Shincheonji Church of Jesus Closed Down Its Churches and Affiliated Buildings from 18 Feb

•0220 Statement of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Regarding COVID-19 Countermeasures and Fake News

•0219 Statement of Shincheonji Church of Jesus Regarding the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

•0218 Notice on the Worship Service of Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Regards to COVID-19

COVID-19/Fact Checker: Q&A on Shincheonji Church of Jesus Regarding the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Personal Blog 
500 cured congregation members of Shincheonji Daegu Church Donate Blood Plasma


  1. Hi Noah, I was following the story quite obsessively, maybe to an unhealthy degree. Got bored in lockdown maybe. Sorry, I wanted to ask about the other charges unrelated to the pandemic. Do you have any opinion regarding that?

    1. Hi Andrew,
      Thanks for your message and ongoing interest. The truth regarding all non-covid related charges will soon be revealed through the ongoing trial. Here is perhaps the most authoritative source on the ongoing trial for your reading: https://bitterwinter.org/chairman-lees-embezzlement-of-fund/

      Have a good day.

  2. Sincheonji Church's acquittal seems natural.
    Thank you for this article.

  3. I want people to be more interested in the outcome than the trial.

  4. At a time when there were no restrictions on religious life, a confirmed case of Corona occurred at Daegu Church. I know they didn't break the law, and they were also victims.
    Given that there have been no Korona infections at the Shincheonji Church since April 2, it seems that they have followed the quarantine rules better than any other group.
    They were also deeply impressed by their plasma donation. I'll keep an eye on you:)

  5. So it turned out to be not guilty despite all the political scapegoating. Claps for the judges’ judgement on this case.

  6. In fact, I thought Shincheonji Church would be convicted. But it's innocent. If there is any misunderstanding, I hope it goes well.

  7. I am glad that they have been acquitted and hope that they continue to be blessed! God is with them

  8. Shincheonji was a reversal. Even though it is innocent, Protestants somehow deny the truth and can't eat it.

  9. I think the outcome of the trial is a wise decision.
    Various circumstances have been considered, and Shincheonji's actions so far deserve to be acquitted.

  10. I thought shincheonji church was responsible for the spread of virus in Daegu but I’m suprised to know the outcome of the trial. I apologize for my prejudice.
