An Overview of Deuteronomy

by - 19:45

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live (Deuteronomy 30:19)

The Holy Bible is a Christian scripture respected by about 2.3 billion people, which is 29% of the global population. Today, the Bible has been distributed to some six billion people - 80% of humanity. Yet the paradox is that, although being the best-selling book year-on-year, it is considered among the least readable. Deuteronomy is the fifth of the 66 books of the Bible which God's prophet, Moses, recorded 3500 years ago. Let's take a look at the fifth of the 39 books of the Old Testament.

Deuteronomy means 'repeated law'.

Deuteronomy is the last of the five books recorded by Moses. The background context is the Israelites' 40-year journey through the wilderness under Moses, on their way to the promised land of Canaan. In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses recited the words of a song ('The song of Moses') where he predicted the betrayal of God's people in spite of everything God had done to save them. The location of the events recorded in Deuteronomy is the Moab Plain on the east side of the Jordan at the border of Canaan.

Blessings and Curses
The book of Deuteronomy underlines core teachings such as worshipping the only one true God. It also describes in detail the blessings for keeping the words of the law and the curses for breaking them (Deut 28). The reward for keeping the law is an abundance of blessings (Deut 28:1-14) while breaking it leads to curses including being defeated by the enemy and dispersing in seven directions (Deut 28:15-68).

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