“The Promised Prophecy and Fulfillment of God and Jesus” (Shincheonji Church of Jesus)

by - 17:17

#Shincheonji #Openbible #Beliefs #sin #fulfillment #God #Harvest  
As a congregation member of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, I am very fortunate to receive the true word of the Bible from chairman Man Hee Lee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus who writes articles daily to feed the hearts and minds of believers whose sole hope is for heaven and eternal life, as God and Jesus promised in the Bible. 

Here I share with you one of Chairman Lee's most recent articles entitled “The Promised Prophecy and Fulfillment of God and Jesus.” Chairman Lee explains how what God purposed 2600 years ago at the time of the prophet Jeremiah is finally fulfilled today at the second coming. The Bible is filled with promises God made that were later fulfilled at an appointed time. Similarly, the promises made by Jesus Christ recorded in the four Gospels and book of Revelation of the New Testament 2000 years ago were made so that when they are fulfilled people who profess to follow the Bible would believe. This is why Jesus said, "I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe" (Jn 14:29).

You will find Chairman Lee's original writing in Korean as he is from South Korea, which is the place where the promised events recorded in the book of Revelation began to be fufilled. 

하나님과 예수님의 약속한 예언과 실천 
The Promised Prophecy and Fulfillment of God and Jesus 

하나님이 구약 선지자들로 예언하신 것을 예수님이 초림으로 이루셨고(요 19:30), 구약을 이루신 예수님은 또 장래 일을 예언하셨고, 재림으로 그 예언(신약)을 다 이루셨다(계 21:6). 
What God prophesied through the Old Testament, He fulfilled through Jesus at the First Coming (Jn 19:30). Jesus, who fulfilled the Old Testament, prophesied future events and is fulfilling all those prophecies (of the New Testament) at the Second Coming (Rv 21:6). 

약속하신 내용은 어떤 것인가? 또 하나님의 목적과 뜻은 무엇인가? 
What is God’s promise about? And what is His will and purpose? 

약속하신 내용은 육적 이스라엘과 영적 이스라엘을 끝내는 것이었다(마 8:12). 뜻하신 목적은 구약에서부터 예언하신(렘 31장) 하나님의 씨를 뿌리는 것(마 13장)과 뿌린 씨의 익은 열매를 추수하여 인쳐서 하나님의 새 나라 새 민족 12지파를 창조하시는 것이었다(계 7장, 14장). ‘주여 주여’ 한다고 해서 천국에 다 들어가는 것은 아니며, 다만 하나님의 뜻대로 한 자가 들어가게 된다(마 7:21). 
The promise was to end Physical Israel and Spiritual Israel (Mt 8:12). God's purpose and will was to sow His seed (Mt 13) that he prophesied in the Old Testament (Jer 31), to harvest the fruits from the seed that He had sown, to seal those fruits, and to create the 12 tribes of God's new kingdom and new people (Rv 7, 14). Just saying "Lord, Lord" will not allow one to enter the kingdom of heaven; only those who do the will of God will enter (Mt 7:21). 

현 지상의 기독교인들을 보자. 구약과 신약의 성경의 뜻을 아는 지식이 있는가? 마치 죽은 자 같고, 소경, 귀먹은 자와 같지 않은가? 해서 하나님이 약속하시고 이루어도 알지 못하고, 자기들이 좋아하는 악과 핍박을 무기와 진리로 삼고 있지 않은가? 
Let's take a look at the Christians today. Do they have knowledge of the meaning of the Old and New Testament of the Bible? Don't they look like the dead and like those who are blind and deaf? Even though God made promises and fulfilled them, they have no idea. They only use evil and persecution, which they love to use as their tools and teachings. Don’t you see this? 

하나님이 오셔도, 예수님이 오셔도, 신약을 이루었어도 아랑곳없다. 하나님의 씨로 난 자, 택함 받은 자는 위의 사실을 들으면 눈이 번쩍 떠지고 가슴이 뛸 것이다. 그리고 성경으로 확인할 것이다. 
They have no interest, even though God and Jesus came and fulfilled the New Testament. When those people become reborn by God’s seed and chosen by Him to hear this, their eyes will be opened wide and their hearts will flutter. And they will verify fulfillment based on the Bible. 

나는 오늘날 예수님이 교회들에게 내가 보고 들은 것(계시록 전장 사건)을 증거하라고 보낸 사자이다(계 22:8, 16). 
I am the messenger sent by Jesus to the churches today. I was sent to testify to everything I saw and heard (all the events of Revelation) (Rv 22:8, 16). 

심판대 앞에서 이 말을 듣지 못했다 핑계하지 못할 것이다. 추수와 인치는 일과 12지파 창조에 대해 말이다. 
No one can make excuses for not hearing this word before God's judgment seat—this word about the work of harvest, sealing, and creation of the 12 tribes. 

★If you would like to register for online study of the Bible at Shincheonji Church of Jesus, you can register here
Bible Study Reference Number: 061102

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